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Your pov

This is gonna be fun!  I get my camera out and I do my intro,  "Hello everybody welcome back to another video now I know that I haven't posted in quite sometime,  but now I'm ready to post!  So today or should I say tonight we are going to a bowling alley.  We plan on spending the night.  Let's see if we can!" I say as I face the towards everyone else.  "Guys I have here with me Today Elton Castee,  Sam Golbach, Corey Scherer,  and Colby Brock! " They all wave to the camera.  "It's nice to be able to record again. I haven't been able to record in quite sometime.  I say with a huge smile forming in my face.  I hear everyone start to laugh.  I laugh along with them.  " So what are we doing when we get there because I know for sure that I'm not bowling because either suck at it." Colby says while crossing his arms. "Nope Colby you are playing no matter what! " I say not convincing him at all.  "You can't make me. " He forms a smirk on his face.  "But you have to. If I give you a kiss will you go bowling with us..? " I say.  "Sure." I go up and grab his collar I pull him close to me and kiss him on the lips.  "Come on lets go to the bowling alley. "  It was about to close so we got into our hiding spots when none of the Employees were looking. I heard the door lock. I got out if my hiding spot.  There was no one and the lights were off.  I turn on the flashlight on,  on my phone to navigate where I was going.  I went to the light switch.  I flipped it on and went towards Corey and Elton which they were at the service Counter.  I see a bell.  I ding it a couple times before Elton comes up to me.  "Can I have size (S/s). " Elton goes over and gets my shoes. He hands them to me.  I go and sit down and put on the white and blue shoes.  I stand up and try to find a right bowling ball.  I saw a rainbow one and it was 30lbs. "Are yay sure that's the one you want? " Sam goes up and asks me.  "Yea it's rainbow and I can lift it up no problem." I picked it up and s it actually wasn't that heavy.  I picked it up like it was nothing.  He was jaw dropped.

All the guys got bowling balls that we're 20lbs or under.  I don't know why they got balls that were that light they won't win at all.  We all went up against each other.  Elton went first he got 5 pins.  "Good job! " I high five him. It was my turn. I rolled the bowling ball down the lane and I got a strike.  Yes!!  "Nice seems like your good! " Sam says with a smile.  "The heavier the ball the more pins you can knock down." We kept on playing.  Supriseling Colby won. I didn't think that he would win because be kept saying that he sucked and never played.  Haha I guess he was wrong.  "Damn Colby I didn't think you would actually win! " I congratulate him.  "I doing think I would either." He rubs the back of his head.  "Well damn good job no one thought you of all people we're going to win. " Elton says.  "No I just think your jealous. " Corey says. "Why would I be jealous of all people it's just a game. " Elton says.  "I wonder why. Because people would be a poor spot. " Sam says rolling his eyes.  "" Nope not jelly. " Elton says in a girly tone. "Haha whatever you say. " I say.  "Hey y'all ready to go I am getting really tired and the employees should be coming in soon. " Colby yawns. "Yea that sounds nice. " Corey says while walking towards the door. We all follow after him. We head back to the trailer. I get on mine and Colby bed. Colby was talking to the guys.  I was to tired to talk to anyone.  Though I was able to still stay awake for there conversation.  Corey was screaming because they were talking about what we were gonna do tommarow.  I didn't really hear what it was though so it was going to be a surprise for me. I felt the bed become heavy.  I flip over and find myself staring at Colby. I smile and he smiles. back at me. I kiss his lips.  They were so soft and warm like always. I let go.  He pulls me close to him. I dug my head into his chest. My eyes became heavy and they closed.  Making me fall asleep.


"Daddy plz stop! " I say while getting hit multiple times.  He wouldn't stop he wouldn't say anything.  My dad was very abusive.  I never wanted to live with him.  When ever people would ask how I got bruises or cuts I would say I just fell.  I lied to them all the time.  It happened everyday for 3 years. I then moved out.  "Dad!  I swear to God I have had enough of your shit! I don't need you in my life anymore and I don't want you in my life your just an abusive peace of shit. That's why mom couldn't live with you anymore. " I yell at my dad.  "Why you little shit!" He grabs a knife from behind him he came up and stabbed me in the stomach. I couldn't speak.  I was in so much pain.  "Kid I told you not to fuck with me. " He says.  I fall to the ground.  Everything was turning fuzzy.  Then it went black. 

•End of dream/flashback•

I wake up and I hit my head on the roof of the trailer. Ow!  I them lay in bed with my head hurting. I just sigh.  No one was awake.  So I just got on my phone and scroll through Instagram. I wait for everyone to get up.  Thought it was only 6 am so I it was gonna be a while. Might as well giving back to sleep. It was hard but I eventually passed out. 

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