Chapter 11

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Colbys pov

There were a lot of splashes. People jumping into the pool. Doing Cannon Balls. It was a fun night I still wish that (Y/n) was here with us. She was still in the Hospital though she dont come out for another week. I really want to see her. I really want time to go by so I can see her. I still feel really bad for the words I said to her. Her wanting to die because of me. Why do I make everyone want to do this kind of crap. I feel like everyone is just gonna hate on me now. Those words are something I shouldnt have said. God damn It!! Im the worst person there is. I dont think she even deserves me, like Corey said im not even good for her. My thoughts stop Brennen comes up to me. "Yo Colby you ok dude..? You have seem down all day. I know that (Y/n) is probaly why your down but you should be having fun with all of us. Enjoy yourself and try to get her off you mind. " "Brennen its not that easy. You see its like shes my everything and shes not only my girlfriend but shes also my best friend. I've known her for almost 10 years Brennen shes always gonna have that thought of me in her head and it'll never gonna go away." I say with a really sad tone in my voice. "You know Colby your right. She will always have that thought of you, But its better to have one bad thought then multiple. Shes gonna have a lot of good memories with you. Yea you guys will have your ups and downs but that's it. If she really wants you she will except your imperfect flaws along with your funny nature. If she really loves wouldn't you think that she would love you no matter what you do." Brennen states. "Brennen I know but I'm still scared. She's like my best friend and shes my everything she's still gonna remember what happened." Brennen just sighs, "It's your choice to get over it or not." "Brennen I know and im trying my best and I really do want to get over it but its just really hard to." I say still really sad. "I know you are. Just try your best to get over it." Brennen says. "I will Brennnen. Thanks Bro." "Yea no Problem." I then got up and high fived him.

There were still a lot of splashes going on. All of my roommates were having a fun time. I didn't really want to go in the pool so I didn't go in. I know I seem like a boring person. I just didn't feel like going in at the moment. Just didn't feel right. I don't know why. I walk inside and go get some food. I was really hungry. I didn't know what to make though. I keep looking through the Cabinets to find some food that I didn't really have to make. I then saw some popcorn and that gave me an Idea, how about we all watch a movie tonight. It was gonna be fun. Just the roomates and Brennen. Should be fun. "YO guys you want to watch a movie once you guys get out of the pool?" I exclaim. I hear yeses go all around. It didnt take them long to get out of the pool they got out maybe 10 minutes after I said that.

We all got into the screening room and started to watch The Nightmare Before Christmas It was an amazing movie I havent seen it since i was a kid. It i still my favorite movie and always will be. I feel like such an Emo.

My eyes were becoming hevay I couldnt stay awake. It was to hard so I passed out on the couch. I wish i hadnt though.

I woke up to plastic balls being thrown at me and Sam saying, "Wake up Colby!!"

Sams pov

I remebered that Colby went to sleep on the Couch. I then thought since hes a hevay sleeper that I could just let him wake up in the pool. I get out my Camera and turn it on, "Hello everyone welcome back Today im going to be Pranking Colby. So he fell asleep down in the living room last night. And you guys know what happens when you Fall asleep in the living room. You get pranked so Imma have a best bud help me with this prank. Corey Scheere is gonna help me today and remember to go and subscribe to him link in the description down below. So lets go" I walk down stairs and show the Camera a sleeping Colby. He seemed like he was knocked out. I go and blow up a floaty so he will float in our pool. I set up the camera and let it record us putting him on the floaty. He moved once but that was about it. We put him and what he was on the floaty on to a blanket so it dont make a lot of noise to wake him up. Corey helped me get him into the pool. "You know when peoples hands or feet go in the water they pee in there sleep." Corey says while pointing to Colbys feet. I look and see that Colby had a little bit of his foot in the pool. I laugh. I walk over to where the plastic balls were in the hot Tub. "Let me show how much of a heavy sleeper he is. I throw 2 balls at Colbys head. He didnt budge. "OK then lets go and wake him up." I had the Camera in my hands grabbed a couple palstic balls and throw them at him while I yell, "Colby wake up!" He then opened his eyes and groaned and rolled over into the water. He then got up quickly. "WELCOME TO THE PRANK WARS!!" I yell. "What the fuck Sam?!" I was still laughing. "How does the water feel Colby?" Corey asks. "Freezing" Colby responds.

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