Chapter 10

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Brennens Pov

"Damn why would anyone do that in general..? I feel like there are a lot of fucked up people in this world." I say really feeling bad for (Y/n). "I caught him one time to in our house. Everyone was asleep and I went downstairs to see what the commotion was and I saw a Guy trying to Rape her I Just socked him in the face a couple times then the police came. She didn't come out of our room for 2 days. So I took her out that's when she meant you." Colby says. "So you pounded his face into the ground! Thats my boy!" I say giving Colby a High five. Then I head a loud bang. Cobe started to bark. I looked at Colby, "What the fuck was that!" Colby shrugs, "Fuck if I know." I go to hallway. I see that my T.V was on the ground along with my Directv box. "Colby!" I yell. He comes to my room. "What the fuck.. How did this happen?" He asks. "Colby thats what the loud sound was." "Wait really?!" Colby Looking really shocked. "Yea! I swear to god my house is haunted. I swear this is like no prank I didnt even record a video today." "I just got major chills Bro!" Colby says pointing to his arm to where the hairs on his arms were standing on end. "Wow Bro! Somethings really wrong with my house." "Yo you can stay at my house if you'd like I mean (Y/n) isn't coming home for another week she has a lot of recovering to do." He offers me. "Why the hell would I care if (Y/n) was there or not I'm not staying here knowing that happened when we were not doing any demonic crap. We haven't done anything demonic in like maybe a month." I say freaking the fuck out.  "Why does this shit happen to us. Or to all of my friends." He questions. "How the fuck am I supposed to know. This shit is just scary as fuck" I say shaking now, but I don't want to seem like a pussy though. "Can we like go I don't want to be here right now this place just gives me the weirdest vibes." Colby asks. "Yea! I don't want to be here either. I don't even want to go in my own room right now. Its to creepy." We leave the house and go down the steps and towards Colby's car. I don't know what I would do without Colby hes always there for me. No matter what it is. I'm so glad that Colby is my best friend. We drive in silence all the way to the Trap house. Something that Brennen puts in his vlogs whenever he goes to Colby, Corey, Sam, Deyvn, Aaron and Eltons house 

The house just seemed a lot more quieter then usual. Its not normal. Its probaly quite because of the events that have happened to day with (Y/n). 

Colbys Pov

So quite I hate that. I've always hated the silence. "Yo! Guys I have Brennen! Hes staying here." I yell. Sam came from around the Corner. "Why the hell is it quite in here?" Sam just shrugs. "Yo! Were all going in the pool and I don't care if you dont want to ill just throw you in the pool!" Brennen yells. Everyone then came to the door area to where we were. "Brennen your crazy if you think we are going in the pool. Its way to late." Corey says. "Well looks like your gonna be the first one to be thrown in the pool." everyone 'oo' He continues with, "Best get your swim trunks on." They all went to there rooms. I didn't go cuz I already have them on since Sam and I were gonna go exploring but didn't. I just took my shirt off then I was good. "What are you gonna do Brennen?" "Shit let me take your car so I can run to the store. Just down the street." I throw him the keys, "Hurry up." He nod and rushes out the door. I go up to my room where I see a Whole bunch of (Y/n)s stuff. I miss her so much. I wish I was with her every second of the day. I then hear the door open. I look over my shoulder and see Corey. "Yo What do you need?" I ask "Oh I was just gonna ask if you wanted to go and hang with all of us down in the main room and play rocket league till Brennen gets back." I nod and turn around. I didn't want to leave this room at all. The thought of (Y/n) was the best thing ever. I really cant wait till she comes home next week. I cant wait that long though. I rush down the stairs and towards the T.V room. Everyone was looking at me. "Whats up...?" I say while turning it into a question. "Yo we feel like you need to have comfort or something. You seem so down since the incident that happened this afternoon." Sam says. "No its all good I swear. No need to worry." I say trying not to seem sad or down. "We al-" I cut Corey off by saying, "Whos getting in the pool first?" I then hear a yell from behind me, 'Corey is he said that he didn't want to get into the pool. So hes first. " I see that is was Brennen. He continues and says, Corey C'mon  we all need you in that pool. Your the first one no matter what so no one else can get into the pool until you do." Corey gets up from the couch and backs away to the opposite direction to where Brennen is. "Sooooo.." Corey says. "C'mon Corey you love the pool why dont you go in it. Its really fun." Brennen starts to run after Corey. Corey runs towards the stairs. "Do you have your phone?" Brennen asks. Corey just shakes his head. He picks Corey up and goes towards the pool. "So you ready Corey?" Brennen says not really asking if he wanted to or not. Corey didnt really care, "NO BRENNEN IM NOT!!!!" He didnt care that he said no he just thew him in the pool. Tonight was gonna be a fun night. 

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