Chapter 34

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He looks me up and down "go get ready," he says in a soft voice "I'm getting late. I need to go" I try to pull away from him but he holds me in place "I'm so sorry Violet" my head snaps at him as I stare at him in shock "I'm so sorry" he pulls me in and hugs "first time" I say as I stare at him "you said sorry for the first time" I state as I look at him. He smiles and holds my hands "I'm sorry Violet. I'm so sorry. I was not thinking at that moment" I nod as he smiles and leads me to my room "I can't just forgive you like that Dante" I whisper as I look down, he lifts my chin up and I look into his hazel brown eyes "I know. What I did is not acceptable. I was not thinking Violet and I'm sorry about that" he says as he puts his hands on my face, I look at him and nod "go get ready" he nods his head to the red velvet dress that sat on the bed "I'm already ready" I say as he shakes his head "wear the dress. You look beautiful in it" I stare at him weirdly while thinking back to what he said before "as I said Violet I was not thinking at that moment when I did... those things" I nod as he hands me my dress and nods to the closet.

I put the dress on and put my heels on, I do my make up and walk out of the closet. His head snaps to me as he smiles "you look amazing. Stay by my side all night, I don't want unknown eyes on my wife tonight" I laugh as we both walk downstairs and I take in what Dante is wearing. He changed his clothes and now instead of a black suit, he wore a white V neck t-shirt with black jeans and a leather jacket. I smile as he looks so different, his hair was messy and he wore black Adidas takkies.

"oh, my... You'll both look amazing" Abigail smiles as she runs towards us "Thanks Abigail" I hug her as she hugs back, she looks at Dante and her face turns into fear "Hello sir" she says as she shivers back "where are you'll go to?" she asks me as she does not stare at Dante "we going to the new club that I recently opened" Dante says as I stare at him in confusion "you're the owner?" I ask him as he nods "darling you don't know half the things about me" he whispers in my ear "you'll leave now before you'll get late" Abigail says as I smile at her and Dante leads me out.

We get into the car as we drive off to our destination "why did you not tell me about you being the owner of the club when I first told you about it?" I ask him as he smirks "well... Surprise" I growl as he laughs "is this the first club that you own?" I ask him as I stare at him. Damn, he looks really nice "Darling I own most of the clubs except 2 which is LA Dive and AD which is owned by the Russians" I nod as we arrive at the club. It actually looks really nice.

We both get out of the car as I see a queue lined up, I spot Liam as I walk towards him. Dante follows right behind me as he wraps a hand around my waist "Liam!" I call out for him, he turns and his gaze does not even set on me but on Dante "OH MY SHIT!" he yells as he continues staring at him "Liam!" I snap my fingers in front of his face as he turns towards me " where are the girls?" I question him he just nods and still stares at Dante "I will think you gay if you don't stop staring at me" Dante says as he laughs and shakes Liam's hand. I stare at Dante in shock as he makes a conversation with Liam "VIOLET IS THAT YOU?!" I turn around and see the girls running towards me "oh my fuck!" Ava says as she stares at Dante, Dante turns around as he looks at all of them "Dante this is Olivia, Ava, Mia and Emma" he nods as he says hi to them but Ava jumps and hugs him "I've been staring at your pictures in magazines and to meet you, in reality, GOD you look even hotter!" he pulls his left hand up and shows her the ring "Sorry love but I'm married" he says as we all laugh and he looks down at me "I like your friends" I nod as I see Noah walking towards us "oh hi you must be the lucky guy" Noah and Dante shake hands "I'm Noah" Dante starts talking to him as I stare at the girls but their eyes were on Dante "Girls his taken STOP!" they roll their eyes and Emma giggles "lets go" Dante says as he puts a hand on my back and leads us to the entrance "follow us" Dante says as he looks behind, my friends frown but they still follow us.

We walk to the bouncer as he looks at Dante "Boss" he nods his head and the guy opens the door "my wife and our friends" he looks behind and the bouncer nods and smiles at me, I return the smile and we all walk into the club. My eyes light up at how beautiful it was, it was not a clumsy club like how a normal club looks, Le Mura is classy, the walls were all glass and the bar stood at the front and people danced as the DJ played music. It was amazing "like it?" Dante asks me as I nod, this is the first time I've been to one of Dantes clubs. I've been to the club that was near Emma's house but that was owned by the Russians as Dante said.

He smiles and we all walk to the VIP section "you'll take a seat and I'll be back" Dante says as he leaves. Everybody turns and face me "I thought he was lucky for having you but in reality you lucky" I scowl at Olivia as I take a seat next to Emma "his so nice" Ava squeals as she claps her hands. I roll my eyes, what happened to him? His being such a different person.

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