Going To My Fist party

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Your pov

I wake up and notice Colby wasn't next to me. I get my self. Up and see that no one was in the trailer. "Colby? " I call out but no answer. "Colby?! " I yell. Still no answer. "Corey Sam Elton! " I call out Corey cane into the trailer. "Where's Colby? " I'm really scared now. "Oh.. Um so um. We were driveing and the trailer broke down and Colby went to follow check on it and Elton acsidentialy hit the gas pedal. And hit Colby.... " He says while looking down. "What?! I sat with tears forming in my eyes. I run outside the RV. Everyone yelled, " You just got pranked. " I look around and I see all the guys. "Omg don't do that to me. I was so scared that I lost him." I say falling to the floor crying. "Oh Y/n it's ok. I'm fine. " He says while Embarsing me into a hug. I start to cry in his chest. "It's ok Y/n everything will be ok. You won't loose me."

"Guys so we are going to a party tonight and I need you guys to get ready. " Elton says. I get up off the floor, "Party?! I've never been to one. I know that I'm 20 but never been to a party. " Everyone looked at me. "Never been to a party." Sam says. "No I was not really popular back in Kansas. So I was never invited to any of them. I was at home trying to think of where my life was heading to. "

"Well looks like today we are taking you you to the mall to get you some clothes for your first party. " Elton says while grabbing my hand and dragging me into the RV.

He drives off with all of the guys in the RV. We came across a mall. They drag me inside. I see HotTopic but I know I wasn't going in there. They take me to Rue 21 my least favorite store. I look at them like there crazy. I just turn around and head time HotTopic. I get a Panic! At the disco crop top and a Galaxy skirt overall thing.

I go to the register and pay for my items. I then go to the Vans Outlet and get a pair of Fire high top Vans.

I meet the guys back at the entrance of the mall. "Oh so I guess HotTopic is like your life." Elton says smirking. "Well duh I hate Rue 21 with a passion. So don't ever take me there. " I say existing the building. "Well it's 5 right now. So that means we have 4 hours til the party. So everyone best be getting ready. " Elton says. I job my head a long with all the other guys.

I go to the woman's restroom in the mall to change. It didn't take long. I then put make up on trying to cover up my ugly face.

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I put my hair to into a nice braided buns

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I put my hair to into a nice braided buns.

It took me may be 2 hours to get ready

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It took me may be 2 hours to get ready. It normally takes a shorter amount of time but I wanted to look nice.

I walk out of the building a towards the RV. I walk in and see a shirt less Colby. I blush a bit at the sight. I walk over to him and out my hands around his waist. "Hey baby... " I say smiling. He turns around and says, "hey there. You look hot. I've never seen you wear something like that. " I roll my eyes playfully, "well maybe it's because I don't like dressing up so Fancy. " I say while looking into his eyes. He leans forward and kisses me. I kiss him back pasinnotly. I let go. "So you ready " I say as he put his shirt on. "Yea.. " He says facing the opposite direction of me. He took out his phone and pulled u on the camera. Huh? He comes over to me and pulls me close. I smile into the camera. It snaps. This was nice. The picture looked so cute.

Soon the other guys came in looking nice. Elton then drove off. It was 8:54. When we arrived. I guess we were a bit early. There were some cars here. Not a lot so I guess we weren't the only ones. It was still nice. The place looked decent.

We all walk up to the front of the building. It liked nice lights everywhere. A bar. Damn I'm not 21 yet. Wait the lawn in New Zealand is different you have to be 18 to be able to drink. Omg yay I can drink. Haha. I walk into the building and see a big dance floor a DJ and lots of blue purple and pink and green lights. They looked nice. Tonight was gonna be a blast. But I thought we were gonna go up on something high because of Corey screaming. I guess not. I go on the dance floor with a whole lot of people. I take Corey with me. It was fun. This was a night I will remember. I go up to the bar and get a shot of Vodka. I chug it down. I walk back on the dance floor with Corey and now Elton and Sam. Colby just stayed at the bar. He took a lit of drinks that he has to be drunk right now.

I was dancing with Elton Corey and Sam. When I see out of the corner of my eye Colby making out with some girl. My eyes filled with tears. "C-colby... " I say trying to fight the tears. I couldn't do it. Why am I Alice in just get hurt all the time. I find my way up to the roof. I sit on the edge wishing my life would just end right now. I hear the entrance to the roof open. I turn around and see a person that I wish I didn't see. It was Colby. "What do you want i think The girl you were making out with want a you." I say with tears in my eyes. "Y/n it's not like that. " He says. Trim to come near me. I get up and back away. "Colby just stay away from me. Your the last person I want to see right now. " I say with tears still filling my eyes. "He still came closer. Soon I was at the edge of the building. This building was like 5 stories tall. I knew what I had to do. " Goodbye Colby...." I say in a soft tone. I lean backwards and fall. I felt my whole life flash before my eyes. To. My foray birthday to my first kiss. To every moment of my life. I even remember my parents. It was tragic but I still love them. I knew this was my time. It was time for me to go.. I know it wasn't a very long life I'm only 20 but everything in my life just went wrong to the people I fall in love with. To every aspect of my life.

I felt much body hit the concrete. Everyting went fuzzy. Then black..

Did you guys enjoy. Making this chapter got me to cry. Haha. Well next chapter will come out soon.

Do you think Y/n will make it out alive..

What Do you think is gonna happen with Colby.

Is Colby's life ruined.

Will Colby get with the girl that Y/n caught him making out with.

Find out in the next Chapter..

I know cliffhanger sorry haha.

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