What the hell Sam?!

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Colbys pov

I wake up on the couch. Oh yea! I passed out in the couch while watching a movie with the guys. I got up and made me some toast. Wasnt as hungry as I normally was. I sat back down in the couch while eating my food. I take out my phone to check what time it was. It was 1:45pm. I can't believe I slept that long and no pranks happened. I also can't believe Y/n isn't up yet. I finish my food and rinse my plate off. I went upstairs to Y/n's and I's room. I see that she passed out on the couch. Wow. He face looked like they had tear stains on em. Wad she crying? I mean I don't understand why.

I shake her until she woke up. She just groaned at me.

"Y/n it's time to wake up." I say in a soft tone.

She just kept groaning.

"C'mon Y/n..." I whine.

"Noooo... I'm to tired." She complains.

I laugh, "imma have to drag you out of bed if don't get up in 1."

I start to count, "2"


I pick her up and spin her.

"Are you awake now?" I ask.

"Omg yes I am." She giggles a little.

"Now that your awake. You want to go to Brennens?" I ask.

"Sure. Just let me get ready. You need to get ready to mister. " She points at me.
"Yea just let me get clothes. I'll change in the bathroom." I grab a pair of black jeans, my Skull muscle shirt with my black Convers. I walk out of the room  and to the bathroom. I change into the clothes that I had gotten out.

I walk out of the bathroom. I sit on the couch down in the gaming room. Y/n comes downstairs in.

 Y/n comes downstairs in

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She looked so damn cute.

"Come on let's go!" She says while grabbing her keys.

I follow her to her car. I get into the passenger seat while she gets into the drivers seat. She sped off to Brennens.

I walk into Brennens apartment not caring what he was doing. Luckily he was already in the kitchen. "Yo what up Brennen I say as I gave him a fist bump.

"Why do you always come in my house without knocking?"he asks I just shrugged my shoulders.

Y/n walked in next while wearing her arms around my back.

"Yo what up Y/n!" Brennen shouts.

"Yo what up!" I hear her say from behind me. She let go and sat on Brennens couch.

"So how you been?" I try to start up a conversation.

"I mean good. Hope and I got into our first fight." He sighs.

"Really your first. Y/n and I have been in plenty of those. But what about?"

"Um... She thinks I don't trust her because I wouldn't tell her what was going on. I just didn't want to talk to anyone, but I brought Maggie over. While she was hanging with her friends."

"Yo Brennen I would be mad to you brought your Ex over and not talking her about what's going on. She probably thinks your cheating on her now." I smirked.

He just sighs and walks over to the couch.

"So Y/n what have you been up to?" Brennen asks Y/n.

"Nothing really just meeting up with old friends."

"Oh I guess that's fun I don't know." why was Brennen so shy? I don't understand him sometimes.

We sat at Brennens apartment and watched some TV. I don't know what we were watching. It wasn't very good though. I was on my phone mist of the time.

We decided to go home. It was like 7:30.

I walked in the house and plopped down in the couch in the living room. I was so egsausted.

Today was just out of wack. I didnt know how to decibe it. Y/n and Brennen just looking it up. Like what the hell? Brennen you have a Girlfriend and Y/n your with Me! I was just frustrated. I was just so down I decided to go to my room and go to bed.

Your pov

I guess Colby went to bed I know it was early but he was so tired when he got home.

I went upstairs and knocked on Sams door.

He opened it.

"Hi..." I say with a smile.

"What's up?" He asks while cleaning up against the door frame.

"Just bored Colby went to bed. I don't know why but he did. So I wanted to hang with you." I sigh.

"Already?! Damn! Yea you can hang come in" he opens the door wider and I walked in and sat down on his bed.

"So are you like ok with the whole Katrina thing?" I ask very concerned about him.

"Yea everything is alright. Nothing bad. Just still trying to get over her. But I know I have someone else in mind..." He smiles.

"Really who?" I ask. Now I wish I never asked. The next thing that happens was not something I wish never happened. It hurt me a lot.

Sam leaned in and kissed me and of course I didn't kiss back. I kept trying to push him off of me but I didn't work. Colby walked in on me trying to push Sam off. He ran up to Sam pushed him off of me.

I ran out of the room to mine and Colbys room. I started to cry. To scared to see Sam. After that. I don't ever want to see him. It was like sexual assault.

Colby came rushing in the room.

"Y/n what the hell was that?!"

"Um... I came in there to hang I asked him if he was doing alright and he said that he liked someone else. I was happy so i asked him who and that happened I kept trying to push him off but it wouldn't work I was to weak. Then you came in and that happened." I say really quickly still crying into my arms and knees.

He came up and lifted me up. Making sure I was facing him.
He whipped away my tears.

He pulled me into a tight hug.
"Don't worry Y/n I'm here for you. No need to cry." He was like letting my hair for comfort. I hug him right not wanting to loose him at all. I cried into his shoulder. I was just scared for my life.

Yes Sam has helped my through stuff, but that was in called for! I didn't know Sam would ever do that!

I just kept think about the events that occurred that night. I couldnt get it out of my mind. No mater how hard I tried it wouldn't go. That was last thing that was in my kind before I passed out in Colbys chest.

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