Chapter 10

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Doctor. Cole Adam - role played by Francisco lochowski.

It has been a week later and I've finish cleaning the whole house except Dante's office and his room since I was ordered not to do so, the maids have come back a few days back so they have cleaned up the remaining rooms. It was not been easy and I'm just so exhausted, yesterday one of the maids, Lilly told me that Dante will be coming back home today. No, I'm not happy, I'm actually dreading his arrival.

I pull on a comfortable set of clothing after a hot shower and walk downstairs towards the sitting room.
I lie down on the couch while holding onto my back, the bruises are getting worst and I have no clue why because it happened so long time ago and my hands have started healing with the homemade remedy that Abigail has been making me for the pass few nights.

Resting my head on the scatter cushion, I stare out of the window and watch the rain fall and tap onto the glass, "Violet, Sir has arrived." I look up to see Lilly fiddling with her fingers, "Where is he?" I stand up but immediately drop to the ground, "VIOLET!" Lilly screams, fear evident in her voice. She runs up to me and  helps me up, my back feels worst than before and it's quite numb than the previous encounters with my body slamming to the floor, "Calm down, Lilly."

More maids soon flood the sitting room to see what drama is going on - drama lovers, "Everything is fine here." I nod at them to leave as they follow my orders and walk out of the sitting room, "Are you okay?" Lilly asks with concern, I smile and nod when I feel my back soon pumping it's right amount of blood.

I hear the front door open and I take it as my que, I walk slowly towards the entrance of the house with Lilly right by my side, "Sir, may I take your bags inside?" I hear one of the maids ask him, I come into view as I see him standing there, drenched. His black V- neck t-shirt hugs his body and his hair is dripping wet. Veronica stands next to him, wiping herself violently, "Get me a towel!" She barks. I take a step back at how loud she is, one of the maids rushes to her assistants as she walks away and I stare back at Dante.

He looks up and stares at me as I see water droplets fall out from his hair and drop to the floor, I look at him as I notice he has a scar on his neck narrowing my eyes I look closer and notice a LOVE BITE! My gaze drops to the ground as I realize while he was having the time of his life, I was been the maid of his house.

I hold onto the wall and bite my lip when I feel a sharp pain run through my body. I lean my head onto the wall next to me closing my eyes for a few minutes to calm myself down and when I open it once again I look towards the spot where Dante once stood and is now replaced by a few droplets of water. I turn around and head back to my paradise.

One hours later

"Violet." I hit the hand that is shaking me, "Leave me alone!" I shout. I turn around and cuddle into a pillow, "Wake up, Violet, NOW!" Damn, this person is really irritating, I roll around once again and swing my hand in the air but as soon as I do, I feel skin. What?

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