Chapter 40 Drunk

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Hopes pov

We arrive at my house. Y/n seemed really down she just wants to go out and party and that means I have to be the designated driver. I can only drink one beer. She didn't tell Colby about it. I mean I would tell Brennen if i was doing something like that but I also wouldn't want him coming with me. This is just a girls night no guys involved.

Y/n sets her phone down on the coffee table then sat down on the couch next to it.

"Ugh I can't wait to party." She groans.

"Have you told Colby? I think he would like to know if you are doing something like this so he knows what he's prepared for. " I sigh.

"Uh... No. I don't think he needs to know. It's a girls night out and no one else is gonna take that away. " She formed a smile with her lips.

"Ok. But if you get yelled at by Colby know it's not my fault." I throw my hands in the air and walk off to the kitchen.

I grab a glass of water and sit down beside Y/n on the couch.

Our day was basically sitting down watching 13 reasons why till 8 rolled around.

"Got to get ready!" I say while turning the TV off.

She groans, "noooo it was just getting good!"

"Get ready." I sang while leaving the room to my room to get dressed.

I realized I could have kept the show on for her because all she needed to do was get her shoes on.

I walk back down stairs and see Y/n on her phone ready to go.

"Ready!" I yell. She looked up and went out the door to my car as I followed behind her.

Your pov

We arrive at the bar. Yay! Dark outside party lights on.

I walk inside and see a bunch of people everywhere. I walk up to the bartender and ask for a shot of vodka as I put the money on the table.

"Damn Y/n you are already in here ready to drink." She giggles.

"Duh that's the whole reason why I came here" I tap my forehead.

I get my shot and chug it like it was nothing.

"Can I get Mike's raspberry." Hope asks the bartender.

"That's all you want?" I ask confused.

"Yea I have to be the designated driver." she smile.

I ask for 4 more shots of vodka and by that I was drunk. Couldn't keep my balance. It was maybe 9:45. When I got fully drunk.

"Can I get a Mike's raspberry please." I slur my words.

He hands me one and I hand him the money.

"Y/n it's time to go." Hope says. She looks funny.

"Noooo." I complain.

"Yes its almost 10 and Colbys probably wondering where you are." She drags me out of the bar and to her car.

That wasn't nice.

She drives me to the Trap House. Aka my house.

I get out of the car and walk into the house. I knocked over a light post. Thing we use for the lighting in our videos.

Someone peaked around the corner it was Corey.

"Wassup!" He says.

I nod my head and walk upstairs.

I open the door to mine and Colbys room. He wasn't in there. Huh? Maybe he's taking a shower. I walk into the bathroom. I was correct he was taking a shower. I took off my clothes and got into the shower with him. As soon as I got in he was wide eyed.

"Y/n what are you doing?!" He yells.

"Conserving water." I say.

He didn't care. "Your drunk aren't you?" He asks.

"Pftt no!"

"Uh huh? Then why are you doing this now. You wouldn't want to do this before because of all of your scars. You didn't want anyone to see them. You thought they made you ugly." My eyes filled with tears and the thought that he remembered that.

"I'm sorry Y/n but your drunk and that's the only reason why your doing  this letting me see all of you." He sighs.

I pushed my lips against his to make him shut up.

"Wow! You sure do know how to kiss..." He smiles.

"I know." I smile.

I got out of the shower and cleaned my self up. I put a towel around me and walked into our bed room.

I look for clothes in my drawer.

I turn around to see Colby trying to seduce me. I fell right into his trap.

I ain't gonna write about sex because I don't do do that but basically what happened was that Colby finnaly lost his virginaty and you finally lost your virginaty. Yea..

I was so out of breath and Colby was to.

"Wow.." I giggle.

He just looks at me with a smile.

"I love you Cole Robert Brock." I continued to smile.

"I love you to Y/n M/n (Middle name) L/n (Last name)." He kisses my forehead. I turn around and fall asleep.

That was the best day of my life.

So this was a chapter. Sorry I couldn't write about porn I aint like that. Sorry. But you finnaly lost you virginaty along with Colby. This was probably the best part of the book for all the readers.


You and Colby have been dating for 4 months. I know right.

Sam tried getting on you. Eww.

You reunited with your friend Hope And Maria.

You got drunk and partied for the first time in awhile

So I'm just gonna say have a fantastic day.

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