Chapter 20

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Dante walks out of the closet as I look at him in shock... He was covered in tattoos, his whole body was covered in tattoos. I only saw his hands and his tummy with tattoos but damn, I don't like tattoos but on Dante, it looks...... Good.

"enjoying what you see" I blush as I shake my head "let's go now" he smirks as we walk out of the glass door and he locks it, I see the whole mafia on the beach. There were so many of them "are these all the people that are in the mafia?" I ask Dante as we walk together on the sand "No. I got people all around the world, this is just a few" I nod as I see Veronica eyeing Dante "so... Are the maids and stuff part of the mafia?" he stuffs his hands in the shorts pocket "most of them are" I nod my head as we continue to walk, as we reach where everybody was standing. They all look at Dante in shock "WHAT THE FUCK YOU'LL STARING AT!!?" he screams at everyone as they quickly move they eyes "its because for the first time you not wearing a suit mate" Jason walks up to us as he smiles at me. I look around and catch most of the males eyes on me, I look around as I shift more next to Dante because they were like eye raping me but I mistakenly bump into him "what are you....?" he stops talking as he see him look past me, I follow his gaze and see that his looking at the guys who are staring at me.

"FUCKING HELL!!! KEEP YOUR EYES AWAY FROM MY WIFE!" Dante Screams at them as they quickly say sorry and do something else "why did you have to wear something so revealing? Now people must think I'm married to a slut" after hearing that I walk away from him to the water.

I dip my feet as I pull out my cover-up and place it on a chair and sit in the water, it was cold but nice and the sun was shining brightly today. I smile as I put my hand in the water. The water is clear blue and beautiful, I remember when Isabella and Anna went to the beach and we got late for some family dinner and dad got angry with us but Anna took all the blame. I smile as I remember how she will laugh after he shouted at us "so. Violet how old are you?" I look up and see Jason as he sits next to me "20 turning 21 and you?" he looks shocked "you so young!" I laugh as he smiles "I'm 23 and do you know how old Dante is?" I shake my head no as he looks down at the water and splashes at me "Hey what was that for!?" I wipe my face as he laughs "you don't know your own husband's age! Well let me tell you his 148" I laugh as he smirks "I'm being serious" I tell him as he smiles "his 25" I stare up in the sky as I look back at Jason "how long was Dante in the mafia?" Jason sighs as he claps both his hands together "it's not my place to tell you but I can only say he was born in the mafia" his whole life his being in a mafia. That must have taken a toll on him.

"sorry about his ways violet" I quickly look at Jason as I see his expression sadden " he never had a good life and his father..... just give him time. Like today for the first time he wore something other than a suit. You changing him slowly. He needs that" I nod as I understand what Jason is saying "how long have you being in the mafia?" I ask him as he laughs "long enough to say I'm Dantes best mate" I nod as I think what my life with of being if I was born in a mafia world.

I sigh as Jason stands up "let's go in" he puts his hand out for me, I grab it and he lifts me up as we both walk further into the water next minute I know Jason lifts me up and throws me in the water before I could even protest.

"what the hell!!!" I scream at him as he laughs, I wipe the water from my face and see him still laughing and I take my chance by kicking him in the wave that was coming. I laugh as I run, I turn to look back as I see him running after me, he grabs my waist and pulls me into his chest "this is war" he whispers as I see Dante and Veronica lying down together on a beach mat as they both kiss.

Tears fall as I turn to Jason and start crying "I can't Jason I just can't....... I can't live like this knowing that my husband has a girlfriend and kisses her in front of me.....even though we don't love each other but just a little respect will be enough" I cry as Jason holds me "as I said before Violet gives him time. He will realize what he's doing is wrong" I wipe the tears away as I look down "I'm going to shower," I say as I walk away with my head down.

I just need time alone.

I walk pass Dante and Veronica as I see Dante looking at me but I ignore him and walk to the house, I unlock the door and go inside. I pick a set of clothes and go to have a shower.

After the shower, I put on my clothes and lean against the wall 'what has my life come to?' I wipe the tear and stand up straight walking out of the bathroom and sitting on the bed as I see everyone still playing in the water

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After the shower, I put on my clothes and lean against the wall 'what has my life come to?' I wipe the tear and stand up straight walking out of the bathroom and sitting on the bed as I see everyone still playing in the water.

I lay down as I stare at the plain white walls. I think back to what happened and how my innocence was almost taken. Yes, I'm a virgin, I've never had a boyfriend before.

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