chapter 7

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Your pov

"Yep" I say..

I don't know where we're going.  So it's gonna be  a surprise for me.  I hate surprises though it puts a lot of stress on me. 

"Hey Colby where are we going?"

"Um.. Actually dont know."

"What? So we have been driving around for awhile for no reason."starting do get irritated.

"No I was trying to find a place to go. " he says still looking. 

"Hm? How about we go to Tendergreens for right now then how about we go to the pier." I ask with excitement.

"Yea that sounds great!" He Elxaims.

He keeps his eyes on the road and continues to drive. 

I look out the window and see that we were at Tendergreens. The best place ever.  I hop out of the car and rushed inside.  The line was long as hell.  I see Colby walked inside but he walked up to man.  He looked Mexican he had brown and Blond highlights in my hair.  I walk up to them. "Hey?" I say to Colby.

"Oh (Y/n) This is Brennen Taylor. And Brennen this is (Y/n) (L/n)."

I just waved.  He puts his hand out so I can shake. I shake his hand.

"So you want to sit with us?" I ask.

"Yea it's nice to hang out with my boyfriend. " Brennen says.

"What?" I say.

"Oh I didn't tell go yet Brennen but I got a Girlfriend. " Colby says.

"Oh! Who is she?" Brennen asks.

Colby pointed at me.

"Oh! So (Y/n) how does it feel to date my best friend and Boyfriend Colby Robert Brock."
Brennen says.

"Well I guess it's pretty wonderful. He's really nice he's been there for me."

"How long have you known Colby?" Brennen asks.

"Well I've known Colby for about 10 years now. "

"Damn I've only known Colby about 2 years now. " Brennen says.

We finnially get to the Register we all get out usual since we're here all the time.  We get our food and sit at a table. 

We have a little talk.  It was just a fun night out to get my mind off of Nick.  The worst person ever.  Then I remembered what I did in my room the blood all over my shirt. I don't want to remember all that.

I get up and throw my trash away. I just sat there in silence for Colby and Brennen to finish up there conversation.  They both ended up finishing there conversation with a hug. "See is later dude. " Colby says then waves.  "See us later babe" Brennen kisses his hand and waves.

I grab his hand and put my head on his shoulder.  "So off to the pier?" he asks.  "Yep!" I hop into the passenger seat of the 2007 red Toyota. We set off.  It was 4pm when we left Tendergreens so when we get there it should be 5 so we will have 4 hours there.

I look to my right and I see the big Farris wheel. The sun was also starting to set. It looked so pretty and beautiful. 


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