Chapter 13 coming home

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Omg I named my chapter for the first time omg yay!!! Lmao hahaha I hope you like the name of the chapter.. it basically tells you what's gonna happen in this chapter hope you enjoy ^~^

Your pov

Colby and I have talked for awhile he then fell asleep in the chair. I thought it was really cute. He had his little snores. They were so quite yet you were able to hear them clear as day. My eyes then start to get heavy I didn't want to fall asleep. My eyes then shut closed.


I see myself. I don't know how though. My body was lifeless. Colby was on the ground yelling out my name. There was blood everywhere. What the hell. "Why did you have to go and Commit suicide. You had a lot of friends and family that love you and I love you. I don't think I'll ever get over this. The love of my life dying. (Y/n) your all I had your everything to me and always will be. I need you here with me." I saw a thousand tears roll down his face. He really does love me. He's always gonna be there for me no matter what. I don't want to loose him. But I know eventually he will end up finding someone new. A man then walks up behind him and puts a gun to his head,"You want to be with her..?" He nods his head. What!?! No!! He can't!! The man then pulls the trigger. Colby falls to the floor. What!?! No!!! Colby!!! I tried I to speak but nothing came out. What the hell! He's dead! I saw his lifeless body on the floor next to mine. Why did he have to go through with that he a had a great life with his friends. He did this for me and I wish he didn't. Colby the one person I love let's someone kill him to be with me when he dies. That's not cool! I don't want that to happen! I didn't want it to happen but it did!

•End of dream•

I jolted awake. I had a couple tears rolling down my face. Luckily Colby was still asleep. I was still terrified from the dream. I didn't want to loose him ever.

Colby then grabbed my hand but he was still asleep I could hear the slight snores coming from him. I really do love that man. The nurse then walked into the room, "Ms. (Y/l/n) your able to go whenever you'd like." I nod and she left the room and closed the certain behind her so I could get dressed. I just gently moved Colby's hand off of mine so I could get up and change before he woke up. I put on a clean outfit that he brought for me.

It seemed decent. I then rubbed Colby's back, "Baby it's time to get up rise and shine." He didn't budge. I then shook him, and he still didn't budge. What the hell. I then put on Piss off your parents by Anabor then he woke up and started to sing along. "So if you wanna piss off your parents date me and scare them show them your all grown up. If long hair and and tattoos that won't attract you baby then your in luck! I know it's just a phase your not in love with me! So if you wanna piss off your parents that's alright with me!" He sang along to the song. I giggle a little and say, "It's time to go its 11am we slept long enough. The doctor walked in this time and said, "(Y/n) your gonna need to take these everyday." The doctor handed me a bottle of pills. I read what it was. They were anti-Depressiants. The worst thing there is. I won't have any emotions what so ever. I was till looking at the bottle. I had a sad look on my face. The doctor exited the room. "What are they..?" Colby asks really concered I guess he noticed the exspression on my face. I just through him the bottle, he read it, "I am not taking them." I say in a stern tone. "But (Y/n) these will help you!" He says looking at me. "Colby no they don't I've had them before. I get zero emotion after I take those. I don't get to feel anything, not sadness, Happiness, joy, hurt, and most importantly love. I won't be able to love you like I would anymore. When you kiss me I look dead and I won't care what your doing I'll just stand there like a zombie. I'll have zero emotion." I state. Colby just sighs, "How do you know?" He says with a weird look in his eyes. "I was with Nick while I was taking them and that's why he started to abuse me because I wouldn't pay attention to anything in our relationship. That's why he wanted sex all the time because I couldnt give it to him because I was a Zombie." He was at loss of words. "So can we go now" I demand. He nods and walks put if the room. He still had the pills. I wasn't going to take them. I didn't want to feel like a zombie anymore. I didn't want to feel dead. He doesn't know what it feels like. He's never taken them. I hop into his car. I got into the drivers seat because I could see that Colby was still tired. The hospital wasn't that far away from the house it took us like 10 minutes to get there.

I nudge Colby because we were at the house. It looked bigger than before. I just sigh, I'm happy to be home. Colby's eyes then flutter open. It was easier to get him up this time. I get out if the car and I walk up to the front door. I take a deep breath before I walk into the house. I set the keys in they key hook bye the door. I walk into the living room and see Aaron and Corey sitting down playing Rocket Leauge. "Yo what's up guys. Haven't seen you guys in like a week." They then turn there heads towards me. They paused there game and ran up and hugged me. "Whoa! You guys ok your hugging me a little tight there." I say while gasping for air. I notice that Colby just went straight up to his room. I guess he was really tired. "How you been (Y/n)?" Aaron asks. I shrug, "ok I guess I had nothing to do for a week so.. Boring..." They just sat back down and played there rocket Leauge. Sam Devyn, Kat, Elton, and Jake weren't here so it was just, Corey, Aaron, Colby, Circa, and I here all alone I was really tired from sleeping in a hospital bed so I went up to mine and Colby's shared room. I open the door and see a sleeping Colby he was passed out. I guess that chair was really uncofterabel. I felt really bad. I got in bed with him. He was on the side with the wall. I cuddled up into his back, he readjusted himself wrapped his arms around me and said, "I love you (Y/n) (L/n)." I blushed a bit and replied with, "I love you too Colby Brock." I smiled and cuddle up into his chest and fell asleep. I was so happy he was all mine.

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