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Your pov 

I wake up and remember what happened last night with Sam. Why the hell would he do that to me? He knows I am with Colby. 

I slowly get out of bed. I grab my phone off the charger. I check the time it was 10:36 am.

I walk out of the room and down the stairs. This morning felt awkward. If I see Sam I don't know what I would do. Sam was only a friend, But after that I don't know. 

I walk into the kitchen and see Colby sitting on counter eating a sandwich. 

"Hey." I say  in a sleepy tone. 

"Hey" He says quietly back. 

I Jump on the counter next to him and put my head on his shoulder. 

"Are you ok?" he asks with concern in his voice. 

"Yea im all good. Just not going to see Sam today. I think Imma be out all day." I sigh, 

"Ok. If thats what you want. I dont know whats been up with Sam lately. Ever since Kat and him split he hasnt been doing so  well. Hes been wanting someone. Hes just not himself" Colby gets up off the counter and walks away. What the hell? Why is he leaving in the middle of a conversation. 

I walk over to him as he went to sit on the couch. I groan. 

"Sam isnt going after anyone else but me, is he like I dont know Not going to stop. I mean its Sam I dont think hes gonna stop." 

"Well I mean he may not but if he keeps doing it then we are leaving Because I am not going to loose you. You're all that I have." He gets up and goes upstairs now. 

Why does he keep leaving me? Does he like not want to talk about it? 

I decide not to follow him the second time. Let him be. Colby is acting odd now to. 

Hey guys this is all I could get down today. I will not be uploading for 3 days. I am so sorry. But thats how life is. Thank you for 3.4k reads I am really happy. 

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