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Your pov

"Ruby!? What the hell!? When did this happen?! Who's the father? How long has it been?" I had so many questions.

"Um... It happened maybe 4 weeks ago. The father is... Jake.... Webber...." What?! The! Hell?! Ruby. Jake! Him... Holy shit!

"Does he know?" I ask. I was so worried.

"No......" She shyly says.

"You have to tell him Ruby. I mean he's my friend to and he's  always been there for me. He won't be pissed. I know him. He will probably be happy. " I try to calm her. Though I was the one who needed to be calmed.

"Ok.. I will call him and see if he can come over. I don't want to tell him over the phone." She sighs.

"Ok I'll be over on my phone." I walk over to the couch and sit down.

I hear Ruby on the phone with Jake. She hangs up. She comes over and sits down next to me on the couch.

"He'll be here in 10 minutes." She looks down.

I nod my head ignolleging what she said.

I was on my phone until I heard the door open. I look up from my phone and see Jake waking in.

I got up and said, "Hi" and smile at him.

Ruby then heads over to him and smiles.

"So what have you two been up to?" He asks.

"Well I mean just arguments with Colby..." I sigh.

"Um... Sick...." Ruby shyly states.

"Aww... Are you alright Ruby?" He asks.

"Yea... Yea... It's all good." She sighs.

"Alright." He smiles and pats her shoulder.

"Hey Jake I need to tell you something...." She looks down. I know she was so nervous. She didn't want to tell him, but it needed to be done.

"Yea..." He rubs the back if his neck.

"Um fuck I don't know how to say this." She was starting to sweat.

"Oh... um... Ruby you know you can tell me anything." He smiles.

"Ok... Um Jake I'm Pregnant." She said super fast.

His eyes widen. I can't believe she actually said it.

"Ruby... Are you serious?" A smile grew on his face.

"Yes Jake I am.." she looks up into his brown eyes.

"Omg yes! I'm so happy. When are we gonna tell everyone?" Jake had a big smile on his face.

"Umm.. I just want to keep to  us.. for right now. " She smiles.

"Ok..." He sighs.

"Ok imma but in.. I am telling Colby if you like it or not."

She gasps, "Y/n no!!! I don't want anyone knowing."

"Well I got to go see ya!" I run and grab my keys. I rush out the door.

I went down Two flights of stairs To my car.

I hop in my car and start it. I put my phone in the AUX cord and put on Green Day.

I rushed home. I really wanted to tell Colby. Oh I am.

I parked my car in the parking lot.

Colbys Car was here so he has to be here.

I walk inside And yell, "Colby!!" No answer. Well he could be asleep but I mean he never goes to bed this early.

"Colby!" I yell again. Still no answer.

I walk up the stairs and into our room. I see Sam in the room. Head in his Hands. Something must be up. I walk in the room not caring that Sam was in there I hugged him.

He wrapped his arms around me and started to cry.

"It'll be ok whatever happened." I pat his back.

"I can trust you right?" Sam asks.

"Yea of course." He stops hugging me and looks at me.

"Um... I found Katrina Cheating on me...." A saw a tear run down Sams face.

"Sam don't worry you'll get over it. Kat will too. I know me and Colby did when I found Colby cheating on me. Were still together though it did take us a minute to get our shit straight. But you and Kat are made for each other. She's gonna come back for you." I hold his shoulder and smile.

"Yea but I told her not to show her face around me again. I don't want to see her." Sam looks down.

"Oh... Well just say sorry and she may apologize I know that's not gonna be easy to except I know. But she really does love you and she's really gonna want to stay with you. Just wait and see what happens." I smile.

"Ok I'm just gonna wait it out. Thank you Y/n. Your such a bug help." He whipped tears from his eyes.

"No problem I'm always here for you you." I smile.

He gets up and walks out of the room.

"Hey..." Colby said to me.

"Yo I have something to tell you!" I had a huge smile on my face.

"Shoot!" He says.

"Ruby is pregnant and guess who the father is!!" I practically yell.


"It's Jake! Jake Webber!!" He mouth dropped.

"What?! The hell! Really. Jake is already getting people pregnant?" Colby yells.

"Yep!" I smile.

Tonight was gonna be a long night. I was so happy for my cousin. I was sad for Sam and Kat. They are so good together.

But I mean something good has to happen right?

So that was the end of this chapter kinda interesting. Crap happens. Shits gonna happen. But that was this chapter. Something intense to start off again from not working in one in a long time. Though that's how life works. I sprained my wrist while roller skating if you guys were wondering.

I hope you guys enjoyed this I know I did. It was amazing.

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Hope you guys all enjoyed please vote and comment what you want to happen next. Love you all And have a fantastic night! Bye!

Word count-. 989

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