Last day Part 2

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Colbys  pov 

 Colby opens the car door for me being the gentle Man he is. I can't believe we have been together for a month now. I know it hasn't been that long but I am happy. I don't know would do with out him. He's all I have. Im glad to have even though I was really close to loosing him. Why did I do that though. I had that thought the whole car trip. I Honestly had no idea where he was taking me. I didn't even know that he knew New Zealand that well. The only person that I know that Knows New Zealand that well is of Course Elton, He's the one who brought us here. "Hey Babe were here." I notice that we are at an amusement park. I've never been to one. I haven't been to a lot of things. Only because my parents were so strict and abusive but lets not get into that I want to have a fun day. I never things like that anymore. Ever since Colby moved when we were in High school. I really want to see Colby's Parents again. I haven't seen them since he moved. 

"What already! That was quick!" I say while getting out of my seat. "I hope you like Amusement parks!" He says. I face him. "Ive never been to one. I havent been to a lot of things." "Well at least you get to see it with me, and enjoy it with the one and only me." He smiles, "Well go ahead. This is a day for me and you, Y/n. "Why do you have to be so nice to me." I smile while he blushes.  "Yes! Come on Colby!" Today was gonna be really fun, my one month and then I get to go to an amusement park. There are so many rides here that I need to go on. Looks like I am not going on roller coaster Bec i am scared of heights. "So what ride do you want to go on first..?" He asks me. Well to be honest I didn't know. They all seemed good. Except for the roller coaster.

"I don't know how about you choose.." he was about to speak but I stopped him, "but the roller coaster." He sighs. "Sorry I had to say it I hate roller coasters." "Um how about we go on the tea cups first." He says point towards the tea cups. "Yea that's nice."

We continued our day at the amusement park. But our day came to an end. "So Colby you want to go out to eat... it's our last meal here. In New Zealand." I ask while smiling. "What did you have in mind." "Oh there's this Japanese restaurant that they have here that I wanted to try out. " I say jumping up and down. "Ooo that sounds nice." We both walk over to the car. I was about to get in the driver's side, but I realized that the passenger side is on the other side. I meant to get I to the passenger side. I walk around the car and get in. I tell Colby the directions.

We drove for about 30 minutes before we arrived at Tokyo Buffet. It was a eat all you what type of restaurant. So I couldn't wait. It shouldn't be that expensive. For two it was about $30. That was expensive.

I ate like 2 plate and then I was done. I couldn't eat no more. While Colby was chowing down on his 4th plate. "Colby you sure can eat a lot" I giggled. He looked up, "Yep but I don't gain weight so I guess I am good." He smiles. "He was lucky I still gain weight so that's why I don't eat a lot. 

He finally finishes his food. "You ready to go we have to catch our flight in 2 hours. We have to meet up with the guys and say bye to Uncle Elton because we won't see him for 10 days I don't know how imma deal with that." He just nods in agreement. I get up and walk out to the car. Colby followed.

We both hoped in the car. "Tonight was really fun." U say while Colby was driving. "Yea it really was. I can't believe we have been together for a month now. Hopefully we can be together a lot longer." My eyes widen, "Hopefully. What do you mean 'Hopefully'." I ask. "I don't know. I can't predict what the future has in store for all I know we could break up Y/n. And none of us can control it." He was right none of us can control it. No one knows what's gonna happen. For all we know the world could end tomorrow. "Yea your right, sorry." I just look out the window the rest of the trip.

I see that we arrive at the trailer. It was a mess. I didn't think it would get this messy ever but with 5 people in it I think it could. "Ok guys looks like it's time to head to the airport and pack." Elton says while looking at everyone. "But I don't wanna leave you Elton!!!" I say. "I don't want to leave any of you guys either but it has to be done." He reassures me. "Yea I know...." I sigh and look down. "So let's all get into the trailer and hit the road. We have 1 hour to get to the airport and it's a 30 minute drive so get in." Corey says. Why would Corey know this. I'm confused. I just saw my head and forget about it because it's not important.

I head into the RV and grab my things and put them in the suit case. I soon got everything shoved  in there. It look long enough. I sit down. Finally. Everything is packed and I can sit and relax for the rest of the-. My thoughts were intruped, "Were here." Elton yells. "What?!? Already I just sat down!" I was irritated. You could tell in my voice. "Don't worry Y/n you will have 6 hours to sit on the plane." Sam smiles. I roll my eyes. I grab my suitcase and walk out og the RV.. This whole trip was fun. We All said our goodbyes to Elton. We went In to the Airport. Got on our plane and made it back home.

I walk inside and see that the house was so messy. Aaron And Devyn never cleaned up. Now we have to clean up there mess.

I walk upstairs and knock on Corey's and Devyns door. The door slightly budges but not a lot. I knock again. And the door fly's open. I didn't know what happened. Because when the door opened I was greeted by a hug. "Omg I'm so happy your back you git to tell me everything!" Devyn yells. "Ya! I'll tell you everything in the morning I am so tired right now. I just wanted to tell you that were back." "Yea I could understand that you guys are tired. Well go get comfy in your bed. Tell me everything when you wake up! Ok!" I nod and head towards mine and Colbys room. I put my suitcase in the corner of the room and plop down on the bed. I didn't bother to put any blankets over me. My eyes became heavy and I fell asleep.

Colbys pov

"So Colby, Corey and I wanted to ask you something." Sam walks up to me and says. " Ok shoot!" I say while sitting down on the couch. "Well we wanted to know why, Y/n committed suicide back in New Zealand..?" Corey says while folding his arms. I didn't want to tell them Corey and Sam Would kill me! "Uh... I don't know why are you asking me? Besides if I did know wouldn't you think I would just tell you..." I lie. "Colby! Don't lie. You were gonna say why at her funeral but you stopped when she came back to life." Sam says. He has a point. "Yea.... Promise me you won't kill me.." They both nod. "I kinda cheated in her I was drink and I didn't know what to do. So I started to make out with a girl who was also drunk. I tried to explain my self. But she jumped. I'm so sorry!" I say really fast. "C-Colby! Really! You hurt her again! Why the hell is she dating you. Your like another bad relationship for her again. She's gonna get hurt. Again! Your gonna become abusive just like her ex.." Corey yells. Abusive. That word brought tears to eyes. "I'm not abusive and if I am I don't mean to be. Shes all I have. I don't mean to hurt her. J don't mean to do anything to harm her. Yes my words are sometimes gonna hurt. But don't everyone's." I get up and walk away. I go up to mine and Y/ns room.

I walk in to find a sleeping Y/n on our bed. She was passed out with zero covers over her. I walk over to her and place them over her. I take my shoes and shirt off and get into bed to. I wrap my arms around her. She turns around and nuzzles her head into my chest.

Abusive. That word still in my mind. I'm not abusive am I?

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