Chapter 14 here we go again

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Another chapter with a title! Omg this must be good!

Your pov

I was awoken bye yelling coming from downstairs. I see Colby in the ground in blood. Clearly it was fake I could tell from here. I walk down the stairs. I steped over Colby's aparently dead body. "(Y/n) your here something happen to Colby." I shrug and walk into the kitchen, "Wait, you don't care..?" He said looking at me while I was getting Coffee. "No I do. Your just stupid." He looked at me confused, "What do you mean?" Colby then got off the floor, "By that Sam. I could see the camera and I could see that the blood on Colby was fake. I could also tell that Kat was In on it." Kat then starts to giggle. "Wait how did figure that all out...?" Colby asks with a now very concerned look on his face. "I see real blood a lot so I can tell the difference, you don't hide Cameras very well hiding it with a shirt isn't gonna so anything because the lens is still visible. And Kat would or should be crying cuz your dead she's dating his your best friend, Colby so it was obvious. You should be lucky it wasn't  me because I would have just walked away. Knowing that it was a prank." I sigh and continue to make my coffee. I then felt arms wrap around me. I turn around and see Colby, "humph looks like I can't do that type of prank on you. I'll just have to figure out a different prank to so on you. I already have it planned." He says with a smirk. "Yo lovebirds not in the kitchen!" Sam says. Colby responds with, "We're just talking not doing anything more than that." I could sense that Sam rolled his eyes. I couldn't see because Colby was in front of me. Colby then faces back towards me. I kissed his cheek and walked into the gaming room. Corey was still playing Rocket League. "How's Rocket League going for ya!" I say while taking a sip of my coffee. "No time to talk you'll mess up my ranks." Corey says not taking his eyes off the screen. "Corey you know you have invited me to live here and you still haven't really hung out with me. I mean your my best friend I would really like to hang out with you. I mean hanging out wouldn't be that bad right?" I say. Corey eyes were still glued to the t.v. Ugh he doesn't know how to pay attention. Know what. I go over to the t.v and turn it off. "What the hell (Y/n)!! Why did you do that!?!" He yells, "because you don't pay attention to me and you have been playing this sense before I got home I think you need a break from it. I'm trying to be a good friend and tell you that you need to get off of that stupid little game and hang out with acutal people like me. You invited me to live here and you haven't hung out with me at all. I'm kinda pissed." I say crossing my arms. "This game is really important to me!" He yells. "And I'm not! What the hell Corey!" I whip around and rush up the stairs. I rush into mine and Colby's room. Colby luckily wasn't in there. I then remember I stashed pills in my bag. From when I moved out of rubys place. There were 3 bottles all almost filled or filled. I see a water bottle on Colby's desk where his laptop was. I grab it I put a handful of pills in my hand. I threw them all in my mouth and swallowed water along with it. I took another handful of pills and threw those ones in my mouth. I finished a bottle of pills and I ran out of water. I then felt my legs become heavy. I knew I was gonna be in the hospital again. I fell to the floor. I was still kinda awake. Hard to say. Sam ran into the room. He saw a pill bottle empty along with an empty water bottle on the floor. He called for Colby. It was faint I hear but I could make out Colby's name. Colby then came rushing up the stairs. He opened the door even wider than it already was. They kept saying my name. It just got quiter and quiter and everything went black.

SAMs pov

I heard a loud bang come from upstairs I told Kat that I would be right back. I look through all the rooms I didn't see that anything had fallen. I then enter Colby and (Y/n) room. I see (Y/n) on the floor. I saw an empty pill bottle next to Her and an empty water bottle. What the hell. "Colby!!!!!!" I yell for Colby. I hear someone urging up the stairs. I looked behind me and see that it was Colby. "What?" He responds. I motion for him to come here. He opened the door wider and saw his girlfriend on the floor. She was really pale. He looked around the room and saw the same thing from what I saw. I saw what I thought was water hit the floor. I look up and see Colby crying. "(Y/n)!!!!" He yelled tears rushing out of his eyes. I hear to pairs of footsteps go up the stairs. Kat and Corey. They come to the room and see (Y/n) on the floor looking paler than ever. Tears were running down all of our faces now. I quickly dialed 9-1-1. I gave them the address. I was hella scared that I was gonna loose her. She was a dear friend of mine.

The abulance came a took her out on a stretcher. Colby got into the abulance with (Y/n). Corey Kat and I all got into Corey's car. We rushed to the hospital.

Colby's pov

What the hell (Y/n) again in the hospital you just got out today. What happened this time? You could be dying. I don't want to loose you. The guy in the ambulance with me started to speak, "You called us just in time any later she would have been dead." My eyes widen. He continues, "she will be out Tommarow but she will be going to counseling the doctor set her up an apointment." I sigh in relief. I was so scared I was gonna loose her. I'm so glad I didn't. I text Sam.

Sam 👯- Sam C- Colby

C- so she is alright she's gonna be out Tommarow. If you didn't call when you did she Would have been dead thank you! She will also have counseling the doctor set it up for her.

Sam👯- ok just let me know when you get there. We are all waiting in the parking lot.🏥

C- ok we'll be there soon! 👌

Sam👯- ok 😋

I was looking at (Y/n) still wondering why she did it this time. Was it I again. I hope I didn't do anything....

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