Chapter 32

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I open my eyes and I sit up on my bed as I rub my eyes, I stretch as I stand up and walk towards the bathroom. I enter the bathroom and shut the door, I look in the mirror as I rub my eyes again to adjust the light.

As my vision adjusts, my eyes widen as I look around the bathroom. This is not my bathroom, my mind goes back to last night as I try to remember what happened. This is Dantes room.

I run out of the bathroom as I see Dante sitting on the bed with his phone but soon his head snaps and looks at me. I stare at him as he puts his phone on the bed and walks past me to his bathroom.

I sigh and walk out of his room but quickly bump into Veronica "what the hell was you doing in My Boyfriends room?!!!" she screams as I roll my eyes and walk past her "I'm talking to you, you slut!" she follows me as I walk into my room and as she is about to push herself in, I shut the door on her face as I lock it and she bangs on the door while yelling stupid things.

I message my friends and let them know that we should meet up at the mall. I take a shower and put on a green velvet lace top, white ripped Jeans and a velvet green high heels. I do a dark green eyeshadow with pink lipstick. I straighten my hair and set it behind me.

I look at my phone and see all my friends have said yes and they will be there in a few minutes, I walk downstairs and greet the maids and guards

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I look at my phone and see all my friends have said yes and they will be there in a few minutes, I walk downstairs and greet the maids and guards. I walk into the kitchen to get a set of car keys and see Dante leaning on the island with Veronica in between his legs, kissing him.

I take the BMW keys and walk out of the house. I get into the car and drive out. I arrive at the mall and walk inside, my friend Emma messaged saying we must meet at Starbucks.

I walk to Starbucks and see my friends sitting there, I smile as I walk towards them "OH MY GOD VIOLET!!" Emma yells as she jumps out of her seat and hugs me "oh my word! I missed you so much!" she says as I hug her back "I missed you to Emma" I laugh as she let's go and Olivia comes and hugs me. I smile and greet everyone "did you forget about me?" I turn around and see Steven. I smile and hug him "oh man! I missed you so much Stevey" he hugs me back and laughs "same old Violet" I smile as we all sit down.

"so why did you go ghost for so many weeks?" Ava asks me as we all order drinks, I sigh as I remember I still never tell all of them that I'm married "guys I need to tell you'll something" Steven smiles and grabs hold of my hand on the table "tell us Violet" I nod as I know they going to want answers because they all will be confused.

I lift my left hand up and show them the ring on my finger "I'm married" everybody goes silent and Stevens' hand leaves mine "what?" Emma frowns as she glares at me "is this a joke?" she asks as I shake my head no "guys I'm being serious. I'm married now" Liam starts laughing as he holds onto his chest "are you kidding me?! That's the worst joke ever" I roll my eyes as I glare at him "I'm serious. You'll remember the guy Isabella supposed to get married too?" they all nod as I lower my head "I got married to him" they mouths hang open in shock as Mia just stares at me lost "why?" she questions "Isabella got cold feet all of a sudden and I had to marry him. My parents did not want to cancel the wedding since it was for our reputation and the business" I say as they nod. Steven stands up and grabs his things "sorry guys. I need to go" he leaves as I stare at his back weirdly "what the hell is wrong with him?" I miss out as Emma stares at me shocked "what?" I ask her as she shakes her head "dude! Don't you understand, that guy has been in love with you since the 8th grade" I stare at her in disbelief.

I took Steven as my big brother and never as anything else. I always felt he will protect me but in a brotherly way, I sigh and put my head in my hands "this is all too much" I sigh as Ava puts her hand on my back "it's fine Violet. We understand. Now, will you show me a picture of this lucky guy" I laugh as I pull her phone from her hands and she frowns at me?

I Google 'Dante Romano' and his pictures pop up and news about him and his family. I pass it to her as her eyes go wide "oh my mother" she says as Emma grabs the phone and stares at it "what a hottie!" I laugh as everyone looks at him and Liam pulls the phone from Mia's hand and looks at the pictures "damn Violet! You doing good" I laugh at the waiter brings all our drinks to the table and we start drinking "how old is he?" Ava asks as I recall the time my dad and I had a conversation about Dante "his 25" they all nod "his the number one bachelor dude!" Noah says as he high fives Liam "she's doing good man" Liam said as we all laugh.

"guys why don't we go clubbing tonight?" Ava smirks as she looks at all of us. I smile as I remember the old times, when Anna and I use to sneak out of the house to go partying with our friends "I'm in" Liam says as all of them agree to it, they all look at me and I shrug "I don't know guys" I say as Emma frowns "I'm married now guys. I'll feel guilty if I come" Noah nods but smiles "why don't you invite your husband and then we can all meet him" Mia smirks as she opens her mouth "Damn I won't mind" Emma hits her on her head "our best friend is married to him. You idiot!" I laugh as I nod.

Maybe I should go but I doubt Dante will come.

"I'm in," I say as they all smirk.

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