Moving Chapter 28

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Your pov

I wake up to a loud thud. I jump up. Colby wasn't in the room. Oh yea. He told me that he was going to Shea's house to film an adventure Buddies video. I get out of bed and fix my hair before heading out of the room. I walk down the stairs to be greeted by smiles from Sam and Corey.

"Hey...?" I start to say but then form it into a question.

"Oh hey Y/n!" Corey says with a grin.

"Ok what are you guys up to?" I ask while looking both of them in the eye.

"Nothing!" Sam says while turning away.

"Sure!" I say while walking towards them both.

"So uh... Y/n what was that argument with you and Colby about?" Corey asks. I didn't want to talk about it.

"Jealousy..." I say while pouring me a cup of coffee.

"Who was jealous?" Sam asks now walking towards me.

"Uh.... Don't want to say who... And plus it's none of your guys business." I whip around and glare at them.

"Sorry for asking." Sam puts his arms up in the air.

I go back and continue to make me some coffee.

I walk back up to mine and Colbys room. I decided to call Colby because he has been gone for quite some time now.

I take out my phone and speed dial Colby.

*Ring ring*

*Ring Ri-*

He declined the call. What the hell. Colby Brock!

I dial again still no answer.

I rush out of my room and knock one Sams door.

He answers.

"I need your phone!" I say while putting my hand out.

"Why?" He asks crossing his arms.

"Because he keeps declining my calls. " I say with my hand still out waiting for his phone.

He puts in his password and hands it to me.

I walk over to my room and speed dial Colby.

*Ring Ring*

*Ring Ring*

*Ring Ri-*

"Yo what up!" I hear Colby say.

"You'll answer Sam when he's calling but you won't answer me! What the hell is the matter with you!" I yell.

"Omg Y/n chill out."

"Why should I chill out. Now it acutally seems as though your cheating on me." I break down into tears.

"I'm no-" I cut him off.

"Colby stop your lying. I'm not stupid. When you come home expect all of my stuff gone." I hang up and drop to the ground crying.

I yell. Then more tears fall out of my eyes. I then hear a knock apon my door. I ignore it. I don't want to see anyone. I lock the door and start to pack my things. I grab my suitcase and throw my clothes in it. I grab my suitcase and walk out of my room. I was stopped by Corey.

"Hey, why do you got your suitcase?" He stops me in my tracks.

"I'm moving back in with my parents." I look down but continue to walk.

"What?! After everything they have done to you. Your gonna move back in with them!" He started to raise his voice.

"Fine if you so badly dint want me to move in with them, then I'll live on the streets. I ain't living here." I open the door and walk through it. I slam the door behind me. I get into my car and throw my suitcase in the backseat. I get in the driver seat. I start to drive then I see Colby in his car driving towards the house. We made eye contact, it felt like slow motion. I then start to drive to the airport. I am moving back in with them. I am going back to Kansas. Didn't think I'd go back there. Ever. I guess I will have to get use to them again.

I arrive at the airport. I look at my phone and I have a billion messages and missed calls. I turn my phone off and walk into the building. I give them the plane ticket that I have been saving for 4 years. The day I left my parents. They gave me that ticket and said if you need anything just come home. So today was that day. I needed to come home.

I board the plane and sit down in a window seat. I look out the window. I really am going to miss LA. I loved it here. I loved the last 4 years I stayed here. But it's time to go back home. No need to stay here. Why should I stay here? It's not like I have anyone anymore.

Colbys pov

I was driving back to the house to talk to Y/n when I saw Y/n in her car. She was driving off. She was for real about leaving. She was leaving. She didn't tell me to where though.

I pull into the drive way. I walk through the door and ask everyone where she was going. No one knew. Until I came apon Corey.

"Corey where is Y/n going?!" I ask but then I knew I also sounded like a dick.

"She said she was either going to live on the streets or move back In with her Mom And dad." My eyes widen.

"What?!" I yell.

"If you go now you could get to her."

"How do you know that she won't even answer my calls or messages." Corey just shrugged. That was helpful.

I rush out the door. I wasn't going to loose Y/n. I didn't want to.

I speed down the road. No sign of Y/n. Fuck. If I took this much time looking for Y/n then she's probably on the plane to Kansas already. I rush down the road to the airport.

"Hey when does the flight leave to Kansas?" I ask the lady at the front desk.

"It's boarding right now." She says. I quickly pay for a ticket to that plane. I don't care what seat I got because I plain on bringing Y/n home.

I rush on to the plane. I look around the plane and I see Y/n. She didn't realize that I was on the plane she was looking out the window. I sit down next to her. She still didn't realize that I was here. I tap her shoulder. She looks around and sees me.

"Colby?!" She yells.

"We all need you home! I don't care that you don't want to be there because of me but there are other people that want you there. I need you there." I smile.

"No Colby after what you did. I don't even want to see you! Your fucking up my whole life. You don't understand how much more depressed I was when I got with you. You just make my life ugh. I can't deal with you Colby. You have ruined it. I am moving back in with my parents. And I don't care what you say." She stated. A couple tears stated to run down my face.

"Y-Y/n are you serious..."

"Yes Colby I am. Now please leave! I don't need you. I don't need any of you guys! Ok!" I got up and picked Y/n up bridal style. She was coming home. I don't care if it's like kidnapping but she was coming home.

"Colby!!!!" She yells.

I kept walking out the door. I put her in the passenger seat of my car.

I walk around the car and got into my seat. She was coming home!

Omg this chapter was so intense. Holy crap I don't even know if i could handle it. Geez! No questions for this chapter. Ok. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. love you guys. Love. Love bye!

Word count= 1300

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