Double date

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Hopes pov

So a double date. I've never Been on one of those ever. Wow probably because Brennen is my first Boyfriend. 

I walk out to Brennens truck. I hop into the passenger seat. I buckle up and wait for Brennens to get in. I guess he was talking to Colby to figure out where we're going. 

Brennen then walks over to the truck. He opens the door and a cool breeze entered the truck. It felt nice. He sat down in his seat and buckles up. He starts the car then I spoke, "Brennen where are we going?" 

"Oh well it's a suprise for you and Y/n." he smirks. 

I sigh. I guess I'll have to wait for him to tell us or wait till we get there. So I decided to look out the window for the whole trip. I then saw a beautiful sight I couldn't take my eyes off of it.

Your pov

I walk up to Colby's car and hop in. I can't wait to go. I was just so Happy to see Hope again. I know it's sad that we haven't seen each other in awhile. I love her. She was one of my best friends. But we split apart. I don't know what happened with us. Just grew apart. One day we just stopped talking. It was a sad exspirence.

Colby then hops into the car. 

"So I saw you and Brennen talking about where we were going. So where are we going? I want to know!" I was exited. 

"Well looks like your gonna have to wait and see!" He smiles. Really wait! That's a long time and I don't know how far we are going! Hopefully not to far. I have a few errands to run when we get back. I have to go and visit Ruby. 

We drove for a little while. I then saw the most beautiful view ever! This was amazing. Colby parked the car. I jumped out and looked at it. The sun setting with the gleam of the water. You could see the sun in the water. All different types of colors. 

Hope got out of the car. She came up to me. 

"Wow it's beautiful isn't it!" She says with a big smile.

"Yea!" I say in aw. This was amazing. I've never seen something as beautiful as this, besides Colby! 

Colby walks up to me and grabs my waist. I blush a bit. He lifts me up and puts me on his shoulders! 

"Colby what the hell!?" I yell.

He just laughs. I hear Hope laugh to. 

I give her a death glare, she just continues to laugh. 

"So is this nice?" Brennen asks. 

Hope and I both yell, "yes!" 

"What do you guys want to do when were done here!" Colby asks. 

I was about to speak but I was cut off with Hope talking, "we can go to Tokyo buffet!" 

"That sounds like a plan. I haven't has Chinese food in awhile." Colby says. 

I tap Colby's shoulder. He looks over it and sees me above him, "Colby I have errands to run. I can't go out to eat." 

"Oh! Well at least we got to spend some of the time that you did have here!" He smiles. 

I yell, "hey guys I got to go I have errands to run and one of them I have to do today or I am dead meat." 

They both nod. I hope they understand. 

*time skip* 

We arrive Home and I grab my keys. 

"Colby I'll be back later tonight I have to go and visit Ruby!" I yell. 

"Ok see ya!" He yells. 

No good bye kiss or anything. I continue to proceed out the door. 

I was stopped and turn around. 

"Your not leaving with out a kiss are you?" Colby smirks. 

I giggle a little, "wow ok. Sorry." I smile! 

He then pecks me on the lip. 

"Ok see you later babe!" I smile. 

"See ya!" 

I hop into my car and drive off.

I arrive at Rubys apartment. 

I walk up the flights of stairs and proced to the door. Luckily I still had a key from when I use to live here. I grab the key and unlock the door. I open it to see Ruby sitting in her couch watching something on the TV I'm just not sure what it was.

"hey!" I say as I enter the building. 

She turns around and sees me. 

"Hey y/n I need to ask you something." 

"Yea shoot!" I say. 

"Ok so I'm pregnant is that bad?" Ruby says. 

My eyes grew wide, "ruby! You know how mad your mom would be! It's not bad and whos the father!? How long has it been?" I had so many questions. 

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