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Your pov

I can't believe Colby never told me that he was going to spend the day with Sam. It would have been nice if he told me. He never tells me anything anymore. Were like drifting apart. And it's not a good thing. I love the man and all but him doing this to me it's like why the hell are we together?

I walk down the stairs to the kitchen. I rummage through the kitchen to find food. Didn't find anything good to eat. I felt warm arma wrap around me and knew it wasn't Colby because he want here. My  reflects was to elbow the guy. I turn around and see that it was Corey.

"What the hell Corey?! You scared the living shit out of me!"

"Omg you should have saw your face!" He was laughing hard core.

I just flipped him off And went up to mine and Colbys room.

I heard the front door open. The whole house just started to feel depressing. I guess it was because Sam walked into the house feeling sad as normal.

I walk down stairs and was greeted by a hug.

It was Sam. Why was he hugging me?

"Uh hi?" I giggle a little bit, but hugging him back.

He let go, "Hi!"  He than walked up the stairs.

"What's up with him?" I ask Colby because obviously he has been spending the whole day with him.

"I don't know acutally." he giggles a little.

"Really? Something is up with him. Hes like always happy when he sees me. It's not normal." I look down.

"Hm? Really? He best not be trying to flirt with you. I'll beat him even though he's my best friend. I love you way to much to let him take you." He groans.

"Haha ok enough about Sam. So I'm bored and I want to go hang with old friends. You wanna come?" I ask hoping he would say yes.

"Sure but I need to take a shower." He heads up stairs.

Luckily he said that I still have to text them.

Luckily he said that I still have to text them

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So it's a go. Yes! Now I'm just waiting for Colby to get out of the shower.

I wait for maybe a half hour just scrolling through Instagram. Waiting for Colby to get out.

Colby gets out 45 minutes later.

"Colby car now we have 15 minutes to get to the mall. Since your ass took hella long to get out of the shower." I say while pushing him out the door.

"Haha ok ok." He laughed a little waking on his own now.

I get in the dives sat and speed off to the Mall. Fucking Colby taking forever. I was speeding down the road the whole time. I can't believe I didn't get pulled over.

I park the car and sit in it and text Maria.

I get out of the car with Colby following right behind me.

I walk into the food court and immediately I see Maria. Sitting there.

This is Maria Btw

And the Maria that you see In this picture is my sister

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And the Maria that you see In this picture is my sister. Her real name is Isabel but I didn't want to use it.

I run over and hug her.

"Omg it's been so long Y/n." She says while letting go of the hug.

"It has hasn't it." I smile.

"So who's this man?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Oh this is Colby!" I say really fast.

"Wow he's fine as fuck!" She says a loud.

"Haha I know I am." He winks at her.

I elbow him letting him know that he's with me.

"So this is my boyfriend. Colby." I smile.

"Oh your with him! Lucky!" She laughs.

"I know I am!" I smile.

"So your Maria! Nice to meet you. I guess this is a weird way to start up a friendship." Colby laughs a little.

"Yea it is." She rubs the back of her neck.

"So how you been Maria been a long time since I seen you." I say while sitting down in a chair.

"I've been good I mean been through ups and downs. Shits happens over the last 9 months." She also takes a seat next to me.

So that day went on with basically Colby and I just talking to Maria and hanging out. Nothing fun just a lot of talking. Mainly about Colby. I swear to god if that bitch down back the fuck up I will bitch slap her ass.

We went home and nothing really exciting went on at the house the guys just playing video games. Corey recording a video. Just nothing I was mainly in my room laying down wishing the day would go by so I didn't have to see anyone.

I was just so sad when we got home. I don't know it's like my depression took over. But I made a promise to not cut. I made a promise to Colby I can't brake it. I didn't. I made sure I didnt. I mean I looked at it a few times tempted to do so but never did. I was so lucky that it never happened. If it did happen I would be dead meat Colby would kill me.

So I slept and made sure that nothing happens. Colby passed out in the couch while watching a movie with the guys. I feel like he was trying to avoid me. He hasn't really talked to me at all today. Something's up with Sam and Colby now.

I passed out In the middle of my thoughts.

That was today's story hope you guys enjoyed. Remember to vote for this Story. And comment what you want ti happen next.

So Colby flirting with people aye. I see. You want some of them hoes. Then Sam flirting with you. Like what the hell was all that about. Huh? This chapter was kinda everywhere. I don't know. I was in and out if writing it and it was just irritating me. So. It ended like that.

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