Not here again!

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Your pov

Colby picked me up Bridal style and brought me to the passenger seat of his car. Why the hell was he taking me! I don't want to be with him. Why does he care? He doesn't need me he has Shea.

Colby then walks into the drivers seat of the car.

"Colby! I don't need to be with you! You don't even love me. You wouldn't cheat on someone you love!!" I cross my arms.

"Would someone that loved you come after you and bring you back home?" He asks.

"Yes to completely destroy you. To break down your self esteem."

"Well Y/n that's not what I'm trying to do! I'm trying to bring you home so we can acutally talk about what happened. I know what I was doing was wrong! And I know you probably won't forgive me ever! But hear me out, I was wrong. I should have stayed with the person that I acutally love. Not the person that I got with because she seduced me! Y/n I want to be with you. Only you. I hope you can understand that. Plz do! I love you to much to loose you. Your all that I have."

A tear streamed down my face. "I love you too. But I cant be with the person that keeps hurting me. You just make my life miserable. You completely destroy me like I never knew you could. I love you a lot. But I can't be with you because you destroy me. " I sigh and break down crying.

"Y/n you don't have to cry. I love you and I don't want to loose you. I want to stay with you all the time. And I know we have only been together for 2 months and I know that it's not a very long 2 months. But I also forgot about our 2 month anniversary but I need to be with you. You take away all the pain."

I didn't know what to say. He really got me with that.

"Um... Colby.... I don't know.... Maybe let me think about it." I sigh.

"Ok..." He smiles.

He continued to drive off. I'm still wanting to go to Kansas. I need to get out of California. Out of LA.

We arrive at the house. Back. We still need to go back and get my car. I'll have someone's come and get it later.

I get out of the car and open the door. Back here again.

I walk in and set my crap down on the ground. People walked into the room. Devyn came in the room first.

I run up and hug her. "Hey..." She smiles.

I didn't respond because I love being with Devyn.

So... This is what it's like to runaway. Or like running off from your feelings. I sigh. I let go of the hug and everyone else starting coming into the room.

They all came up and hugged me. Wow was I really cared for. This was for real. I'm happy.

It's just good to be home.

Sorry this was a short chapter. I didn't really know what to write about. It's really hard to do. But thank you guys for reading it. Love you guys a lot. No questions for this chapter. Haha.

Word count = 555

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