Chapter 1

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Your pov

"(Y/n)" I hear someone yell from across the hall. "Yea" I tell back knowing it was my cousin. "Your phone is going off in the kitchen!" She said as I whipped around to the kitchen to get my phone. I see that it was Corey calling. I a mediately answered it. "Yo wassup" I say into to the phone. "Hey (Y/n) I have some news or I should say a question." "Go on." I say again into the phone. "I wanted know if you wanted to move in with the gang?" He asked not for sure if I'd say yes or no. "Yes!" I yell into the phone. He yelled "Ow!" "Sorry just excited." "Well I'll see hopefully tomorrow. Since you are in L.A." "yea see you!"

I run up to my cousin and jump on my cousins lap. "(Y/n)! What the hell! What happened why you so happy?" She yelled in my ear. "I'm moving out and moving with Corey!" I say while she 'oood' "me and corey are just best friends!" Say yelling. "What ever you say.." she said with a sheepish tone. I get up and go my room and start to pack my stuff. I get my suit case out from under my bed knowing that I was there from when I moved into this apartment. I started throwing my already foled clothes in to the suitcase along with undergarments, and socks. I rush to the bathroom to get my higeen supplies such as shampoo and my toothbrush. Throw all that in my suitcase.

I grab my phone off the charger in the kitchen to check the time and bring it in the room with me. It was already 10:37 pm. "Wow time quick" I say to myself. I plopped down on my bed and then had an idea. I pulled out my blog camera and turned it on.

"Hey wassup everybody it (y/c/n) and I have news I am no longer going to living here in this apartment. My Best friend Corey Scherer asked me to live him and his other roommates. I will tell you guys more when I get there I love you all!" I turn off the camera and plopped back down on the bed to where my eyes were starting to become heavy. They then shut and everything went black.
I wake up to my alarm going off like crazy i threw it on the ground and I actually think I broke it. "Eh" I did not care at all. I got out of bed and made me and (c/n) some coffee. I get my cup and sip while I watch the news. Then I here another door open from down the hall of course it was (c/n). She waved at me and of course I waved back. After I finished my coffee I went to my room and got on an outfit.

I grab my suit case and my phone and text Corey

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I grab my suit case and my phone and text Corey.

Y- you C😂- Corey

Y- On my way I'll be there in an hour.

C😂- K I'll see you here can't wait,!!

I left the conversation at that. I grab my keys and say goodbye to the apartment. I walk down 2 flights of stairs and hop in my car. I put the keys into the ignition and it roared. It scared me at first but shrugged it off. I close the door and put my seatbelt on and I push the gas petal and went on my way there.

I put on Panic! At The Disco. I just loved the views of L.A they were so pretty.

I finally arrive after like 45 minutes of driving. Looks like I was early. I look at my phone to check the time it was 1:28. I hoped out my car and grabbed my suitcase. I knocked on the door. As I was greeted by brown haired girl. I knew exactly who that was. It was Devyn, Corey's girlfriend. She let me in. Corey came around the corner exactly when I came in. I ran up and hugged him knowing that I haven't seen him in almost 6 months. "I miss you so much" I yelled. "I miss you to (Y/n)!" Corey said in a high pitched yell. I jumped off of him. "Come to the living room (Y/n/n)." Corey Said as I followed him. There were 5 people sitting on the couch. I ran up and hugged 2 of them. They looked confused. "Sam, Colby I haven't seen you two since Middle school!!" I say really loudly. "(Y-Y/n)?!?!" Sam said. "Yep that's me!!" I say with excitement. Colby got up and hugged me, (Y/n) it's been too long he whispered into my ear.

Corey introduced me to the other people there were also Kat, Aaron and Uncle Elton. I greet them with a hug. "Oh! (Y/n) I almost forgot to tell you where you were gonna stay. You are gonna stay in a room with Colby. And sorry I didn't have money to get another bed so you may have to wait till next week hopefully." I nod. Colby got up walked up to me, "I'll show you where the room is since this house is way to big." I nod he walked me up stairs. I walk into a room filled with sticky notes all over the wall. "What's with the sticky notes on the wall?" I ask. "Long story short It was a prank and I liked it on the wall so I don't take it down." He went off a different subject, "Go ahead and make yourself feel at home." I nod my head. I walk into the bright colored room and set my suitcase down into a corner I just layed down on the bed. After an egsausting morning. My eyes became heavy. I soon fell asleep.

I wake up to people yelling. I didn't really care though because I became use to yelling as I grew up. I looked to my left to see a sleeping Colby. He was facing me but still sleeping. I decided to cuddle up into his chest. I soon fell right back to sleep. It was nice to finally have a warm body next to you.

I wake up to Colby moving. He was about to get up but I grabbed his waist.

Colby's pov

I wake up to not being tired anymore. I see that (Y/n) was cuddled up to me. I didn't want to disturb her so just gently moved myself so I could get up. I was sat up right on the edge of the bed I was about to get up, then I felt warm arms wrap around my waist. I look over my shoulder to see that it was (Y/n) "why are you leaving?" She asks I reply with, "cuz I'm just bored and awake."

First chapter of your my favorite love story Colby Brock x reader. I hoped you enjoyed this story was something that I officially love and I hope I can keep you guys updated. Love all you guys and I hope you liked it! 😘😍💗💞

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