The End

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Your pov

I was bawling at this point, "Please just let me and my friends go!"

"No hunny that's not how this works. You go and fuck someone else and not me."

"Devyn please go I don't need you here! I know exactly what he's gonna do." I winked at her.

"Ok..." She ran out of the house.

"Don't think I'm stupid. I know your little plan. Let her go she calls the cops I get arrested. Ha it's not that easy. I already know what your plans are. I thought about what they would be. So that's why imma have her watch. "

He was gonna make her watch me get raped. No! I'm not gonna let that happen.

"No! You're not gonna let her watch you rape me!" I yell.

"Oh hunny I wasnt gonna rape you, I was gonna kill you. " He pulls out a gun.

"What?! You can't be serious." He puts the gun up to my head while Devyn was being held by two men.

"No please don't let her watch. She didn't do anything. She's just a wonderful friend. She's like my best friend. Don't let her watch!"

"Fine. We'll take her to your room." Tears were streaming down my face I can't believe this was it. The end of me. End of Y/n. Why? I guess it was just my time. Though I think I'm to young for it to be my time.

He puts his index finger on the trigger.

"Can you just get over with it. I don't want to deal with you." I sigh.

I close my eyes. I hear a loud noise. I open my eyes to see that I wasn't dead. I look up and see Devyn.

"Damn girl you're strong." I complement her.

"Well I have to be able to get out of the guys grip. I'm so sorry that this happened to you though Y/n. I didn't mean for it to happen." She sighs.

"What?! You can't control this. He's just a fucked up person who does fucked up things." I smile.

"Ok let's call the police." Devyn got out her phone, and dialed 9-1-1.

She told them what happened.

Why does This shit happen to me. I mean what did I do to deserve all of this?

Devyn comes up to me, "so I just talked to the police officer. He says that you're gonna have to go to Court, but not for another 4 months maybe because of all the stuff they have bundled up."

"Uh... Ok... They'll probably send me the court Date." I laugh.

"Ok so the guys are already in New York. Sadly. I just texted Corey and told him we were still in California stuff just happened. I'd tell him later and that we would be there soon." She sighs.


"That means get your suitcase and lets go!" She rushes me.

I walk upstairs and quickly get my suitcase and the plane tickets.

I rush back down stairs. I set my suitcase down and wait for Devyn come back downstairs.

"Ready to go?" She asks while coming down the stairs.

"Yep! Already called an Uber to!" I smile.

I hear a honk from outside. I walk out to see the Uber right there.

I drag my suitcase into the Car. It looked as though they had kids just in here. It was a Comero. I get in the back of the car. Devyn gets in after me.

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