Colby & Sams day out

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Colby pov

A lot of crap happened last night. I felt major bad for Sam. Hes my best friend of course I was gonna feel bad for him. I love the man! Not in that way but in a friendly caring way. I just had one question. Why did Y/n have to bring up us during Sams sad moment? I didn't want to mention it to her. I didn't want to be a dick. Then Jake goes and gets Y/n's cousin Pregnant! Like what the hell. I know I can't tell no one. It was a big deal life isn't going well right now. Today I was planning on spending it with Sam to try and cheer him up. I was gonna take him out to eat and then go to the beach in Santa Monica.

I get out of bed and head to Sam's room. I Bang in the door. I hear groaning coming from the other end of the door. I open it and yell, "Samual Golbach get up were going out!" I just got a groan in return.
I jump on him. I still just got a groan back. So I decided to tease him.

"I guess I get to go out to eat and go to Santa Monica without you!" Hoping I would get a reaction. I did he hoped out of bed and started to rummage threw his clothes.

"Haha yes! I'll be back best be ready." I laugh while walking out of the room.

I walked into my room and decided to get ready myself. I was only in my underwear.

I decided to wear black ripped skinny jeans. With a Peirce the Veil T-shirt. I put on my black convers. I walk back in Sams room. He wasn't in there. I walk down stairs and saw him eating food.

"Bro why the hell you eating were going out to eat!?" I walk down the stairs to Sam.

"Hm? Oh yea...." He chuckles a little bit and puts the remains of his food in the Microwave.

"You ready to go?" I ask him while heading to the door.

"Yea just let me grab my phone. It's upstairs." I nod my head. I walk out side and see a clear blue sky. A/n where I am right now it's not at all sunny lmao

I walk up to my car. Waiting outside of it waiting for Sam to come outside.

I hear the door open and see Sam come outside. I walk to the other side of the car and hop into the drivers seat. I fumble with the keys but I got the into the ignition. Sam got in the car with a sour face.

"Yo man what's up with you?" Ask while making my way out of the parking lot.

"Kat called me... She told me that she has a new boyfriend... Shes happy with him. Makes her feel special." I could tell he didn't really want to talk about it. I know it was a hard time for him but his best friend was always here to cheer him up.

"I'm sorry bro.. if I was able to do anything you know I would. I just don't want to get into the middle of your guys relationship. I don't want anything else to happen between you two and it be my fault." I glance at him then back at the road.

"Yea that's nice that you consider my feelings before you do any of your actions." He formed a sly smile on his lips.

At least I got him to smile and not be down all day.

I rolled into I-Hop. The best breakfast restaurant there is.

I got out of the car and walked in holding the door for Sam. Waiting for him to come in my phone dinged. I probably know who it is.

New message from 💘My Gurl💘

I waited to open the message until we found our seats and ordered.

I got a two stack Pancake.
While Sam got one. I guess he wasn't really hungry because HE ATE AT HOME! But I can't blame him. I open the message from Y/n.

Ugh she's on me way to much

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Ugh she's on me way to much.

"Who was that?" Sam asks.

"Oh it was just Y/n she was mad because I didn't tell her that i was spending the day with you."  I look at my phone and see that I had a lot of Instagram notifications.

He just nodded.

The waitress came over to us and handed us our plates of food. I chowed down on mine while Sam was picking at his. I took him here and he doesn't eat?! Like what the hell! Know what I don't care at all. It's his choice. I Finnish my food still waiting for Sam to finish his.

"You know if you can't eat it then just dont. It's all cool." I give a sly smile.

"Oh.. thanks Colby.." he smiles right back at me.

We get up and go to the cashier and payed them $31.12.

I walked out to the car sitting in the Drivers seat. I wait for Sam to get in the car. I could tell that Sam was still a bit down from Kat I didn't know how to cheer him up. We still have one thing planned today. Going to the beach at Santa Monica. This should be fun.

Sam gets in the car and I take off not even waiting for Sam to get buckled. I was in the highway when I saw a fine ass chick. I think it might be good for Sam. Though I don't want to get him a girlfriend after Kat Broke up with him. I could your down the highway to Santa Monica.

I pull into a parking spot. I see a whole ton of girls playing in the sand and in the water. They were all fine. Crap. You have a Girlfriend Colby snap out of it.

"Thanks for taking me out today Colby. It's been a great time.. but I don't want to be out today I should've told you that before we came all the way out here. I'm sorry. I'm just not in the mood." His spirits were way down. I felt very bad for him.

"It's alright. We can head home just relax." I reasure him.

He gives me a smile and gets into the car. I get back into the car and head back to the house.

Today was ok I guess. I wanted to help Sam make him happy.  But it didn't really work.

Hey guys so instead if typing out the text messages I decided to get an app to do it for me. But that's that. I guess Sam is never gonna get over Kat. She was the right Girl for her. Colby was trying his hardest to help Sam. But it never worked.

Hope you enjoy this chapter it was amazing.

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