Chapter 6

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Violet Amber - Role played by Taylor Hill

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Violet Amber - Role played by Taylor Hill.

I wake up with the sun shining directly onto my face, I really should start closing the curtains before I can get into bed. I sit up whilst rubbing the sleep away from my eyes. I stand up and walk into the bathroom to get ready for the horrible day that awaits me.

Yesterday, I never get to have my supper since I walked into a dining room with two people making out on the table while all those delicious food looked like they wanted to cry and get away from the disgusting view that burnt my eyes.

Last night, just before I could get into bed Dante barged into the bedroom and announced that his parents will be coming over today for supper and before I could ask him if they know about his little plastic blonde, he shut the door.

Now, why is this day going to be horrible for me? Well, his parents hate me and I can say vice-versa but I will not show them disrespect since they are elder than me and if I had to show them disrespect I will hear it from my parents.

I put on a dusty pink crop top and a faded blue jeans paired up with white sneakers, as I walk out of my bedroom and downstairs towards the kitchen I spot the cook who I has met yesterday afternoon, "Morning Mrs. Abigail." I smile at her while giving her a hug, "How is your day going?" I ask her as I help her with the bacon.

I look towards her direction waiting for a response but to see a tear slip down her face, "Oh My! Mrs. Abigail." I rush her towards the chair which I make her sit on, "What is wrong?" I pour a glass of water for her and hand it over to her, she lifts the glass to her lips and takes a sip.

"Honey, since the time I started working here, no one has ever been so nice to me and has ever asked me how my day is going." She smiles as she grabs a hold onto my hand. "You are an amazing women Mrs. Violet and my day has turned into a great one since you have arrived here." I smile and hug her but our session soon comes to an end when I smell something burning, "What is that-"

I turn around and scream when flames blow towards my face, "oh no! Mrs. Violet step away!" Abigail shouts and pushes me away from the burning frying pan. Abigail rushes to get water to put the flaming pan off but as she throws water the fire gets worst and she soon loses her balance.
The pan slips and before it could fall on Abigail's leg, I push her legs away and I was not quick enough to pull my own hands away when it falls onto them.

I hiss out in pain but before I can look into the damage, the fire alarm sounds and the water sprinkles activate, I stand up with a stinging pain rushing through my arms.

"Mrs. Violet! That's a horrible burn, we need to get you to a doctor immediately." She slightly grabs my hands and examines it. I take this time to see the blisters forming onto my hands, they look terrible and disgusting. I can only imagine the long term mark it will cause.

"What the hell is going on here?" I turn around and see an angry looking Dante at the door. Abigail looks down as I give her hand a small squeeze to notify her that everything is going to be alright but winch in pain due to the burn. I walk out of the kitchen with Abigail following behind me, "We will continue this outside, let's move!" He pushes his wet hair out of his eyes as I look at his drenched royal blue suit.

Abigail goes forward as we both follow behind her - Abigail is a pretty 40-year-old woman and she is married to one of Dante's worker's., the floors are soaked and it makes it hard to walk on. Dante stays quite but I can see he wants to burst at any given moment.

Not thinking about where I'm walking my right leg slips due to a puddle of water and I find myself falling backwards. I close my eyes as I hesitantly wait for the impact but soon two arms slip around my waist. I open my eyes and see a pair of brown eyes staring down at me

"Are you okay?"

I nod as he lifts me up and makes sure that I am steady enough, "Watch where you are walking." We continue walking again but I find it really hard to keep my balance, "Take my hand." Dante holds his hand out but doesn't dare to look at me, "I am fine, thank you." Honestly, I would have taken his help but I don't want him to see the burns - The only thing about trying to be independent is that you even want to keep your pain to yourself.

He soon gives him and starts walking ahead of me while I struggle to get to the entrance of the house. Soon, we both find ourselves outside with everyone else standing there, drenched. Before anyone could say anything 'Blonde' runs up to Dante and grabs onto his hand like a dying seal, "Honey! Are you okay?" I roll my eyes at her fake concern. Can no one really see that she is only pretending that she gives two flying colours about her 'Boyfriend'.

"Not now Veronica!" He pushes her away as she looks down embarrassed, that serves her right. "Now, will you two open your mouths or shall I make you speak?" Dante raises his voice at Abigail and I, "Mr. Romano it-"

I cut Abigail off, "Can we speak about this in private, Dante?" Dante stares at me but I find his eyes soon running down my wet body and landing on my hands? I realize that his glare is fixed onto my burns and I find his eyes softening, "How-"

Veronica disturbs him when she grabs a hold onto his hand and I find his eyes harden once again. I knew he was going to scream at me so I reluctantly bow my head, I feel tears surfacing when my eyes meet my burnt hands, well that is going to be a life long mark that I will have to live with. "Did I not tell you to never interrupt me, Veronica?"

Veronica sighs and moves away from him, dropping his hand in the process, "Follow me, Violet." My eyes widen when I realize he has just taken my advice and considered something I have said. "Okay." A slight smile plays on my face as I follow 'my husband'.

We soon stop at the back of the house where a beautiful garden planted itseld to the ground, "So beautiful." my hand runs across the white rose bush as suddenly I regret doing so when Dantes says that he planted it because Isabelle always loved white roses. "Anyways-" I cough, breaking the awkwardness, "It was not Abigail's fault at all it-"

I stop when I see his hands reaching out towards mine, "Does it hurt?" I frown, was he even listening to what I have been telling him? I pull my hands away from his, making sure not to get hurt once again. I really didn't need his sympathy because he already made it clear to me that he doesn't care so why should he be worried about me.

"I am fine. You don't need to worry about me and I really don't need your sympathy because you made it quite clear on our wedding day that you don't give two-" I see anger flash through his eyes and I am too late to duck down when his hand meets my right cheek. I lose my balance and fall down, near his feet.

"Get your ass up and go clean the entire house."


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