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Your pov

I wake and realize that I'm home. Oh fuck did I forget what happen yesterday. I look beside me and see no Colby. I wonder where he went. I got out if bed and got dressed.

I walk out and see that no one was here. I was alone. I walk about the house and notice nothing. Everyone was just gone. I get out my phone and call Colby. He picked up, "hey Colby where is everyone?"

"Out. I don't know where they went." I hear a girl talk in the background.

"Where are you?"



"What do you mean I'm by myself." He laughs.

"Don't play dumb with me Colby who's the girl your with." I roll my eyes but he dint see.

"I'm not with anyone I promise."

"Colby I know your with someone."

"Babe. Trust me I'm with no one."
I roll my eyes again.

"Fine Colby but if I find out that you were hanging with a girl and you didn't tell me I will flash on you!" I was irritated and jealous.

"Ok.." I hang up on him. What a dick.

I was irritated. Know what since I'm back imma hang out with an old friend of mine. Emily! Sorry if your name is Emily. Just insert a different name if it is.

I grab my keys and walk outside of the house.

If Colby wants to be a dick I just won't talk to him today. I was Furious. Why does he do this to me.

I get into my car and drive over. I didn't tell her I was coming over so. I guess it was a surprise.

I walk up to her apartment room. I knock on the door. Is was quickly answered by the one and only Emily.

"Y/n!! Is that you! You've changed a lot!" She was jumping up and down.

"Yep! Emily. It's been to long." I greet her with a smile.

"Yea! Come on in!" She walks out of the door way and lets me in.

I walk in and see her house has also changed. Damn. I wish I lived here . It was so nice.

"So tell me what's been going on. I haven't seen you since we graduated high school." She smiles and sits down. She pats a spot next her motioning for me to sit down.

I sat down and spoke, "So I'm in a relationship with this guy. He's kinda famous through YouTube. Tho he doesn't have as many subscribers as me. Not even half-way. I moved in with my best Friend Corey Scherer and his friend. You remember Sam and Colby, right?" I ask. She nods.

"Well turns out they also lived with Corey. Along with 2 other people that I didn't know. Elton Castee and Aaron Doh. They are awesome people. Ruby and I have gotten into a few arguments but we lived. But that's about it." I finish.

"Wow! But who's this Boyfriend." She Ood.

"Oh! Haha. Well what you dint know is that it's Colby!" I rub the back of my neck.

"What?! You got together with Colby Brock. Really?!" She looked like she was about to explode.

"Are you ok..? Do I need to go." I ask.

"I really liked him tho... He was a great guy. I watch all of his videos. But I do notice that you were in them often. He never told his followers that he was with you. " She rolls her eyes.

"Oh! I'm sorry. I didn't know." I was kinda getting jealous. My phone rang. It was really loud. I look at the Caller ID and see that it was Colby.

"Hang on one moment." I say while putting one finger in the air. I walk out the door so I can talk in private.

I answer, "hello?"

"Y/n where are you?!" He yells into the phone.

"Colby why should it matter to you." I ask.

"Uh! Because your my girlfriend and I care about your Safety!" He yells furiously into the phone.

"Colby it don't matter. I'm just hanging with a friend."

"Who?!" He asks. Sounds like he was starting to get jealous.

"Uh! Old friend of ours..."

"Who?!" He asks once again starting to get irritated.

"Emily! " I yell.

"Come home.! " he bung up before I could say another word.

What the hell is the matter with him.  I walk back inside and say,  "hey sorry I got to Go Colby needs something. " I wave.  She waves back of course.  She's an amazing friend.  I.  So glad that I meant her.  I smile and walk out the door.  I get j to my car and drive back home. 

I arrive at the house.  I walk up to the doors.  I open one of them.  I notice that the house was a mess.  Things were flown everywhere. Like as if someone was pissed or was looking for something. 

I try and fund Colby but didn't find him.  I then yell his name,  "Colby! " I then hear running coming from down the stairs. I look over and see Colby. 

"Why were you so pissed this morning?" He asks.  Why should I tell him he should know. 

"Why did you want me here.  I wanted time to myself today. " I ask.

"Well I mean.  I wanted to take you out.  But now that I kNow that you wanted today to yourself,  I should have made you come home. " he says. 

"Yea.  I.  Going to our Room.  So dont bother me." I day while heading up stairs. Why is he such a dick. 

I sit on the bed wanting to forget about what happened today.  Everything went wrong.  I can't do anything right.  I look down.  Why am I such a failure.  I make everything worse.  What's the point.  No one was gonna care about me. No one would.  Fuck this life.  Why do I have it.  I feel bad sometimes when i say that because I know a lot of people love me. Ughhhh why is life so complicated.  Fuck!  Ughh.  why is life a thing.  Fuck! 

Hey guys I'm sorry for all the cussing in this its just a thing for me. So yea

What do you think will happen with Colby and Y/n?

Will something bad happen? 

Comment what you think.

Love you guys and thank you for 1.3k reads love you guys a lot. Have smiles on your face all the time remember dm me if you need anything.  My Instagram is right here Ykm_.emily.  Have a fun day.  ❤😘😍😇

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