Chapter 4

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Your pov

"Hey You want to go to HotTopic?" I ask.. "Yea I love HotTopic!" He Reply's. I grab my wallet and my keys. K wait for Colby at the end of the staircase.  It took him a minute to come down, but he got down here eventually.  "Hurry up!" I say as I walk up to the door.  "I'm coming, I'm coming." he says while Coming down the stairs.  I rush out the door and get into my 2010 mustang. I put my keys into the ignition and it roared it scared me at first but I lived.  Soon Colby finnially hops in the car.  "Took you long enough" I say with a grin on my face.  He sighs and reply's with,  "it was hard to find my shoes." I must roll my eyes and start driving.  While I was in the middle of driving I decided it was time to put my seatbelt on so I don't get pulled over.

We arrived at the mall to which HotTopic was.  It seemed a little crowded in the parking lot do it took me a minute to find where to park.  I soon find a parking space in between 2 Toyota's. They both seemed cool.  I jumped out the car and waited for Colby to get out he was on his phone it looked like he was texting someone. I didn't really care.  Five minutes pass. I open the car door and yell,  "Colby!" he jumps and says, "What!?" I pointed 4th to the mall and say,  "We've been here for like 7 minutes." "Oh! I'm sorry..." he says while rubbing the back of his neck.  He gets out of the car and rushed to my side.  I grab his hand. I felt the heat rush up to my face.  He looked at me with his sparkling blue eyes. I felt more heat rush up to my face.  He laughs I punch him in the arm he grabbed his arm and still laughed.  I just rolled my eyes.

We arrive at the entrance to the mall, I let go of his hand,  and rushed over to HotTopic.  HotTopic was right beside the entrance so Colby knew where I was going.  I saw my favorite band sweater. Panic! At the disco.  They had a lot of shirts of them. So I grabbed a galaxy sweater that they have of them.  I then saw my favorite anime shirts Yuri on Ice.  I grabbed the one with Yurios ass. There was a lot of good stuff here at HotTopic. I then saw saw something that I have been dying to have it was a leather jacket. 

I grabbed it and went up the counter.  The total came out to be  51.65. I give him the money. He gives me a receipt and says, "Have a nice day." I smile and wave. Colby was just at the entrance.  He was on his phone texting someone. "Hey Colby if you were gonna come with to be on your phone why did you come at all?" He looked up from his phone and says,  "Cuz I wanted to hang with you. " I roll my eyes an say,  "Your not hanging with  your hanging with your phone." "C'mon I was hanging with you. " he says. "No you weren't. You were km your phone he while trip. Then when we get here you are km tour phone.  Colby if you want to date a person or ever get with someone your gonna have to be more concerned about them, and not that phone." I state.. He sighs and reply's with,  "Your right..." Then he hands me his phone. "Wait why are you giving me your phone?" I ask. "So I'm not on it constantly." he says.  "I didn't mean give me your phone. I meant how about not being on it constantly. Like break the Habit. " he nods and puts his phone in his pocket.  He grabs my hand and we walk out of HotTopic. 

I arrive at the car.  "Hey? (Y/n)? You wanna go on a date with me?" he asks. I nod my head rapidly.  He chuckles but gets in the car.  I put the keys in the ignition.  It roared but it didn't scare me this time. "When are we going?" I ask.  He looks at his phone to see the time.  It was 12:29. "Hmm how about 7 tonight?" he asks. I nod my head keeping my eye on the road not wanting to crash. 

We still arrive home.  I grab my crap from the back seat, and walk inside the house.  I set my crap by the stairs cuz I don't want to go up the stairs into mine and Colbys room.  I go in the kitchen and make some food for me since I haven't eaten today.  Just had some Coffee.  I got me some Top Ramen and started to cook it.  I felt arms around my waist.  I turn around, it wasn't Colby...  It was my ex. The one who raped me. I scream.  I try to run to to the room but I couldnt he grabbed my arm.  He slammed me up against the counter head first.  I then knocked out. 

Colby pov

I went up to my room after coming back from the store.  I we so tired, bit in couldnt fall asleep.  I hear a scream come. From down stairs.  I was thinking that it was just a prank that knew of the guys were pulling on (Y/n). I hear another scream but it was cut off.  I then go down stairs concerned. (Y/n) was on the floor with blood coming out of her head and I knew it Wasnt fake blood cuz I know what it looks like now cuz I play pranks on all of my roommates.  There was an unknown guy in our house. I go to to him and yell, "WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM.!" He runs put of the house I chase after him.  I then realized that I didn't to call 9-1-1 before she looses to much blood.  I dial them. I tell them what happened and where we live so they can vet there. 

They arrive at the house.  They put her on one of those bed things. I get into the ambulance with them and her. 

A couple minutes pass we soon arrive at the Hospital. I was really scared that she was gonna loose to much blood.

I had to sit in the waiting room. I took them a minute to come to me.  "Hello Your Colby Brock right?" I nod.  "Well (Y/n) is perfectly fine. Shes I'm the process of getting stitches in her head.. I nod at least it wasn't that bad. "she will come out in a couple minutes.. I nod.  I grab my phone out of my pocket. I text Corey.

A.C- Corey C-Colby

C- hey Corey can you come over the hospital

A.C- What for?

C- well see (Y/n) was injured by some random guy who came knot our house i dong know who he is but he did ︶︿︶

A.C- what!? I'm on my way rn! 😱

That was the end of our conversation.

(Y/n) then came out of her room.  I ran up and hugged her. I kissed her forehead. She of course hugged me back.  "Are you OK? What happened. " I kept on wanting to ask a bunch of questions.  But I didn't.  "I'll tell you when we get home." she stated.  I nod my head.  I then get a Text from Corey saying "I'm here.  I walk (Y/n) to Corey's car.  "OK tell me what happened? " Corey says.  "I already told Colby I'll tell you when we get home." she reply's. 

We arrive the house where there was crap everywhere on our front lawn.  I don't really care though.  "OK now tell us what happened." Corey states. "OK well I was gonna go and cook my self some Top Ramen when I felt arms wrap around me.  I thought it was Colby buy I turn around to see it was my ex..  The one ex I had that raped me.  He was my most recent ex.  I screamed to get Colbys Attention, but he didn't come down stairs.  I fell on the floor with him. Grabbing onto my arm. He then slammed my head onto the counter, and that's all I could remember cuz I blacked out. " "wait tbsp guy raped you!!" I say in disbelief .  She nods her head. "I'm sorry I sat come down stairs km the first scream I mean I thought it was the guys playing a prank on you so I didnt mind it." I say really sad for what happened. 

We get out of the car and walk into the house.  I walk home to my room and lay in my bed really tired. I set my alarm to 5 pm so I could get up and get ready for our date.  I then feel arms wrap around me. I didn't mind it cuz I knew it was (Y/n) with her thin arms. I still wonder why she's thinner then most people. I then wrap her arms around her and pull her close go me.  And fall asleep.

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