Chapter 12

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Your pov

The hospital sucks luckily I only have till tommarow then I'm out of here. I didn't really want to be here at all. It just sucks you lay in a bed all day and now my subcribers are going to ask why the hell haven't I been posting. I don't want them to know about the incident. I think that's to much. Ugh life just keeps getting harder and harder doesn't it. I just sigh. I need to get these thoughts out of my head. I mean I'm just really sad no one has visited me since I have been in the hospital. I know I seem like a bardon to people and all bit it would be nice to have company.

The nurse walks into the room, "Mrs. (L/n) you have someone here that wants to see you." I nod. She lets in a boy with brown hair and blue eyes. I then realized it was Colby. "Hey Colby...." I say really shy since I haven't seen him in a week. "Yo.. How you been..?" He asks rubbing the back of his neck. "Well I mean I could be better. I mean being here is boring.." I shrug my shoulders. "Oh! I would have visted a bit more but I had editing and uploading to do sorry." He says looking down at his feet. "Well at least your here now" I say forming a smile on my face. "Yea I guess so." He shruggs still looking down at the ground. "Oh I saw from... SAMs video that you woke up in a pool." I say while laughing. "Hahaha very funny. It wasn't fun the water was freezing. I wish I didn't fall asleep on the couch." I was still laughing. "I thought you knew that whenever you fall asleep on the couch you get pranked especially when there is a prank war going on in the house." I say still laughing. "I know I just fell asleep watching a movie with Brennen." He scoffs. "Oh you mean your little boyfriend. I ship it I swear you guys are a great couple. Brolby for life I tell ya." He just laughs at my comment, "I didn't know I was dating a girl who was a Brolby shipper." He starts to head over to the bed. "Of course I am. You two make a perfect couple. Y'all should actually go out." His widden, "(Y/n) I'm not gay or Bi." I roll my eyes, "Baby I was just kidding why would I want you to go out with Brennen I want to be with you. I don't want anyone to take you away from me. You can have your little Brolby skit with your fans. They ship Brolby. I do to but your all mine." He then sits down in the chair next to the bed. He puts his hand on mine, "I know I'm your (y/n) always will be I love you and I don't want to loose you." He then leans in and kisses my forehead. "I love you too Colby." I get a big smile on my face. I'm so glad he's here with me now. I really missed him over the past week. I actually miss all of my roommates. They are like my best friends. I'm so happy to be with them. I'm so happy that I moved in with them. There all people that I love and look up to. Especially Colby he was the main one I love and the main one I will always love. He's my best friend, he's my everything. I don't want to loose him. I hear my phone start to ring, for some reason Colby picked it up, I hear someone yell through the phone saying, "Let me talk to (Y/n)!" It was a demand. He hands the phone to me, "Hello..?" I say into the phone. "What the hell is the matter with you I thought you told everyone that you wouldn't do that shit no more!!" I was really confused. I took my phone off my ear to see who I was talking to, it was (Sorry guys imma make you guys a cousin name cuz I don't like to type (y/c/n) it's a lot of work)  Ruby. What the hell she seemed rude, "Uh.. This is like none of your bussiness." I say yet again into the phone with a more firm tone. "None of my bussiness (Y/n) you tried to kill your self! Everyone that loves you cares about that your doing this. Why the hell would you do that?!" She yells once again. "Ruby I  am not going to tell you. You don't need to know. You don't need to know anything about my life anymore! So just stay out of it that's all I need you to do. If you love me stay the fuck out of my life!" I yell into the phone this time. I take the phone off of my ear and hang up on her. "Damn it way does she have to come and fuck up my life some more." I sigh. I felt a tear hit my cheek. I felt warm arms wrap around me. I then face towards Colby and hug him. A full honest hug. He's always here for me no matter what. "I hate her I swear." I the. Start to cry into his chest. "Hey it's gonna be alright no need to cry. I'm here for you. If you don't want her in your life then I will make sure she's not in your life. And no I don't mean kill her just tell her that you aren't at home at the moment." He says still hugging me tightly. "Thank you Colbs." I say still hugging him. The nurse came in and said, "either you go get a visiting pass or you need to leave." "I'll go and get a vistiting pass." Colby got up and walked to the help desk. He got a pass and put it on his shirt. He came back into the room and sat back down in the chair he has been in. "I'll stay with you until you leave tomorrow." My eyes then lit up, "R-Really?!" He just nods his head. "Omg thank you Colby I really needed some company your the best." I say with excitement in my eyes.

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