5) Forcing?

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Arjun Pov

"Mom you said you'll not force me" I bursted at her as soon as we reached home.

This can't be happening! I can't get tied down with one girl for my whole life. I can't imagine running around like a lost puppy and she controlling me. Though seeing my parents makes me feel true love exists in the world, but again recalling what happened four years ago, I simply cannot let girls in my life again.

"Mind your voice son" dad snapped angrily as he settled on the couch beside mom. I sat across them on the sofa, giving my best glare.

"Mom, you can't do this" I said in my cold tone.

"Your cold tone may scare all your one night stands but we're your parents. Don't you ever think you can scare us" this time it was mom. She was bursting like a volcano and I have never seen her like this before.

Damn! How did she even come to know about my night stands?

No one in this world knows about it except Gautam. If he's the one behind this, I'll forget that he's my friend.

I stromed out of my parent's home and went to my apartment, texting that bastard to meet me at my house.

It was a half an hour ride and I saw his car parked. I went to my house only to see him sipping his orange juice, sitting on the sofa and watching some random show on TV.

"Did you do that?" I asked in my cold tone and I snatched the remote from his hand and switched off the TV. I slammed the remote hard in the floor and it broke into pieces.

But that guy, he simply smirked at me and continued sipping his juice. The hell!

"Care to answer?" I asked in a polite tone as I sat across him.

"Well, hello to you too" he said.

"Cut the crap and tell me, is you the one who told me about my night stands to my parents?" I narrowed my eyes at him and looked at him intimidating him.

"Who else?" That's it, I lost my temper.

I pulled him by his collar and the juice glass fell on the floor. He held my hand tightly and warning with his eyes to take my hands away.

"Why the hell did you do that?" I asked, controlling my inner beast from punching him. Though he might be a childhood friend of mine or should I say the only friend of mine apart from Vivan, my cousin, what he did today was atrocious.

"Speak up you butthole" I cursed him and all he did was smile.

"Don't make me punch you for real" I fisted my and and brought it close to his face when he spoke something which caught me off guard.

"You won't regret it"

Yamini Pov

"This can't be happening" I cried as Lekha hugged me.

"Shh dear, don't cry. Let's talk to your parents about it" Lekha consoled me.

"Here, have this" Shanaya forwarded a glass of water and I gulped in hungrily.

"I can't marry him" I declared it loud.

"Let's talk to aunt and uncle about this once the guests are out" Shanaya patted my head and I kept hugging Lekha who said softly things to soothe me.

Never in my wildest dreams I thought of marrying a guy and leave my parents.

In the evening, all the guests left my home and I was waiting to talk to my dad and mom.

We settled in the living room and Lekha and Shanaya were still there. Though their family left, they stayed with me and I'm thankful for that. I really need their support.

"Dad, you told me you won't force me" I almost cried. Lekha patted my shoulder and I blinked my eyes to control my tears.

"Oh dear" mom sat next to me and I hugged her tight.

"Deepak, I told you not to force her. Atleast you could have asked her permission" mom supported me. So I guess it was completely dad's decision.

"I know what I'm doing Rekha. Don't interfere" he said in an angry voice and that's the first time I saw him speaking so coldly against mom.

Mother's eyes were widened with sorrow reflecting in it but she soon masked it. I know this was the first time they are differing in opinions and I don't want them to fight.

They are the example of perfect couple and I always look upon on them. They both were my biggest support and my strong pillars. I love them so much that I don't and can't think of leaving them for any other man.

My dad has a weak heart and they hide it from me. They think I don't know this but I was aware of it since a long time. I was cleaning my dad's study room and that's when I saw a receipt of a hospital. I remembered we never went to this hospital earlier. My doubts grew as I saw my dad's name as the patient. I can't help but sneak into my parents room when they were not at home. I searched in their cupboard and I saw a hospital file. I went through it and couldn't understand anything.

So I simply took a pic of it and asked one of my friend to explain it to me. What she told me almost took my breath away. My dad has a weak heart and already had heart attack once. I was so shocked in hearing it that I broke down completely.

I can't imagine my life without them. My dad was always my back bone. He encouraged me like no one did and he's my biggest inspiration. I decided to ask them about it but again I thought that if they hid it from me, they must have some reason behind it. I didn't want to make them uncomfortable. So I let them take their time to reveal it.

I was brought back form my thoughts when I heard the heated argument between mom and dad.

"You can't do this to her Deepak" mom shouted, holding my shoulder.

"She's my daughter and I know what's best for her. She has to get married to this guy and I don't care about anything else" dad said angrily.

"But, you're forcing her. What if she doesn't like that guy? It's her who's gonna live with that guy. She has the right to choose he life partner and you can't impose your decisions on her" she stood up, accusing dad. I pulled her back to make her sit bit she pushed my hand.

"I don't care about anything. She has to do this and that's it. No more arguments on this" he said and walked to his study room.

He looked at me one last time and I saw guilt in it. He didn't say anything but just went away.

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