37) Clingy

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Yamini Pov

"Yes please" I said to my assistant.

"Which colour Yamini?" She asked.

"Blue code 2274" she nodded and walked away.

"Please make sure her parcel is delivered before tomorrow. She has to go to the event the day after" I spoke when she walked out. She nodded and gave me a thumbs up.

I still have five assignments to work on and a few meetings to get new orders. The show was a grand success and I was so happy. I never thought I'll get so much recognition after the show. I really have to thank my team. They did a marvellous job and we are here, after almost ten months of the show, holding so many contracts with important buisness men all over the country.

Regarding Shanaya, I understood her dad was cheated by his buisness partners and they are left with literally no money now. I couldn't do anything for her and I cried over my helplessness. Arjun approached to help her by signing a new contract but she refused saying she'll not be able to put forth her share of money. Even though Arjun said he'll do it, she didn't want his help. She's determined to work for a few years till she earns some money and will later start her own company from the stratch. I'm so proud of her. I wish her all the luck in the world. And her twin siblings, they are in my house. My parents took complete control over all their expenses and their accomodations since her dad is in the hospital and she's constantly working. So my parents bore their educational and academic fees after a lot of arguments and explanations. I love them both so much.

My office phone rang and I immediately picker it up.

"Hello, is this passion for fashion?"

"Yes, this is Yamini speaking" I said.

"Yes, I'm Shruti Kiran speaking. I want a dress made for my daughter on her birthday, which is in a week. Will you be able to deliver it before that?"

I thought for a second. Though it's tough to do it within a week, it's not polite to reject offers. I don't mind working my ass off.

"Yes sure, we'll do it before the given time" I said confidently.

"Great then. So shall I come to your office to discuss the further details?"

"Oh yes, sure. It'll be nice if you can make it before four thirty in the evening" I said politely.

"Ok, I'll be there along with my daughter. Thank you"

"You're welcome miss" I hung up the phone.

I called my assistant and told her about the new order. She freaked out hearing the time but I convinced her. The time flew and it's already three. I kept working without bothering to eat lunch. Suddenly my cabin door opened and Arjun came in with his famous smile.

"How's my girl doing?" I squealed and stood up from my chair. I ran to him and hugged him tightly. He chuckled and hugged me back, kissing my head. We stayed like that for sometime and I pulled away.

"How come you're here?" It's his office time and he's here now?

"I know that my girlfriend is skipping lunch as usual. I have to check on her or else she might fall sick" he said dramatically and I chuckled. He smacked my head playfully and pulled me to the couch near my desk.

"Here, eat up" he said, pulling a cover from his bag. I opened it to see my favourite pizza from the shop right at the street corner. He knows I was craving to eat it but since it was junk, I kept avoiding it. I squealed in excitement and kissed his cheeks.

"Eat" he said and I didn't have to be told twice. I was starving and ate the whole pizza like a hungry lion. He chuckled seeing my hurry and patted my back while I coughed.

"Thanks" I kissed his cheeks again, after finishing it up.

"Here" he handed me a coffee along with white rose. Wow! I smelled the rise and it lifted my mood like anything.

"You know, you're the best boyfriend ever. Gosh! I love you so much" I pull him by his tie and crashed my lips over his. He slipped his hands to the side of my waist, pulling me to his lap. I kissed him passionately and it later for a while till his phone rang. He groaned and picked up the call.

"Yes, ok" he hung up and I know it's something related to work.

"Let's go on a date tonight" he said and I smiled widely. We both rarely get time for eachother since I was busy with my company and he's busy with his work abroad. He's setting up another branch in Dubai and a new base in France. That kept him going abroad atleast once in a week and I miss him so much. I immediately nodded.

Hi pulled me into a tight hug.

"Gosh! I miss this. Please be with me all the time" he whined like a kid. I chuckled and hugged him back tightly.

"I love you, you annoying man"

"No, you didn't say that" he said.

"Oh yes, it's true though"

"No, I'm not annoying"

"Yes, you are"

"How come? Still there are so many girls out there falling for my feet. Do you still think I'm annoying?" He said. I smacked his back hard and he groaned. I released from the hug glaring at him, while he was looking at me with amused expression.

"Don't make my stratch their faces with my nails" I pointed my nails at him and he chuckled.

"That's like my girl" he kissed my cheek and I know where this is heading to. Taking the remote, I locked my cabin door and pulled down the windows. He chuckled and we are back to the couch.

"Go" I pushed his but he didn't budge. It's almost an hour and still he's so touchy and clingy. Not that I mind but we have work. Pulling me to his lap again, he kissed my neck. Sucking my soft part, he pulled down the strap if my dress. He kissed my bare shoulder while squeezing my waist. I let out a moan and that only encouraged him. Getting back my senses, I pushed him harder and stood up from his lap adjusting my hair and dress.

"Get out now, work is calling you" I said, after hearing his phone ringing. It's definitely his PA.

"No, I don't want to go. Work always keeps us busy and I miss this" he came to me and kissed my lips. I kissed him back with the same passion.

"Get back now Arjun. We are going on a date tonight anyways" I said. He groaned and nodded. I don't want him to lose all that he earned out of his hard work for all these years for a newly found feelings.

"Ok, whatever. Give me a last kiss" he said, kissing the hickey on my neck. He gave me various hickeys on my neck during our make out. I should hide it with a concealee.

"Arjun, stop" I pushed him. I kissed him on his lips and pulled away.

"You look so tempting my girlfriend" he said smirking and I know his talking about my hickeys. I blushed, though I tried not to.

"Go now, you got your kiss" I said, pointing at the door.

"Don't hide this babe. It makes men stay away from you" he smirked.

"You wish" I said, walking to my desk. Pulling out a concealer from my bag, I started to apply on it.

"Should I help you baby?" I kicked his leg and he groaned.

"Don't make me break your arm" I hissed and he rubbed his leg where I kicked.

He got another call and this time he picked it up.

"Yea, heading back there. Don't be an asshole Vivan. Just handle them, I'll be back within ten. Ok, bye" he hung up.


"Go now, let's meet at eight. I'll select the place this time" he nodded. Kissing me once again he walked out and just then a woman entered the floor from the lift.

"Shruti" Arjun gasped beside me.

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