Chapter 9

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Colby's pov

It was sad it was time for us to leave I really wish I was able to stay with (Y/n) she's a really good person. She's my Best friend. But I still feel say that she had to do what she did. I know what it feels like though to not want to be wanted. To not wanna live no more. I've told my followers that they were sad, they wanted me to be happy. They just didn't know what I go through to feel this way but they don't know that. I still feel really bad that I made the one person I love feel this way. I took her on that trip to cheer her up, but I only made it worse. Why did I do this to her. I'll always love her I swear. I'm so glad I made it official. We're actually a couple.

I got in my car with a lot of thoughts running through my head. I decided to text Brennen.

B- Brennen C-Colby

C- Hey Brennen am I able to come over to like talk I have a while bunch of stuff on my mind. I feel like your the best person to talk to.

B- Yea of course bro I'm always here for you.

C- K I'll be on my way. See ya. ✌

B- See ya! 😍😘

C- 😍😘😘😘

That was the end of our conversation. I put the keys in the igntion and drove off.

I see that Brennen put lights on his stair case. Yes this is Brennens old house

Wow he did a nice job on that. I wish I was able to do that.

I knock on the door. "Yo wassup bro!"Brennen says while giving me a hug. "Yo wassup. How you been?" I ask letting go of the hug. "Well I've been great just hanging with my fam. Come on in" I walk into the house. It was still a nice looking Brennen house. "So what did you want to talk about..?" Brennen asks raising an eyebrow. "Well, I mean have you ever dated this girl who is like really depressed..?" I say while taking a seat on his grey couch. "Uh.. No why?" "Well I mean.. (Y/n).." I was cut off by Brennen, "You mean your girlfriend..?" He asks.. "Yea I Caught her cutting today." "Wait... She's a depressed person. I mean I could see that shes anerxic cuz of how thin she is, but depressed." He says. "When I found her of course I hugged her. I let go of her. She got up and ran out the door with her car keys. She drove down to Hollywood Blvd. I didn't know why.. So I followed her. She parked on Hollywood. She got out of the car. She was just staring at the traffic... I then realized she was gonna walk into traffic. I got out of the car but... I was to late. She already walked into traffic." I say with tears starting to run down my face. "Wait! Is she dead!?" I just shake my head. "Wait then why are you sad did you like want her to die?" He asks really confused. "No, it's just that she wanted to die because of me. I made her want to walk into traffic." "What did you do to make her want to do that." He asks. "Well long story short, I said that since we weren't officially together we we're like kinda on a date I said that I can still find another girl." "Why would ever say that. That's like the worst thing a girl wants to hear. They are like all self conscious about that. Now she thinks that she'll never find someone." He says stating his point. "Well I mean she did get me. I asked her to be my girlfriend today.. while she was in the hospital. I still felt really bad though. So I came to you."  I say with no longer tears running down my face instead a smile. "That's good Colby she probably really wanted to hear that. She just really wanted someone." "Yea her ex didn't treat her so well.." I state. "What do you mean by that." "Well don't tell anyone or even her that I told you she had only told me. Not even her best friend Corey. But her ex abused her and like raped her." I say with a serious look on my face. "What!!!! Why would anyone do that!" He says almost yelling. "I don't know cuz there are some fucked up people in this world."

I'm sorry that I didn't upload yesterday or the day before yesterday. So sorry but moving soon so yea. I'll try to upload another chapter to make up for those 2 days yea love you guys

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