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Colbys pov

She jumped off the vukiding. I tried to catch her but I couldn't. I heard a loud bang come from dwon below me. I knew that it was Y/n hitting the ground. I rush down to the first floor and out the door. "Y/n?!?! What the hell!!" I check her pulse, none. She had slyvia coming out of her mouth. "Baby?!" I tell once more. I then hear the door open. I turn around to see a crowd of people behind me. Some people were pushing there way through to get to the front. I notice that it was all of the guys, Corey, Sam, and Elton. Corey runs up next me. "What the hell happened?!!?" Tear streaming down both mine and Corey's face. "This is my best friend what the hell happened Colby?!?" He asks again. I didn't answer I didnt know what to say. So I didn't say anything. I then here sirens arive. They put her in one of those body bags. She didn't live. My baby. Everything that I loved was gone right before my eyes. I watched her junp. I watched her take her last breath. I knew that I lost everything. This New Zealand trip was a mistake. I shouldn't have gone. I made a huge mistake. I made out with someone else. I was drunk I could understand that, vjt she had to take it this far. I loved her so much. More than she could understand. I just stayed outside. I just wanted to think about what I just did. I didn't deserve anyone or anything. Fuck me! Why the hell am i such a fucked up person. Why do people like me. I'm nothing. I'm a worthless peice of shit.

Your pov

I see light everywhere. Nothing was gonna happen. I see an angel. She was so beautiful. Her long blonde floecent hair. With her long white dress. She looked magnificent. "Hello? You must be Y/n... We are sorry that you made the decision that you were done with your life. I am Perry. I kinda saw why you killed yourself. But you know he loves you. He was drunk and that kiss didn't mean anything to him. He was just drunk. You know he rarely gets drunk. And he was there for you when you tried to kill yourself because of him. Do you remember when he asked you to be his girlfriend. That was the best moment of his life. You guys have known each other for to long to hustle throw that all away. He loves you dearly not only as a girlfriend but as a best friend. A person that he's known forever. He loves you dearly and I know that you don't think that he wants to be with you but he does. I know you want to be with him to your just scared that your gonna end up being hurt again. So please choose.wisely if you want to stay or you want to go."
I nod my head. This was a hard decision to make. I didn't know what to say. Does he truely love me. How am I supposed to make that decision. I know that I have a fucked up life bit he always made me happy. He was always there for me through middle school and high school. I loved him and I didn't want to loose him. I wanted to be with him forever. I just didn't k ow what my decision was going to be. I also didn't want to see him because of what he did. He charged in me. he betrayed my trust once again. I made up my mind...

Colbys pov

It was the day of Y/n funeral. It had to take place in New Zealand. I don't know why.. I'mma miss her smile that I look at when I wake up in the mornings I gonna miss her cooking. Her makeing me laugh whenever I was down.. She was the reason I wanted to live. I loved her. I didn't want to loose her. She was everything to me. Y/n I love you. I go up in front of the crowd. I start to speak, "I'm so glad you guys could make it here today.." I smile. "So today we are here to celebrate Y/ns life. She was not only an amazing friend but also an amazing girlfriend. She was always there for me and some of you guys. She made me want to live. Her smile was the most precious thing. She made me laugh when I was down. she didn't live a long life. She's only 20.. I have to idment something though." I take a deep breath for what I was going to say. I breath in then out. "She wanted to di-" I was cut off by Y/n she was getting up. I was scared. Was she a zombie. I swear if she is I'mma shoot someone. She comes up to me and kisses me. Wait what now I'm really confused. Her skin was no longer pale. She her lips no longer had no color. They were a bright pink. Her hair wasn't racit. It was her long H/c (Hair Color) hair. She was beautiful. She had her black dress on but no shoes. I kiss her back with passion. She came back. I let go.. "Y-Y/n y-your a-alive. How?" I was frightened. "I had a choice to live or to stay. I realized by killing myself I would be leaving everyone I loved, not only that but I would be leaving you. I know that it sounds crazy. I know but it's true. I would aslo be leaving the most fun I had I my life. Leaving everything behind. See this world is a lot better than we make it out to be. Yea there are going to be things that are going to fuck up things. But there are other things that are gonna make it better to live. Make it worthwhile. So I chose to stay. I love here with Elton Sam Corey. Even Jake Aaron and Brennen. They all make life worth living. I know that it seems as if life is terrible. But it's not. It's really fun. I love it. Colby you have even saved me from things that have happened. I love my parents. They are everything. Colby you are more o me than everything I don't know what word it is yet. But you are something much more. I love you . I always will." She says while looking at everyone than at me. She was my everything. I hug her. "I am so sorry. I didn't want tiu to die. I didn't want anything to happen to you. Your everything to me. I love you too. I hope I don't loose you again." I wisper to her while tears we're streaming down my face. Hm. I really do love her. I hope I never loose her again I don't want to loose her again.

It has been a long week. Luckily we still have one week left in New Zealand. It's gonna be fun. I want to spend every moment with Y/n.

I know this is up a little late. But I got it up. This was a really awesome chapter for me to write. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Love you guys and thank you for 765 reads.

What will the next in New Zealand be like?

What will happen with you and Colby.

Will the guys find out why Y/n Committed suicide?

Find out In the next chapter.

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