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Your pov

So last night was amazing.

I walk down stairs and everyone was looking at me.

What the hell. Oh! Probably the noise. Haha. Oh well. It's in the past.

"Hi?" I raise an eyebrow.

"You sure did have some fun last night with Colby didnt you?" Elton said while pouring a glass of coffee.

"Oh..... Hehe well um... I was drunk." I point my index finger up.

"Huhuh. Ok. You were still loud. I got barely any sleep last night.." Corey laughed.

"Know what. My body I do what I want. So if I want to fuck someone I will." I smile.

"Don't cheat in Colby!" I hear Elton say from around the hall.

"Fuck you!" I point my middle finger at him.

Everyone just laughed.

"So I got plane tickets to go to New York. Who wants to go?" I ask.

Everyone gasped, "what?! How?!" Sam yelled.

"Well I saved money. Like a normal person would do." I giggle.

"Oh well that makes sense count me in!" Elton says.

"Me too!" Corey said.

"Make that 3." Sam blurted out.

"Did someone say Plane Tickets to New York?!" Aaron said from behind me.

"Yep! Want to go?" I ask Aaron.

"You're really asking fir me Togo with you?"

"Of course your my friend. I would love it if you came!"

"Then count me in!" Aaron smiled.

I run up and hug him, "omg!!!! You're coming with us!!"

"So when do we leave?" Elton asks.

"Well acutally I was gonna tell you yesterday but I was out all day."

"Obviously!" Sam interrupted.

"Um.. so it's Tomorrow." I give a reassuring smile.

"Wait that means we all have to pack?!" Corey yelled.

"Yep. Corey while your up there ask if Devyn wants to go. Please."

He nods. I walk into the kitchen to finnaly make me some breakfast. My phone buzzed as I was putting the bread in the toaster. It was Brennen calling me. I answer the phone to yelling. Or should I say excitement.

"My boy finnaly lost his virginaty!" Brennen yelled through the phone.

"Uh.... Yea he did!" I shyly say.

"Omg that means you did to!!!" He yells.

"Why are you so excited?" I walk into the gaming room and sat down on a love sac.

"Because he's my boyyy. I love that man to peices."

I sigh, "Well how is this my problem?"

"Know what I'll just call Colby!" He hung up.

Finnaly I just want food.

I walk into the kitchen when I was bombarded by Aaron, "so who is going to watch the dogs?" Aaron asked.

"I'll have Brennen watch the dogs." I smile.

"Ok." He left. Omg so many people talking to me. I just want food.

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