chapter 15

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Your pov

I wake up yet again in a hospital. Why do I do this shit, because people hate me. I look around the room to see Colby, Aaron, Corey, Sam and Kat. I knew I did something bad this time. "(Y/n) why the hell did you try to overdose?!?!?" I hear Corey yell at me. "Because of you Corey I guess a video game is more important than I am your best friend. Why would you do that to me! Especially when you know that I am really depressed." He rolls his eyes, "You know that I am really competive when it comes to my game." I cross my arms, "Doesn't mean you have to be a dick about it and make me feel more depressed so I think that my best friend doesn't want to be with me anymore your all I got bro! Your like and older brother to me! Knowing that you didn't want to be with me like ever. Is kinda like the end of my world." He sighs, "I know I shouldn't have said it. I'm sorry." I roll my eyes, "Sorry ain't gonna cut it! You made me want to kill myself more than I ever wanted to! So you can go suck a dick and make sure that I don't see you for a long while and if I have to move out so be it!" "(Y/n) I don't want you to move out and I don't think any of us want you I move out! We all love you!" I get off the bed and take out the things that are connected to my arm, I grab my clothes walk into the bathroom and change. I walk out of the room And out the door. No one followed me. I walked home it didn't take long. No one was at the house. I went by the house I didn't go in it. I went to the park instead. I didn't want to be at the house. I walked over to a bench and sat down. A little girl came up to and said, "Hey miss may I get a picture I am a huge fan!" I look to my lest ad see a beautiful blond hair girl. "Yea of course!" She takes out her phone and puts up a price sign I did a silly face, she took at least five pictures. It was fun. I haven't been this happy since I moved. "Hey I would like to know why haven't you posted a video?" I looked shocked she acutally remember that I had to post. "We'll that will be uploaded tomorrow to tell you guys why." She hugs me one last time and walks off to what I think is her sister. She waved bye I waved back. It was nice to meet a fan it's been awhile. I go back to watching the kids play in the park. They were laughing and giggling and having fun. My phone wouldn't stop ringing. From Colby and Sam. They wouldn't stop I have like 50 miscalls from them. I sigh, Colby calls again. It was kinda getting annoying. He called again. I picked up
This time. "what the hell do you want!" I yell into the phone. "Where the hell are you!" He asks but also yells into the phone. "Why do you care?" I didn't want anyone to find out where I was. "Because I care about you (Y/n) always will." "So just because you care about me doesn't mean I have to tell you where I am!" I was kinda getting irritated I could sense he was too. "Tells where the fuck you are!" He yells. "You know yelling at me isn't gonna do anything." I say into the phone. He scoffs, "you best be home in a half hour." "I won't" I then hang up on him. I get up from the bench and go to Rubys house I guess I was walking for about 45 minutes before I got there. My phone kept ringing. I kept getting text messages. I power my off so it wouldn't ring or go off anymore. I knock on the door, Ruby answers it. She hugs me, "omg (Y/n) your ok!" I laugh a little, "Of courses I am!" I walk inside the house. It seemed exactly like it was when I left. "What brings you here??" She asks. "Well I mean I don't want to stay at the house for awhile because of everything that had been going on and I was wondering if I was able to stay here till things calm down. I mean I have my camera and I have to shoot a video today and I half to upload tomorrow and It's kinda miserable right now I don't want to deal with Corey he just being a dick. Saying that the video game is more imporatant than me." "Well your welcome to stay." She says grabbing my hand. "Thank you! I really couldn't stay there I would sleep in the streets If I had to." I say in a sarcastic tone. She laughs.

Colby's pov

She won't pick up her phone. She's been gone all day. She could be dead for all we know. Why does she have to go and put that pressure on us. Sam and I have been trying to get ahold of here she only pick up once and that was it. It was just a bunch of yelling. She hasn't picked up her phone since. What have I don't this time. It was kinda miserable to know that you don't know where your girlfriend is. What am I gonna do. She's gone and if may not be able to see her again. I go up to my room. The pill bottle and the water bottle were still on the floor from earlier today. Today was a bad day. I try calling her one last time, she acutally picks up! "Hey Colby sorry for blowing up on you earlier. I didn't mean to I was stressed and I didn't know what to do." "your ok just plz tell me your coming home tonight. " "sorry but I am not. You can come over to my cousins house aka my old house if you'd like. I still have my old bed in there from when I left." "Ok May you give me the address..?" I ask politely. "Yea I'll text it to you.." My phone dinged knowing that I got a text message. This was probably gonna be a long night. "Thanks I'll be there soon!" I then hang up and grab a bag and put some clothes in it knowing that I'm going to (Y/n) so I was gonna stay the night. I grab my car keys and head out on my way to (Y/n)s cousins house. It didn't take me long to get there. It was a nice little apartment. It seemed decent. Accutally it looked like mine and SAMs old apartment complex when we use to live together. It still looked like the same old same old place. Ha I'm missed it though. I knock on door 72 what I believe to to be (Y/n)s Cousin answers the door. The place seemed like my old apartment building. "Hey you must be (Y/n)s friend." I nod. Friend?!? We arent friends. She probably didint want to tell her because of an argument we had about it the other day. "Y/n your friends here!" She calls out. She came running out of her I suppose to be bedroom out to the living room. She runs and hugs me. "Why are you so happy?" I ask hugging her back. "I'm just a so happy to see you.." She says staring at me. I lean in and kiss her. Her lips were softer than ever, but they were colder than ever. She let go and blushed. "Uh.. Are you guys like a thing?" She asks. I look at y/n and she nodded knowing what I was gonna ask. "yea! We've Been dating for almost 2 weeks now." She opened her mouth in awe. Y/n just giggle at her response. She hugs me, Omg I can't belived you got someone and you let Nick go. I never thought you'd be able to do this." She responses with, "yea Nick just really someone that I liked. He was eh for me." Did she just lie to her. Did she not want her cousin knowing about it. Oh that's right she only told me. I guess she wasn't ready for anyone to know. "Oh I foregot to intoduce myself. I am Ruby Y/Ns cousin." She put her hand out to shake mine. I shook her hand. "I am Colby Y/Ns boyfriend." I say with a smile. "I know she talks about you all the time. Even when she was still living with me. You were the one she's always wanted to be friends with." I narrowed my eyebrows, "Really?" She nods. I smile and look down at her. She just smiles back. I can't believe she acutally talks about me. That's probably why she was so sad when I said that I was able to go and find someone else. She liked me and that proved to we that I didn't like her back. Me and y/n seem good for each. I'm just scared that one day imma loose her. I hope I don't and I hope the prank I pull on her wont tear us apart. It's gonna kill her. But don't worry it's just a prank. Hopefully nothing bad happens.

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