16) Gone

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Yamini Pov

I silently went out of my room only to be greeted by no one. Ok! This is the perfect time Yamini! Hurry up and do it!

I encouraged myself and went to the dining table, taking a good of water and gulping it down. I walked up to my room and tears are continuously flowing down. I don't want to do this, but I am left with no other choice. I have had enough since this marriage issue came up. I tried to handle it in a calm way but everything is turning against me.

I genuinely don't want to marry, atleast not now, knowing my father's health condition. I want him to get operated and only after knowing he is healthy I'll think of my marriage. I befriended Arjun. He was very understanding but I never knew he'll call me slut and whore just because of this, which is not even my mistake. Lekha and Shanaya recommended Siddharth for this plan and I had no other choice left. I kinda had this weird feeling and yes, I was right.

That bastard, he has the audacity to ask money and house from Arjun. He was already burning in anger and the way Siddharth reacted, just flared him up. I have had enough of this and the only way left is this.

Tears are continuously flowing down as I removed my bag from the cupboard and dumped my clothes on it. I never knew such a situation would come up where I'll have to run away to escape marriage, to escape from my strict parents. They were very understanding and now it all turned around.

I zipped my bag and took my phone out of my back pocket. Removing the clothes and all my other stuff, I locked the room behind and walked downstairs. I placed the letter I wrote on the dining table when I got a call saying that the cab I booked is waiting downstairs. I took a deep breath and walked out of the house.

I got into the cab and took one last look of my house before the cab drove off to the airport. I checked in my luggage and stepped into the flight. I know my parents and my friends will not be happy with this decision if running away without any notice. I know they'll be upset but my parents made me do it.

I was in my thoughts when the announcement was made that the flight is going to take off. I looked outside the window, mentally saying a goodbye to Chennai. Never did I think I'll have to runaway but what can change what's written in my destiny?

I felt my eyes getting heavy as I dozed off right away. I snapped my eyes wide open when I saw the air hostess waking me up. I thanked her and collected my luggage, walking to the entrance.

I looked around to see people busy in their work. Some working on their laptop, waiting for their flight while some are enjoying this coffee and some are reading the newspaper.

Mumbai, city of opportunities. I can't wait to explore the new city. I always had a dream to visit Mumbai and now I'm here. Though the situations aren't I imagined, but wait...Yamini, don't think about it. You are doing what you wanted to do since a long time. You are going to be working again without any tension and pressure like the past months in your life. This is freedom and whatever happens is for your good. Cheer up! I encouraged myself and plasted a smile on my face. I can't wait for working for my own living.

Soon my fake plastic smile was replaced with a real one seeing my friend at the arrival point. I squealed seeing her and she did the same. I ran to her and hugged her tightly. She hugged me back squealing.

"How are you bitch?" She asked and I smirked.

"I'm good Aadi, how about you?" She hissed.

"Stop calling me Aadi, I'm Aditi for godsake!" She threw her hands on the air and I chuckled.

"Last time I check, you didn't have a problem with it" she gritted her teeth, glaring at me.

"It's because you shut my mouth" she glared before picking up my luggage.

"Come, this way" we went to her car and she started driving after dumping my luggage in the back seat.

"So?" She spoke.

"So?" I questioned back.

"Do you think what you did is the right thing?"

"Don't say you are gonna betray me" I said in shock.

"No idiot, I won't ever" she said and I sighed in relief.

"What do you expect me to do? I'm sure Arjun will be mad at me. Not that I care about him but it'll be more messy and more drama which I have no interest in dealing with. I prefer this than anything else" I said and looked out of the window.

The veiw blew me away. The buildings, the bridges, the place, everything is so active and gives you life. It gives a positive vibe and that welcomed me. I'm so excited t work here.

"What about uncle? He is already a heart patient" she said.

"I can't let anything happen to him. If I stayed there, he'll have to face more. I can't thinking if marriage before I know he's normal. Obviously dad will be upset with my decision but I wrote them a letter saying I'll be back soon. I told them I'll contact them when I'm ready. I hope mom manages him. Moreover I have Lekha and Shanaya there. I'll contact them and will also them to take care of dad" I said.

"I understand. Ok fine, just leave everything now. Enjoy your stay here and I'll arrange for a job here for you. You can share my flat. Since I'm living alone here, the rent is pretty high for me, so I expect you to share it" she winked and I nodded smiling.

"Chill, I was kidding. No pressure on you now. Take you time and first settle down. We'll think about the other things later" I nodded.

Aditi, I never thought she'll be the one who'll help me. I was working in an NGO and she was a volunteer there. She had come to Chennai for a long vacation for three months and we bonded quickly. Later, she came back here while her parents are in Chennai. It's her native but she's living in Mumbai because of her job. Lucky her, she doesn't have any pressure on her back. I contacted her yesterday after I came back home after meeting that jerk. I asked her if I can come there, she was squealing. I can't thank her enough. She said I can share her apartment and she'll help me in getting a job.

"Here we are" she announced and I looked out to see a tall apartment. We took the luggage and went to the tenth floor and got into a house.

"This is your room. Take rest, I'll call you for dinner" she said and went out closing the door. I sighed before dumping myself on the bed and sleeping right away.

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