Chapter 3

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Your pov

I wake up to see that Colby wasn't next to me. I sat up and looked around the room to find him in the closet.  "Colby? Why are you in the closet?" I ask him in a sleepy tone.  He wiped around to see me rubbing my eyes.  "Well I was gonna find some clothes." he said, replying to my question. "Oh!" I say.

I got up and went down to the kitchen to see that there was already coffee made and I saw that no on me was awake.  So I think that Colby made it.  I then hear a yell from behind me. I jumped and whipped around kg was Colby and he was wearing

He was laughing

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He was laughing.  I playfully punched him. He was still laughing. I rolled my eyes and took my coffee to the TV room.  I put on The Last Mimzy. I looked down to see that I was still in my underwear.  I got up and rushed to mine and Colby room. I go and put on a nice outfit. 

I rush back downstairs to finish my Movie

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I rush back downstairs to finish my Movie.

It ended sadly.  I try to go upstairs but someone grabbed my hand.  I looked and see it was Sam. "Oh! Hey Sam!" I say with Joy.  "So how have you to love birds been doing?" he asks sheepishly.  I rolled my eyes and stated,  "We aren't 'Love Birds' We are just really close friends." he then busted out Laughing.  "Why you laughing" I ask. "Cuz you think that you guys aren't love birds you guys act like it all the time." he replied. "OK I may like Colby.  But that's it.  I still really like his personality.  We have a lot of things in common. Like we love playing video games.  We also love Tendergreens. We both have been through our ups and downs.  But I love him. I've known him to long to not start having feelings for him. " I state.  "Damn (Y/n) You really do like him. " I start to blush and say,  "Yeah of course I do but don't tell anyone not even Corey. " he nods and goes on with his day.

I then continue to go up the stairs and go to mine and Colby room. I enter the room to see Colby have no shirt on I blush but proceed to the bed.  I pooped my assignment down. Colby then looked over his shoulder. He then sat down next to me.

Colby pov

I hear a big noise come from my bed. I looked over my shoulder and see that it was (Y/n). I walked over to the bed and sat down on it.  She lays her head on my shoulder.  "Hey Colby? May I ask you a question?" I nod my head not wanting to speak. "Well say I have a Major crush on someone in this house, and you just want to drop down and start crying cuz you know you can never have have them. How do you ask them out?" she looked up at me.  "uh..  Well I haven't answered this question since high school.  Um..  Just ask them. You may get shy.  But ask them and if they day no just get over it brush it off.  You'll end up finding someone new.  I know you will."  she nods and says, "OK! I'm just gonna be scared. Like really scared.  I don't Know if I'll be able to.  Cuz this guy has just the prettiest blue eyes." I knew she was talking about Sam. She doesn't like me..  I knew it. She continued, "And has the most beautiful brown hair I could ever see.  Then he also loves to play video games. Then he also loves Tendergreens." she could be talking about someone else Right? "Who is this person. I ask she blushed a lot.  "I don't want to be rejected.." "What do you mean?" i ask.  "Colby, if you couldn't tell I like you!" she says.  I point at me.  She nods her head.  "(Y/n) I like you too. " I lean in to kiss her but someone came through the door.  It was, Corey.  "OMG You guys are so cute!" he says with a baby voice. I threw a pillow at him. She Laughs. Her laugh was so cute.  He leaves the room. I guess he didn't remember why he came in here. I just rub the back of my neck.  She just smiled. She leaned In and kissed my lips. I blush but I kiss her back more meaningful.
She then let go of the kiss. I put my forehead on her forehead.  We both smiled. She then got up, "Hey I was planning on going to HotTopic?" she asks. "yes I love HotTopic!" I reply. 

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