chapter 6

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Your pov

I was in the kitchen getting my Coffee when I bear someone knocking at the door.  Why this early it's only 9 am.  I walk up to the door and open. I open the door to see My ex Nick.  The one who raped me put me into a hospital. 

"N-N-Nick! W-What are you D-D-Doing here?" I say stuttering my words scared to death.  He just winks at me.  "Take off your clothes." he says.  "What!?!?! Hell no not again. " I yell not obeying him. "Fine if you won't I will. " He then grabs my shirt and tans it off.  "COLBY! COR-" in was cut off by hand being placed over my mouth. He puts his finger up to his mouth motioning me to be quite.  Again I didn't obey.  I kept trying to yell for The guys but no one came down.  Am I going to get rapped again. He takes off my pants with still his hand over my mouth.  He starts to unclip my bra.  Then I hear footsteps.  I don't think he heard them though luckily.  I turn my head and see Colbys face. "Colby!" I mumble with a hand still over my mouth. 

Colbys pov

I go out of my room and stop at the top of stairs not going down it cuz I lost my vision for a second.  I hear Mumbling coming from downstairs. The KY knew that's up at this time is usually (Y/n). I look over the railing to see (Y/n) with no Shirt,  pants, and bra on. I also see the same man who put (Y/n) in the hospital last time visiting over her. Was she about to get rapped by the same man again.  I rush downstairs and sock this guy right in the Jaw.  He then fell to the floor.  (Y/n) got up and ran to the bedroom.  I socked him once again. Then grabbed my phone of my pocket and dials 9-1-1.

They took the man out of the house and put him in the backseat.  I go up to the room and knock on the door. "Yes?" I hear from the other side of. The door. "Hey it's Colby, can I come in?" she then yells, "Yea!" I open the door and sit down next to her on the bed.  She was crying I could tell cuz I heard sniffing come from her lap where her head was placed on her legs. I rub her back.  She hugs me and puts her head in the crease of my shoulder. She was still crying.  "I hate him! How did he find out where we live?" "(Y/n) i dont know at all i mean i dont even know the guy. I know that he was your ex but thats all i know. Im sorry." I state. "Your all good Im just scared. " she says in between cry's.  I just stay the hug with her and comfort her. 

I was in the kitchen when I Sam came up to me, "Hey how is (Y/n) doing?" i shrugged, "I dont know accutally, shes been quite since it happened." "Damn, I mean there is a lot of people that that shits happen to them." "But this is (Y/n) shes the one person I like. I mean really like he has always been there for me since we were 13." I state. "Weeeelll i mean you guys are like not offically together you could take her out just as friends so she can get what happened off of her mind so she dont think about it anymore." I Nod. 

I go upstairs to mine and (Y/n) room. I knock on the door, "Hey can I come in?" I didnt hear a response. The door then swung open. She was standing there with her eyes bloodshot. "Hey.. You wanna um.. Go out tonight.. So we can like just get stuff off your mind.. I dont want you to be trapped in this house." She just nods... I really think somethings off. Like something else happened. I just cant put my finger on it though. I grab my shoes from the front door and slide them on. It took (Y/n) like maybe a half hour to come down ready to go. It still look like shes been crying though. I grab her by her arm and pull her aside to where no one was. "(Y/n) are you ok?" I ask her.

Your pov 

(Y/n) are you ok." Colby ask. I just felt my face get flustered.  Then I felt a tear roll down my face. I knew I wasn't. So I just said, "Colby i'm fine. No need to worry." He then grabbed my hands and looked me in the eye, " (Y/n) I know your not ok. I'm going to worry about you till I die. I know that your ex is just a HUGE dick, but i'm still here for you. If you need to talk about anything i'm here to help you. (Y/n) I love and you know that I would do anything for you no matter what it is." I sigh, "Ok since you would do anything for me, then just stop caring about me. Theres no need to care about me." He just looked at me in eye with an, Are you serious face on, "Sorry I just cant quite do that. Its kinda hard to do that Because i've known you for 9 years. I don't plan on not caring about you any time soon." "Sure your gonna end up moving on like the rest of them." "C'mon (y/n) I have a really fun night planned. I really hope you like it." I just turned around to the door and walked towards it. I open it and say, "Are you coming?" With a big smile on my face. He just smiled back and walked up to the door. I hopped into the passenger seat in Colbys car. "Looks like we are gonna have a fun night." He smiles. "Yep!" 

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