Brennens Girlfriend is....!

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Your pov

I walk up to my bedroom and change into a nice comfy outfit.

I decided to put on casual makeup

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I decided to put on casual makeup. I don't want to go out going. I think it's to much.

I grab my purse and wait for Colby at the end of the stairs

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I grab my purse and wait for Colby at the end of the stairs. He came out in one of his blue take chances hoodie and black ripped jeans.

"Ready?" I ask still waiting at the bottom of the stairs.

"Yup, come on!" He smiles. I walk to the door.

"Were taking my car by the way!" I warn him.

He nods.

I unlock my car doors and head into my mustang. I buckle up and start the car up. Colby comes and sits down in the car.

I start to drive towards Brennens house. I barely know Brennen because we never really hung out. The main thing I know about him is that he is one of Colbys Best friends.

I pull up in Brennens Drive way. I take the keys out if the ignition. I open the car door and look at Brennens house. Its looked nice and cozy. Noting to big though.

I walk up the stairs and knock on the door. Brennen answers with a big bright smile.

"Hey!" I say while waving at Brennen. Colby starts to finnaly come up the stairs.

"Hey bro! Want to hang?" Colby asks.

"Nah I have my girlfriend coming over." He states.

"And that's why we came! We wanted to meet her!" I smile.

"Wait really your acutally interested in her. I mean Colby you should already know her! The girl at the suicide bridge! The one that you made the bet with me. Hope! I don't know if you know her Y/n but she's an amazing person. She has a personality kinda like yours. Not trying to be rude or anything. She's also depressed." He tells us.

"Oh! Hope! So you owe me money! You owe me 10 bucks." Colby smiles.

"Wait I think I know her. I think I used to go to school with her. Though all the kids use to pick on her because of the way she looked. No one really liked her. I tried to be friends with her, but never really worked. But I know she's an amazing girl! You'll love her!" I smile.

"Really! Hopefully she will remember you!" He smiles.

"Oh I'm walking into your house now!" I laugh!

I walk in and sit down on the couch. So this is what Brennens house looks like! Very cozy! I feel at home here.

"So when did you and hope hook up?" I ask with a smile!

"Um... I have to say maybe like 3 or 4 days ago." He leans up against a wall. Colby then comes over and sits next to me on Brennens couch.

"Wow I can't wait to see her again. Her last name is Beraggio, right?" I ask.

"Yea!" He smiles.

"Oh then I do know her!" My phone starts to ring. Corey was calling me.

I stand up and go to the other room.

"Hello?" I say into the phone.

"Y/n what are you doing?" He asks.

"About to meet Brennens girlfriend why?"

"Um... We need you here Sam is about to fight Jake!"

"What?! Are you serious?! He should know better!" I yell into the phone.

"I know but Jake pulled the last straw." He laughs.

"Fuck you Corey! I know it's a prank now! You laughed!"

"Shit this didn't go right!" He hung up.

Corey Scherer you asshole!

I walk.back into the other room.

"What was that about Mrs. Yeller?" Colby laughs.

"Corey trying to play a prank on me. Saying that Sam was about to be in a fight with Jake. Didn't work out for him though." I laugh.

"Oh. Well Corey should have known that you are good with that kind of crap." Colby smiles.

A knock arose upon Brennens door. I think I know who this could be! Omg. I finally get to see Hope again.

I heard Brennen greeting her.

I sat on the couch next to Colby.

Hope walks into the room. I smile at her.

"Hey!" I wave.

"Hi...." She was shy and tense.

"No need to be shy Um... Now I have to say this and I know you probably won't remember but-"
I was cut off by her hugging me.

"Omg Y/n it's been so long! You were the only person who was there for me. Through everything. I miss you a lot." She smiles.

"Uh... I miss you to Hope." I smile.

"Ok now I have one question!" Brennen says.

"Yea?" I say.

"How did you guys meet?" He asks.

"Um... College. When I moved here she was in one of my classes." I say while letting go of the hug.

"Oh makes sense now!" Brennen smiles.

"Do you guys want to go out like maybe a double date?" Colby asks.

"Wait Y/n your dating Colby Brock?! I didn't think you would get with him." Hope was shocked.

"I could say the same to you about Brennen!"

"How long have you two been together?" Hope asks.

"2 months now!" I smile.

"And I didn't know you two were a thing. I've been over to your guys house a couple times with Brennen and I never saw you!"

"Well was probably hanging with my cousin. Ruby!"


"So we going on that double date or what?" Brennen asks.

We both nod our head.

So cross over. Hope Is a character from one of my other book Emo. If you don't know you guys should read it. It's an awesome book. But now there's gonna be a double date! It's gonna be awesome. I love you guys and make sure to vote for this chapter. And comment what you think is gonna happen next.

Instagram: Ykm_.Emily
Fanpage: Lmao_.Brolby

Snapchat: potatoe_emily

Love you guys and I hope you all have a wonderful night. And sorry I didn't upload yesterday.

Word count= 1005

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