chapter 5

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Colby pov

I wake up with my alarm going off. I shake (Y/n) awake. She groans. "it's time to get up princess." he face turned a light pink. She was blushing but she still groans. "C'mon." she finally gets up. "Why do we have to get up?" she asks. "Well we still have a date. " her face light up with excitement after those words i said. "What am I gonna where?!" she yells. "Well I mean that's your choice. But don't worry you'll look cute in anything." she still groans she goes to her still packed suitcase. "Um.. (Y/n) I have a question for you.." I say... "shoot" she says. "Why are you so um... Skinny... Like skinnier than the average person. I can like put my while hand around your leg." she sighs. "Do I have to tell you this now... " she says while turning around. "Well I just wanted to know.. I'm concerned for you." "Well. Colby.. I am anorexic.. I don't eat properly I have an eating disorder... I've got the eating disorder when I turned 16.. The year you moved out of your house in Kansiss... I guess I was just sad that you left. So I stopped eating. I started um... Cutting.." she then lifts up her sleeve and shows me the deep cuts on her wrists. She lifts up her shirt and shows me the cuts on her stomach. "(Y-Y-n) W-why would you do that..?" "Cuz you left me she reply's.. "(Y/n) I didn't mean to leave you! I was just frustrated with my parents. They just have been pushing me to find someone and move out and crap so I finally did. I'm sorry. But me and Sam found an Apartment.  Then a year later we found this house were able to afford. Now you live with us and I'm just really happy.  At first I didn't even know what you looked like." I say.  "Colby... I still have the scars on me and there never gonna go away... I mean it's not your fault at all I just thought you were gonna be with me..  All the time. " she says while I sigh.  I just hug her and whisper in her ear, "I'm sorry... " she kisses my cheek, "It's fine Colby. " She then resumes finding something to wear. 

I grab a nice outfit. 

It seemed suitable for a date hopefully

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It seemed suitable for a date hopefully. 

(Y/n) then comes lit of the bathroom and I see that she is wearing a nice red laced dress. 

She looked so cute just standing in it

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She looked so cute just standing in it. 

Corey's pov finnially

I come out of my room to see (Y/n) in a red florecent dress. "(Y/n) where are you going?" I say with a big smirk on my face..  "Oh! OK going on date with Colby he didn't quite say where we were going... " she reply's. "oooooooo" I say.  "OK. So we are not together. Or not officially." she says.  "Oh but you want to be don't you. She just nods her head.
"tell me everything when you get back OK." she yet again nods her head. She walks off to see Colby at there door.

Your pov

I walk over to. Colby to where he was at our bedroom door. He had his jaw open.  I just giggled.  "(Y/n) your so beautiful..  I mean damn. I could never look as cold as you.." I smile and explain,  "Colby your beautiful to remember that even if you don't feel you are you are to me even if someone else says your not. " he groans,  "Yea i guess so." he then wraps his hand around my waist.  I felt heat rush up To my face. He leans in to kiss me.. His lips smash into mine. I kiss him back.. "Hey lover boy you ready to go?" I say with a large smirk on my face.  "Yea! Get into my car." he says I rush downstairs to the door.  I go outside and wait for him to unlock the car door so I could get in.  I then hear a click come from the 2007 Toyota. I then open the door.  Colby came in right after me. I buckle my self up so I don't die.  Lmao Colby then buckles him self in. He starts the car and rushed out the gate.

We arrive at a movie theater. "Colby what movie so gonna see?" "Well I guess we can see the new Annabell creation." "OMG yass I've been dying to see that. " he chuckles.  "Well don't worry I have been too." we walk up to the counter to pay for our tickets.  36.91 was the total it came out to be. I get my credit card out.  But I was to late.  Colby already paid for it.  "Hey! I was gonna pay for that. " I say.  "Well looks likes you were to late. " he says with A smile on his face. I smile back at him. We go inside and get some popcorn.  We then went to the screening room. There was a lot of people. So we chose to sit in the back row where no one was.  We took our seats. We watched the previews.  Which took like forever then the movie came on..  Just to inform you guys there is gonna be spoilers so if you don't want it spoiled for you. Then I suggest you skip to the next paragraph.

I saw a girl get hit by a car.  I flinched a little not knowing that was gonna happen. There were so many jumpscares I just started holding on to Colbys hand.  He looked at me.  I didn't really care though my eyes were on the movie.  He then faces the screen. He looked sad cuz I didn't see him. I look at him and smile. "I love you Colby Brock. " I say to him.  He looks at me,  "I love you too (Y/n) (L/n)."

The movie ended I was kinda happy cuz there were to many jumpscares in this movie. Colby grabs my hand and takes us put of here.  We both get into the car and he speeds off.  I noticed we went going the direction to the house.  "Yo! Colby where are we going now?" I ask cuz this was no where near the house.  "oh we are going to the park." I nod my head.

The park was so lit up right now.  I was just so many beautiful lights.  He get out the car. There was already a set blanket on the grass.  "Colby did you set this all up?" he nods.  We sit down and watch the star. They were so magical. We later there for like 30 minutes just watching the stars.  "Hey you ready to go?" Colby asks. I nod my head.  We hop in the car. 

I was just super tired.

The house seemed empty.  It was dark but the kitchen light was on we both walk in there to see Sam and Kat. "Yo how was your guy's date?" Sam asks.  I just blush. Colby answers the question, "How did you know we were going on date. " "Corey told me. " "How did Corey know." I raised my hand. "You told Corey?" Colby says.  "Yea of course he's my Best friend. You know me and him have known each other since 1st grade.  Of course imma tell him everything." "(Y/n) couldn't you have asked how I would feel about it. Like 'Oh hey Colby would you mind if I told Corey that me and you are going on a date.' I would have said yes but I would still. Like my opinion on crap too." he explains. "Colby I'm sorry now that I know I won't do it again. "  he rolls his eyes and heads up stairs.  "Colby C'mon." he just keeps on walking I follow him upstairs. "Colby!" I say no answer. "Colby Brock!" I say again no answer. I go into our room and he is sitting on our bed. "Colby..  If I would have known you didn't want our personal business being shared I wouldn't have done that." "(Y/n) it's not that you told someone ankh our personal business it's that you didn't ask for my permission first. I would have said yes just include me on shit OK.. " I nod he kisses my forehead.  I lay backwards on the bed.  "God I'm so tired." I get off of the bed and put on some cute pjs. I lay down on the bed near the wall.  Colby takes his shirt off and lays. Next to me. I cuddle up to him cuz I was really cold. I then felt my eyes become really heavy.  I pass out. 

I wake up to an alarm I don't know why an alarm was set bit there was one set. I pounded on it and it shut up.  I went back to sleep.

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