Chapter 3

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"Now for the last dance of the night, we have the bride and the groom, please put your hands together for Mr Dante Romano and Mrs Violet Romano!" Everybody claps as I search the room for Dante

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"Now for the last dance of the night, we have the bride and the groom, please put your hands together for Mr Dante Romano and Mrs Violet Romano!" Everybody claps as I search the room for Dante. Where is he?

I rush over to my mother in law, "Did you see Dante anywhere?" She glares at me while I wait for an answer but get nothing, "Mum, I asked you a question. Did you see Dante or not?" Her glare just gets harder and her face turns red, if she was an animated character, steam will be coming out of her ears right now. "First of all young lady, you have no right to call me mum but you will call me Madame and second of all, no, I have not seen him anywhere so get out of my way!" she pushes past me as I stumble to my right - embarrassed.

"May the bride and groom please come up to the dance floor." The host announces once again but I look down in embarrassment, "May I have this dance?" I look up and see a hand out. Mason. He and I were good friends ever since Dante and Isabella's marriage got arranged, I smile and lean towards him, "Where is Dante? I can't seem to see him around." He ignores me and instead grabs my hand.

"My silly brother left to go back to the hotel." He lets out a small laugh as I feel tears forming in my eyes because I feel so ashamed and distraught, "Let me have this dance with you. I will announce it's the bride and brother in laws dance, don't you worry." He smiles at me as we both walk together to the dance floor.

I could hear a few people whispering things but I keep my head high as I stand in the middle of the dance floor, reminding myself that I never make no mistake but Dante has. Mason walks up to the host, he grabs the mic and makes himself the center of attention, "Good Evening ladies and gentlemen, I apologize for the interruption but the groom had to just step out for a few minutes due to some important business as we all know he is a workaholic." Everyone burst into laughter which makes everyone drift of the topic of me standing alone on the dance floor.

"So, this dance will be a brother and sister dance, as we welcome a beautiful bride into the family." Everybody claps once again, "So, I doubt anyone has a problem with this and let's enjoy this night!" Everybody cheers while the lights turn off and a spotlight hits onto me. I look up in confusion as the song 'Thinking out loud' by Ed Sheeran plays.

Mason takes my hands and puts it around his neck as he slips his arms around my waist. Everybody stares at us and I feel even more uncomfortable than before, this song doesn't suit us at all, "Stay calm Violet. Don't worry about anything. You got this." Mason whispers, I listen to him and dance to the song just enjoying myself.

Soon, I find Mason bending down, grabbing onto my waist and before I could say anything he lifts me up and twirls us around as everyone cheers us and from a distance I spot my mother in law giving me death glares, just as the song is about to end he puts me down and kisses my forehead gently.

I hear a few gasps come from people but some just give a few 'aw' s'.

He then takes the mic and looks at me, "I would like to welcome you, Mrs. Violet Romano to the Family!" Everybody shouts congrats and they walk towards the dance floor to dance. "Violet, you should go to the hotel now. The driver is waiting for you outside." I smile at him and give him a hug, "Thank you so much Mason for everything that you have done today. I really appreciate it. Thank you so much."

He hugs me and he pats my back, "No problem, Violet. You are part of the family now and as your brother, I have to keep you away from the embarrassment that Dante lays upon you." I smile and say goodbye as I walk outside.

I shiver once the cold air hits my bare skin, "Stop!" I turn around and see my mother's wrath, "How dare you insult us like that on your wedding day in front of everyone!? Dancing with your brother in law as if he is the one you married!"

I stare at her in shock. Who is this woman? My mother would have never said such insulting things about me, "Mother I....." I never got to finish my sentence before a hand makes contact with my left cheek. I let out a horrible screech when I fall to the ground, "Get up and leave. If I ever hear a complain again from Mrs. Romano, I swear Violet, you will regret it. Now, get out of my sight." I scramble back up to my feet and rush away from my mother to the car that was awaiting for me.

I get in and shut the door and tell the driver to drive off to the hotel but I turn to see my mother in tears, was she forced to do that? I look down at my dress to see some gravel and a rip on it. My silent cries makes me realize how much I had to endure today. It was a day filled with horrible and terrible moments and memories.

I will never forget this day. I will never forget that Dante Romano is my husband, I will never forget that he is the reason for my mother slapping me. He is a man with looks but not personality.

This marriage is not just only a business deal for me but a sacrifice for my sister who bears another man's child, the love of her life. I will do anything for my Isabella because I never really had the opportunity to protect Anna - the first eldest daughter to the Amber Family.

 I will do anything for my Isabella because I never really had the opportunity to protect Anna - the first eldest daughter to the Amber Family

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