Chapter 17 New Zealand

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Play music whenever I just love this song!
We love our friends
By Sam and Colby

Your pov

This is gonna be a fun trip. Today was the day I was going to New Zealand. I never really got to travel in my life so today was probably going to be the second time. Yay! I grab my suitcase and head downstairs. Everyone was ready. Everyone goes out the door. We put our suitcases in the trunk of the car. It barely fit in there but we got it too. I hop in the passenger seat of Elton's car. Corey and Colby got into the back seat of the car. Elton hit the gas petal and speeded off.

It took us like maybe a half hour to get to the airport. "Elton? I think we foregot something..." He looked confused, "what did we forget?" I count, "There's only 4 people here. There's supposed to be 5 where's Sam?" "Oh shit!!! We forgot Sam!!" He got back into the car and drove off. "So we forgot Sam..." Colby says. "Yea I mean I kinda forgot about it too." Corey says. "Guys it's just a mistake we all have em." I say glaring at them. "Hahaha I hope New Zealand is gonna be a heck of a trip." Corey says. "Yea I hope to because me and Y/n are gonna have our one month anniversary here." Colby says while looking at me. I just put a smile on my face. "Hey imma text Sam real quick." I say and take out my phone.

Y-you Sam💩-Sam

Y- hey Sam I'm really sorry for leaving you it didn't come to mind till we arrived at the airport.

Sam💩- it's ok you guys were in a rush. It's best to be almost forgotten than Accutally forgotten. 🙈

Y- your right. How far are you guys from the airport?

Sam💩- maybe like 5 minutes, why?

Y- because our flight leaves in 20. 🙊

Sam💩- wait really!? Damn it why did talk have to forget me. 😩

Y- Idk Because we forgot it's not out fault you weren't ready when we were so we forgot. 😭

Sam💩- your all good Y/n.. It wasn't your fault. 😉

Y- haha I guess your right. 😄

Sam- yea np were pulling up right now. 🙈🙈

I look to my right and I see Elton's car pulling up. I wave. "We got to hurry up we don't have a lot of time. Get your pass ports ready and your plane tickets. I take out my pass port form my suitcase and I get my plane ticket out of my pocket. We head up to the counter hand them our plane tickets and scan our pass ports. We then rush to the plane. Me and Colby sat together Corey and Sam sat together, and Elton just sat by himself. "Hey Colby? Do you travel a lot like with uncle Elton..?" He looked at me and said, "yea why?" I shrug my shoulders, "I don't know I'm just bored. " he smiles, it was the cutest smile you could ever see, "well little miss I'm bored does this help..?" He kissed my lips his warm lips intrwinded with mine. I kiss him back. Our kiss went in for like what I thought was 10 minutes but it was acutally 30 seconds. He let go. "That did help" I say with a smirk on my face. "I'm glad it did.." We than sat in silence. I layed  my head on Colby's shoulder. My eyes then became heavy i then passed out.

I woke up from being shook. "What's going on I say?" Lifting my head up. I heard slight giggles. "It's time to get up we're hear." I hear Colby's soft voice say. I got up from the seat and walked out the airplane door. I went inside trying to look for my suitcase. I saw the F/c leather suitcase. I went up and grabbed it. I saw other people grabbing there's too. I saw Elton so I went up to him. "So I wonder how New Zealand's gonna be like. I've never been to a forgien country." I say to Elton. "Well you get to see and find out for your self. We are staying in a motor home vehicle. There are 3 beds 2 of you guys are gonna have to share and I already know that you and Colby are going to share so Corey and Sam are gonna have to share another bed. Yes I get a bed to myself because I paid for this trip. And there's 5 of us so we have to share." He says while holding up 5 fingers. I blush a bit at his comment. "Yea this trip is gonna be really fun. Though we are gonna be trapped In a motor home for awhile. I know it's gonna rain because I looked at the weather for Zew Zealand and it says there's a lot of rain. We can probably be able to do indoor activities. "What's the first thing we are doing?" I ask. "We are getting settled in. Then Tommarow I have something fun planned." Fun now I want to know what it is. Colby, Sam and Corey come up to us. "Took you guys long enough to get your bags." Elton says with a smirk on his meaning that it was sacrasim. They all laugh, "yea it was hard to find them." Corey says. "Really I feel like you guys just wanted to stay in the airport and not go to the motor vehicle." Elton says. "Haha no we don't want to drive we don't even know how to drive with the wheel on the right side. And drive on the right. We'll crash." Sam said. "Well were gonna have compation and the looser will be driving." Elton says. "What!?! Compations?!" I yell. "Yup best be training it could be anything!" Elton says with a smirk. "Can we go now. I want to have fun! Or at least relax." I complain. "Alright come on guys." Elton says waving towards the exit.

First day in New Zealand lets relax and have fun.

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