My Decion

626 17 15

Your pov

I Lay wide awake in my bed. Thinking about if I should get back with Colby. He just made my life misery. I don't know. He just fucks up my life. I love him and all, but he makes my life a living hell.

I wasn't tired at all. I get up out if bed and walk down the hall. I decided to go take a walk. I grab my shoes and slide them on. I grab my keys and walk out the door. The cool breeze felt so nice against my weak skin.

I was walking for a while when I got bumped into a man. He looked as though he was homeless. I didn't want to bother with him because you don't know what's lurking around these cornners at night. I kept on walking. I needed to get things off of my mind. Colby. That's all I could think about. Why does this happen to me.

I find myself stumble upon a lake. It was so beautiful with the moon's glow beating down on the water.

I walk towards it. It was a gleam of happiness just in my sight. I don't understand why Colby makes me feel as though he just wants me to leave but at the same time he wants me to stay. Always be with him. Nothing is ever right in this house. Or in my life in general. I love the guy and all but he just keeps fucking it up. He keeps fucking up. I know that he truly wants to be with me. All the time. And I really want to be with the guy, but I also don't want to be with someone who's gonna fuck it all up.
Why does this happen to me? I don't understand!

"Hey...." I hear someone say behind me. I turn around and I see Sam.

"Sam? What are you doing here? " I was major confused.

"Um... I couldn't sleep. So I also decided to get out of the house. I also stumbled upon this lake." He gives a sly smile.

"Uh.. I'm just here the same, couldn't sleep. Colby has been on my mind. I dont know if I should still be with him or not. Yes he is an amazing guy and everything. I don't want to loose him or anything as a friend at least. I really love him and all but with him doing the shit he is doing right now I dont know. He has just changed some how." I shrug.

"I agree he has changed. But when he says he Wont do it again. He means it. He really does love you. I know us guys fuck with him and everything but that's what bros do. Hes a good guy. I'm just saying you should take him back. Hes gonna end up meaning everything to you and you won't ever want to loose him. Ok guys I don't flip out on this part. You guys will love it though! I know because I have dated him once. Sometimes I still wish I was with him." He smiles.

"Wait you dated Colby!? Your bi?! Colbys Bi?! Omg I have so many questions. But never mind that. I think I have my answer to Colby now." I smile back at him.


I get up and start my way home. I need to stay with him I don't want to loose him to anyone. He's all that I got. I don't ever want to loose him.

I walk into the house. Colby was laying on the couch because I wouldn't let me sleep with him.

I budge Colby hoping he would wake up. I didn't I should have remembered that he was a heavy sleeper. I jump on him instead.

"Yo what's up with you? It's the middle of the night." Colby says in a sleeping voice.

"First I have a question for you!" I get up off of him.

"Shoot!" He sits up.

"So did you acutally date Sam?" I ask.

"Um.... Yea..... Who told you?" He crosses his arms.

"Sam! Now I have your answer to if I'll stay with you or not." I reply.

"Oh you do! What's your answer?" I could tell he was nervous. He could barely get out his words.

"I will still be with you! I can't loose you! I don't ever want to." I hug him.

I could tell he was shocked but he hugged me back. He was hesitant.

"Oh my god! Your acutally taking Me back! I love you so much."

I pull back, "I love you too!" I then shove my face into his. Our lips connected. He's all mine. No one else's. I love him so much. I don't want to loose him.

He lays back down. I Lay down on top of him. My eyes became heavy. I the fell into deep slumber.

I really hope you like this chapter because Solby was in it. I didn't even think that I would put it in this chapter. Haha but I guess it is. In didn't even think it would be in this book. But plz give this a vote. And comment what you think is going to happen.

Word count = 876

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