Chapter 16 the prank

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Colby's pov

Y/n came back to the house after a couple days to herself. She was just sitting around. She was getting boring. So i decide that today I was gonna pull the prank on her. This was gonna be good. Knowing that she's depressed she's gonna hate me for this.

Your pov

I was sitting on the couch watching YouTube. I hear the door open and hear a girls voice and Colby's voice after. I got up from the couch to go and see who it was. It was Colby and Shea. I didn't really like Shea she was always hitting on Colby right infront of me. Shea grabbed Colby's hand. Huh!? What the hell! I was going to see what would happen next, but I saw Colby lean in and almost kiss her. I jumped in before he could. "What the hell Colby!? You were gonna kiss her!?! What the fucks the matter with you!? I thought I could trust you!" "Y/n I can explain!" I roll my eyes and cross my arms, "Exsplain what Colby that you tried to Shea!?" He grabbed my hand and looked at me with a smirk, "No that it's a prank!!!!" I was confused, "hat do you mean a prank! I watched you try to kiss her." He pointed to the camera that was rolling. "What the hell Colby! You had me scared out of my mind." I then felt a tear roll down my face. "Oh Y/n it's ok. I would never cheat on you!" He says and hugs me. I hug him back. I saw from behind Colby that Shea looked Irritated. What the hell! He's mine she can't have him. I look into Colby's Ocean blue eyes. He looked back at mine. He smiled. "Ok you two love birds done fanasysing over each other." I hear Shea say. "Uh you can just leave you know. Call and über or something. You don't need to stay here!" I say she just rolled her eyes. She got out her phone and wales out the front door. "Oh! Y/n Elton got You, Sam, Corey, and I tickets to New Zeland!" I then got a shock look on my face, "What!?! When are we leaving!?" I ask with existent. "We should be leaving in 2 days so get you bag packed up because were going to be gone  for 3 weeks." He says. "Wait really that's not a lot of time." "I know but that's what we all have to deal with." I run up stairs and back my suitcase it was still kinda pack full of some outfits not a lot. Seemed small. I found some of my clothes in the dryer downstairs. I throw it all into the bag. New Zeland was gonna be fun.

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