26) Claim

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Arjun Pov

I groaned in my sleep hearing my phone ringing on the night stand beside my bed. It better be important.

"Hello" I answer with my eyes still closed.

"Good morning sir. Yamini mam has just left her house with her parents. She's going to take them across Mumbai and she's taken three days leave from Shayam Fashions" It was my private investigator.

My eyes opened wide at the sound of Yamini. I can't get her out of my head. She is still stuck in my brain until I can't sleep last night thinking about her. She's totally in my system and there's no denial in it.

"Ok, keep following her and make sure she, aunt and uncle are safe. Also report to me every now and then" I hung up the phone. It's already 10 and no wonder they are strolling around the city already.

I was supposed to board a flight back to Chennai since I have an important meeting but it's clearly not in me to let Yamini work here with Shayam when all he wants was her. I won't let anyone lay his hands on her hair.

I decided to stay here till she forgives me. I already apologized to her yesterday at the party. I know I was a jerk to call her names when there's nothing she can do about anything happened. I truly apologized but as expected she turned me down. I mean, I don't blame her but myself. She's right in her place and I know I'll have to work hard to earn her forgiveness and trust me, I'll do it without any second thought.

I stripped down and turned on the cold shower, letting myself drown. My thoughts drifted back to the kiss we shared yesterday. She was so beautiful last night. She took my breath away the moment she entered. It was completely shocking for me to see her there. I was holding myself so much but I lost it seeing her dance with Shayam.

Her lips were so soft, softer than I ever imagined it to me. I felt sparks in my body when I kissed her. She gave the warm feeling which no other women ever gave, not even Shruti. I loved Shruti with all my bones in my body but her betrayal left me in darkness. To overcome it, I started playing and sleeping around.

I know no one will believe me if I say I'm a soft guy but that's what I am. Her betrayal made me feel low and the thought of being used again sacred me to shit. I made my heart a steel and always behaved rudely with everyone cause girls come to me either for my looks or money. Once they are done with their job, they don't give a fuck.

I thought of acting cold towards Yamini too, thinking she'll also be one of them but she proved me wrong. She had my back everytime and soon became my very good friend. She understood me like no one else and I was stupid to not see that. I was a fool but this time I'm not one. I'll cherish her like no one else in the world. I'll prove her I'm worth her forgiveness.

Drinking a glass of juice my cook made, I rushed to my car ignoring my mom calling me.

"I'll call you later mom, something important came up" I rushed outside my house in Mumbai and took a car from the garage. Calling up my investigator to know where they are, I drove to the gateway of India quickly. Pulling over on the side of the road, I went inside looking for her.

The place was quite crowded for the fact that it's Sunday. I glanced around until a chuckle left my lips seeing Yamini posing for the camera sticking her tongue out. I took my phone out and snapped a pic of her.

"Hello aunty" I smiled at her mom and dad.

"Hey! Fancy seeing you here"

"More like stalker" Yamini murmured at the side and I winked at her. She gestured a fist and I smirked.

"I had a meeting at Taj. Saw you guys here, so thought why not join you all" I said.

"No thanks, we are comfortable here. We don't want anyone accompanying us" she said quickly and that made me giggle silently.

"Yami, don't be so rude" uncle wanted her and she stuck her tongue out. It's so amazing to see her serious and funny the next moment.

"So why don't we go on a boat ride?" I asked them after they are done with clicking pictures.

"Oh yes! Let's go! I'm so excited" aunty squealed as she dragged uncle to the sea side.

"Yami, you go with him. I'll go with your dad" she winked before age and uncle climbed on the boat.

"Mom, no! Wait" she shouted but uncle and aunt didn't seam to notice. I laughed hard, holding my stomach.

"So, let's go" I pulled her and brought us a ticket.

"No, I don't want to go with you. I'll go alone" she protested and walked away.

"But the minimum number of people for a boat is two. You can't ride one alone baby" I smirked.

"I don't care, I'll go with someone else" she said and walked to the guy who was clicking pictures of the sea and the boats.

"Hey! I'm..." I didn't let her finish. I picked her up and put her in my shoulder.

"Arjun!" She shouted, causing people to look at us.

"So cute"

"Omg! He is Arjun!"

"They are back together!"

"They are so sweet!" People around started squealing and clicking pictures of us.

"Arjun, don't awaken the angry tigress in me. Put me down now" she roared but like always I ignored her and got in the boat. I made her sit on the side and quickly rowed the boat away from the shore so that she can't escape.

"You idiot! How can you pick me up like that?" She busted and I just smirked. I pulled her close and now she's on my lap. Her eyes widened and she struggled to get out of my lap. I held her tightly and made her sit comfortably on my lap.

"What do you expect me to do? Let you go with that guy? In my dreams! I have to claim mine before anyone snatches it away" I whispered in her ears and she froze.

Hey lovelies!
Please help me in getting reads and votes. Give a shout out in your account or book and I'll dedicate a chapter to you.. please do tag me wherever you are giving a shout-out.

Have a great evening!

Love, Menaka

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