Chapter 8

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Colbys pov

What did I did I do.... Its all my fault (Y/n) may be dead because of me... Why did I have to be such a dick. She told me that she wasnt doing this anymore. I whip out my phone and speed dial Sam. "Yo whats up." I hear Sam say. "UH Meet me at Lincoln hospital. Ill tell you why your there when we get there." I say into the phone. "Ok ill be there in 10. " I hung up the phone I rushed into my car and drove down the road to where Lincoln Hospital is. I really feel like imma loose (Y/n) all because of those stupid words I said to her. She really did love me, But since I didn't feel the same way at the moment she wants to walk into traffic. I kinda think  thats stupid, but that's her decision. Its like my world to a big hit from a big Avalanche.   Why did she have to do this. I now realize that words do hurt people. I see the Lincoln hospital to my left. I arrive and park my car. I sit inside on the emergency part of the Hospital. Sam, Corey, Jake, Elton, and Deyvn all walk in. I look over my shoulder. "So why are we here...?" Elton says. "Um.. so I kinda told you know (Y/n) that I can find a new girl whenever I wanted to Because we were not  officially together. So when I got home I was of course looking for her. I then walk into mine and Sam's shared Bathroom and I find her Cutting herself. I fell down to the ground crying and then hugged I let go of the hug. She got up and ran for her car.. I followed her of course, she parked on the street of Hollywood Blvd. She got out of the car and looked at all the traffic. I didn't know what she was gonna do but it came to mind she could be walking into traffic. I get out of my car but I was to late she already walked into traffic. She did this all because of me... She may be dead because of me." Corey just fell to the ground with tears in his eyes. "You made my best friend want to commit suicide. What the hell is the matter with you. Are you even someone right for her at all. I don't even Think I trust you dating her if she wants to kill herself when shes around you now." "Corey if I knew that all of this was going to happen I wouldn't have said all of those things to her."  I say. "But it was still in your mind Colby. You still had it in your mind. You still wanted to say it." Corey says with tears still filling his eyes. "Colby Brock." I hear one of the doctors call out. I go up to the Counter, "Y-Yes..?" I say really nervous. "(Y/n) is alright shes just in recovery right now. She will be out in like a week. She barely made it though. You should be lucky that she made it." "Um are me and her friends able to go and see her." He nods, "Room 169" "Guys come on were able to see her Room 169." They nod and follow after me. 

We arrive at room 169. I run up and hug her. She was sleeping but I didn't care. Soon everyone hugged her. She woke up. "What the hell?" She says. "(Y/n) we thought you died. We all thought we lost you." Corey says. 

your pov 

I wake up to all of my roommates hugging me. "what the hell?" I say. (Y/n) we all thought you died. We all thought we lost you." Corey says. I'm not dead. Damn it. I wish I was though. (Y/n) i'm so sorry for what I did. I didn't know that you still had those thoughts in your head. You told me you didn't so I believed you. Guess I was wrong." Colby says tears forming in his eyes. "Colby its OK I forgive you." "(Y/n) I feel like you don't or ever will." "But I do Colby... I love you.. I know that you don-" I was cut off by being kissed. I Kissed him back of course. He let go, "(Y/n) will you be my girlfriend..? I want to make it official." "Yes Colby!!" He then kissed me again. It was a more meaningful kiss. I then felt a sharp pain in my Chest. I lean forward and grab my chest. "UGHH" I yell. "Are you ok...?" Corey asks. "Yea my chest just hurts." "Do you need me to the doctor?" Corey asks. I just shake my head Because I was in so much pain that I couldn't talk. They didn't care so they brought the doctor in. He just examined her and said, "Thats just a side effect of the medicine." "Ok so were good." "(Y/n) im still really sorry about what I did I didn't want any of this to happen. I really am sorry. " "Colby I know you do. Im just really am gonna miss you over the past week." 

We all just have a nice conversation for like 2 hours. Then they had to go home. I didnt want them to leave but I love em and I dont want to loose them. 


I love talking to (Y/n), But we had to leave Because we didnt have visiting passes. 

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