Chapter 2

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Colby's pov

I see that she frowned and took her hands off my waist. My waist felt so bare without her arms on it. I turn around to face her, "(y/n) c'mon your like a really good friend that I have know for like 10 years. And yes I would like to hang with you but I have to post for my subcribers. Then I also have to post on musically." She replied with, "can't I be in your YouTube video?" My face light up with an idea, "Yea we can do a prank on Corey!" He wispered yells so no one can hear us. "What's the prank gonna be?" she ask. "Well I guess that it could be a you being dead prank on Corey." I relpy to her question. Her face lit up. "well let's go to the store and get some blood!" she says with excitement.  I got my shoes on and grabbed my wallet. 

Your pov

I grab my shoes and put them on. I put my hair up into a messy bun and grab my wallet. I walk out of the room and close the door behind me.  "Who's car are we taking?" I question. "We can take mine" I hear from right beside me. I jump not knowing he was there, "Colby!" I yell and playfully hit him.  He just laughed.  I groan he heard. "C'mon (Y/n). He says motioning to the door.  I sign and walk out the door. I see that his car was a red Toyota his car was not as fancy as everyone else's but it was still a nice car.  I hop into the passenger seat, and put my seatbelt on.  Colby then hops into the drives seat and starts the ignition. His car didn't roar like mine so I was good I didn't get scared this time. He put on his seat belt and we went on our way to the store. 

Soon we got there. It wasn't a nice store that I would have known of.  I got pit of the car and ran up to Colby.  I looked at him and smiled.  I saw him smile back at me.  With his sparkling blue eyes lit up my day.  Did I have feelings for Colby? No! Of course I don't! Or am I just telling myself that? Ugh feelings stop. 

We walked up into the store. I just followed Colby cuz it looked like a store that he knew by heart cuz they do these pranks all the time.  I grabbed to give bottles of blood and some face blood.  We walked up the register and payed for our crap.  "Hey! (Y/n) you want to go out to eat?" I rapidly nod my head.  "Where do you want to go?" he asks another question.  "We can go to tender greens we use to like that when we were little."

Colby pov

"We can do to tendergreens we use to like that place when we were little." she says.  I can't belived that she remembered.  I turn felt butterflies in my stomach.  Did I like (Y/n). I keep questioning my self.  Why do I? I'm not gonna tell my self that I don't cuz I don't want to hide my feelings from myself.  Ugh I just hate feelings and I haven't dated someone since high school.  And I'm 21 now. Ugh she's like 20. Her birthday isn't till (y/b/d) why!? I hate feelings so much. 

We soon get to tendergreens my favorite restaurant. We go up to the entrance I open the door so (y/n) could get in. I walk in after her.  We then take out seats.  We have menus handed to us.  I thank them. "(Y/n) so what have you been up to these past 8 years.?" I ask her. "Well I have a YouTube channel called (y/c/n) with over 4 million subscribers. I love them all.  Then I lived with my Cousin in my small apartment.  So I've been helping her edit her videos her channel is Idiocy, with 597k subs." she reply to my question.  "Damn! I don't have as much as you! I only have 1 million subs. Bit don't worry I'll get there eventually." she giggled.  "What?" I ask.  "it just took me since middle school to get that many subs.  So 11 years." I then widen my eyes. "1-11 years!?" "yes!" the waiter then came and took our orders. I got a salad along with (y/n).

We finished eating.  We got into the car and just sat in silence the rest of the trip home. We arrived at the house to see that it was only Corey and Deyvn at the house.  I tell Deyvn about the prank.  So she was also in on it.  We did that intro to my channel. "Hello everybody Colby Brock coming at chu with another video I have with me one of my new roomates (y/c/n) also often as (y/n) and I have Devyn with us.  There links to there channel will be in the description below. Now let's get in with the video so we are doing a prank on Corey and say that (Y/n) is dead prank on him. As some of you guys know that (y/n) is Corey best friend.  So this should be good." we did a time laps on the blood. There was blood everywhere.  Soon we threw a chair down the stairs. To make a loud noise. She screamed in 'pain'. Corey came running down the stairs with Devyn. I came from around the corner so they didn't think it was a prank.  "(Y/N)!?!!" he just keeps yelling her name.  He then takes out his phone.  And dials 9-1-1. He was on the phone with them while Devyn went to get water.  She then got up and said, "Oh! I'm fine." she went and sat know the floor and watched TV.  I grabbed the camera, "It's a prank!" he ran after me.. "why would you do that toe (Y/n) is my best friend!" he yelled while running after me.

Your pov

I went up stairs to go and change put of these clothes.

I walked down stairs

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I walked down stairs.  To see Colby staring at me.  "Yo you have a problem or something?" I ask raising an eyebrow.  So you just look cute. I go back into the room and grab one of his sweaters.

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I come back down and see that he was no longer there I go into the gaming room

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I come back down and see that he was no longer there I go into the gaming room. I notice him so I sit next to him and put my head on his shoulder. "so you like my merch?" he asks I just nod.  I look at my phone to see that I was already 2 am.  Like what the hell time does go by quick. I go upstairs and take off my pants to where I was on in underwear and his sweater. I get in bed. I then feel a grip pull me close them.  I turn around and see that it was Colby.  I then cuddled up into his chest and fell right to sleep.

That's the end of chapter 2 of Is It True Love Colby Brock X Reader.  I love you all and I will upload chapter 3 later.
Bye! 👋

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