all of the guys pov from yours and Colbys fight

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Corey's pov

I hear telling coming from Colbys and Y/n's room. I don't want to get involved in there relationship problems. But I mean I love Y/n shes my best friend. I don't want any harm to come to her. But I also don't want any harm to come to myself. Fuck!! How am I supposed to protect her! She's amazing!

"Devyn!" I call out for Devyn.

"Yes?" She hollers back.

"Can you come here for a sec?" I ask.

She walks over to me, "Yo whatsup?"

"Do you know why Colby and Y/n are arguing right now?" I ask while walking up to her.

"No why? You scared? You know Colby won't hurt her. He loves her to much to you know that." She smiles.

"I know but she is my best friend and I dont want anything bad to happen to her."

"Corey I know. Neither do I. She's like a really good friend to me too. I wouldn't ever want anything bad to happen to her." She pats my shoulder.

"I guess, I will have to wait and see what is in hand with them. But I swear if Y/n gets hurt Colby is going to get it." I then here the arguing stop. What happened. Hopefully they resolved it.

"Yea! There problems let them deal with it." She takes my hand off of my shoulder and kisses my cheek. She walks off towards the Closet.

"Babe help me find something to wear." Devyn motions me to come over to the Closet. I do as I was told and started to help Devyn.

Aaron pov you never saw that coming!

I walk km through the door to be welcomed by yelling coming from upstairs. I didn't pay much attention to it. But then I heard Colby Raising his voice. What happened with him?  I guess he woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I decided to make me some Egg whites. I hear footsteps coming from Down the stairs. I turn around and see Elton. Hm? Haven't seen him in awhile.

"Yo! Aaron! You want to go to the store with me? We need Groceries badly." Elton asks me.

"I don't see any harm in going. Just let me finish making Egg whites and we'll leave." I turn back around and finish cooking.

"Ok!" He says as I hear his feet Russel to the gaming room.

I finish making them and go to the table and eat them quickly.

I finish eating them and quickly put on my slides.

I walk over to Elton who was sitting in the couch, "Ready?" I ask while standing in front of Elton.

"Yep!" He gets up and walks towards the door.

Sams pov

I wake up to yelling come form down the hall. I look at the clock and see that it was already 12pm damn. I have been sleeping for a long time. I then hear Colby yell. I mean I never hear him Yell. Was this like a prank on one of the roommates? Please tell me it is.

I then hear Y/n's voice. Nope not a prank. Relationship problems. Damn haven't had one of those in a long time.

I get out of my bed and walk towards there door. I was about to open it when all the yelling stopped. Hm? That quick? Thats not normal.

"I'm sorry!" I hear from behind the door. Did she cheat or something? I'm not gonna be involved. I walked away from the door. I open my door and I plop down on my bed. I decided to get some editing done because I have to post tomorrow. Ugh that's a miserable thing about Saturdays cuz you have to edit and that takes forever. I sigh and get out my Computer. I open the editing app and start to edit.

Yes this chapter had no you Pov or Colby pov! This chapter was made for The other guys. There pov on your guys fight that happened in the last chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed it. This one I acutally got Aaron in it! I got most of the guys perspective. Everyone except for Elton and Devyn. This one I am proud of. I hope you guys can vote for this chapter I never ask for it.

No questions because I have no idea what I am going to write in the next chapter. Love you guys byeee!

Word count = 748

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