38) Always mine

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Arjun Pov


That was the only word which came out of my mouth when I saw Shruti standing in front of me after five years. I felt my blood boiling in my body and my fist urging me to punch her. How dare she!?

She was looking shocked too. Her eyes widened and she clutched her arm tightly. I swear I would have slapped her if she wasn't a woman and this place wasn't Yamini's office.

"What are you doing here?" I asked in my cold tone. She flinched and moved backwards.

"Mumma, who's this?" A sweet voice came from a cute girl beside her. It took me a second to realise it's that bitch's child. I wonder how she got a cute child like her. Her daughter was beautiful and when she looked at me, fear was evident in her eyes. Maybe the cold tone of mine affected her too. I smiled at her and she was looking a bit hesitant. She eventually smiled at me and it was so much cute.

"It's her birthday next week. I'm here to place an order for her birthday dress" Shruti said and my cold tone is back again.

"You are here to create a trouble again, aren't you?" I yelled even though I know people around are watching us. Yamini held my arm tightly.

"Arjun, calm down" she patted my arm.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know it's your office" she said shuttering.

"It's my finace's office. How dare you even step in?" I yelled.

"Arjun, stop it. You're scaring her" Yamini pointed at the little girl and I sighed.

"Take her to a room" I told to her assistant and the little girl was taken by her.

"Please come inside Arjun" she pulled me to her cabin back and Shruti followed us without questioning. I'll rip her head off her body if she's here to place the sick game again.

"Speak up" I barked as soon as Yamini shut the door behind us.

"I told you, I'm here for my daughter's.." I cut her off.

"Do you think I'll believe you? Just spill why are you here?" I yelled. Yamini probably would have come to know she's Shruti, my ex.  I found her clinging to my arm, rubbing my back to calm me down. Passing a weak smile, I glared at bitch standing in front of me.

"I swear, I'm here for my daughter"

"Why here? Didn't you find any other shop?" I yelled. Out of anger, I punched the desk and my knuckles hurt.

"Arjun, calm down" Yamini pulled me to the chair and made me sit there. She stood beside me and carefully pressed my knuckles. Blowing air over it, she soothes the pain.

"Ar... Arjun" Shruti came forward but my one deadly glare stopped her at her place. She backed off and I smirked.

"If you are here only for your daughter's dress, then you may leave. She's not going to take the order" I pointed at Yamini and Shruti's face fell. I'm not a fool to be moved by it. I have experienced enough and that's the limit. I'm no more the same blockhead who'll fall for her, a bitch like her.

"You may leave. Which part of my English don't you understand?" I shouted. I was completely frustrated seeing her here. My whole mood dropped and I'm completely pissed now. Why does she have to come again. If there's any person I loathe in this entire world then it's her. I don't and can't stand being next to her. It makes my nerves furious.

"Go away miss, please" Yamini said.

"Please let me talk to him for a second" she pleaded. Yamini nodded and that was unexpected. She was walking outside and I noticed her sad face. I pulled Yamini back holding her wrist.

"Where the hell are you going? Shruti, just get lost. There's nothing to talk about. I tried finding you to sue you but you are lucky you were out of my radar till now. Since you're here again, let's meet at the court. Now fuck off" I said in my cold tone.

"No, wait. Listen to me" she begged. Panic was clearly visible in her face along with fear. I smirked.

"I'm sorry for whatever happened. I truly loved you but you didn't give me enough" she said and that got me bad.

"What the hell do you mean by you didn't give me enough?" I shouted in rage.

"You were never into me as much as he was, Kiran. He's my husband now. When we were in the relationship, I was never happy. You were sticking by my side often which made me suffocating. You never gave me my personal space. I wanted you to place me in a silver plate but all you did was get me a flower and a chocolate. You weren't..." She was cut by Yamini.

"Shut up. Don't you dare to open your mouth. I don't like insulting anyone but you have crossed your limits. Moreover he's my fiance. Just get lost and yes, I can't do the dress. Meet you soon, in the court" she said furiously pointing at the door.

Shruti didn't speak anything but left silently. Thank god! Otherwise I didn't know what I would have done. My mood is completely off and I can't concentrate on anything.

Suddenly Yamini hugged me tight. She patted my back and I calmed down.

"She's a bitch. All a girl wants is their boy's time and I'm glad I found the right one. I love you the way you are. You're perfect babe. Don't let this bitch affect you again. We'll sue her like you wish. Now calm down" she said. I broke the hug and kissed her deeply. She has no clue how much that made me feel amazing. I was blind to date a bitch like her. Gosh! I must have really been blind.

"Now get going to office. I'll come there at seven and we'll go for dinner" she kissed my cheek and I smiled.

"You're always mine babe. I love you" I kissed her forehead.

"Always yours"

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