Chapter 40

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"Anna! Is that you!?" I yell into the phone, I hear someone breath as I hear sobbing "Violet" she cries out as I start crying as well "oh Violet" she cries as I hold the phone tightly "Anna! Oh my God! Where have you been?" I question as I wipe the tears from my eyes "I missed this voice of yours" she laughs as I smile "I had to leave to be safe and away from dad" I nod as I smile "I understand Anna. God, I miss you".

I sit on the bed as I wait for her reply but instead I hear kids voices and I hear her shouting at them "Sorry Violet for that but your nieces are quite naughty" I grin as I start jumping up and down "You gave birth to a baby girl... And wait what nieces"

I frown as I hear her laugh "I gave birth to twins Violet" I start smiling like a weirdo "I'm in Italy Violet and I want to meet you... So where can I meet you?" I start screaming as I jump out of bed and start yelling and throwing pillows everywhere "VIOLET!!!!" Dante burst through my bedroom door as he holds a gun and looks around the room "what the fuck you screaming for!?" he yells as he sees no one in the room and lowers the gun and tucks it in his joggers. I smile and he gives me a weird look "Anna" I say as he stares at me weirdly "Who?" I realize that I still got her on the phone "my sister" his face frowns.

I put the phone to my ears and give Anna the address to the house and I hang up as she says she will be here in a few minutes "she's alive?" Dante questions as I nod my head, I run and hug him "I can't believe she's alive Dante! I thought I will never see her! God, I missed her so much" I let go of him as I realize what I did "sorry" he just stares at me "we will take her out for dinner then okay," he says as he gives off a genuine smile, while I notice the dimples on his cheeks.

I poke it as he growls at me and walks out of the room, I start laughing as I save Annas number on my phone and I stare at Isabella's number but I leave my phone on the bed stand and I go to Jason's room. I knock on the door but he does not answer, I push the door open "Jason!" I look around the room but his not in here "his gone to Romano's Industry", I look at Dante as he smiles at me.

I smile back as I walk towards him "Anna gave birth to twins. I'm an AUNT!" I jump up and down as I clap both my hands together, he starts laughing as I roll my eyes at him and we both walk to my room "I need to find something nice to wear now" I say as I walk into my closet "you look beautiful with what you wearing" I look at Dante shocked as his eyes land on my tummy "are you gaining weight?" he questions as my face goes red and I stare at myself in the mirror. I'm getting fat.

Tears start falling as Dante walks to me "don't cry" he wipes my tears and grabs my face "I just asked, I never mean to hurt your feelings. Sorry" I nod as he hugs me and I start crying more. Why the hell am I crying!!!??

Dante let's go of me and walks to where my clothes are, he picks out a green lace top with black ripped jeans and black heel lace-up boots. He hands it to me "wear these" he walks out of my room and I change into the set of clothes. I look in the mirror and see that this outfit actually looks nice but my stomach... It's just irritating. I stamp my foot and put my hair in a high pony and I don't put any makeup.

My phone rings again as I see Anna's name appear on screen, I grin as I pick it up "Anna" I say as I hear her shout the kids again "sorry Violet for that again" I laugh as she sighs "I came to the address that you gave me, I don't know if it's the...

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My phone rings again as I see Anna's name appear on screen, I grin as I pick it up "Anna" I say as I hear her shout the kids again "sorry Violet for that again" I laugh as she sighs "I came to the address that you gave me, I don't know if it's the right house because it's a mansion" she says, I laugh as I tell her it's the right one but I hang up quickly and run downstairs but bump into someone "sorry" but the person grabs my hand and pulls me into them.

I was about to yell at the person but I look and see it's Data "where you going?" he questions as I smile "my sisters outside, so I'm going to enter the code and let her in" he smirks and pulls me to the kitchen "what are you doing?" I question him as I'm very impatient to see my sister, he presses a button that's on the wall in the kitchen and presses the speakerphone one "drive straight down" I see her car appear in the small screen that's on the wall and I grin with happiness "thanks, Dante" he frowns down at me "for what?" I just ignore him as I run to go stand outside.

A silver Audi drives in as it parks right in front of the doors and she opens the car door and I run up to her "ANNA!" I yell as we both hug each other "oh Violet I MISSED YOU!"

I pull back as I hear 2 small girls voices "mummy" I look down at the two most gorgeous small girls, one had blond hair and the other had brown hair but they looked exactly the same, "babies" Anna bends down towards the little two angels and points at me "this here is your aunty, Daisy and Caroline" my eyes widen as I hear their names.

Their big eyes glare at me and they run and hug my leg, I laugh and bend down "it's so nice meeting you'll" I smile and give each one of them a kiss "Mama always talks about you" I smile and look at Anna but see a guy standing next to her and holding her waist. He extends his hand out for me to shake as I stand up "I'm Adam, Anna's boyfriend and the father of our beautiful kids" I shake his hand and smile at him "I'm Violet. It's so nice to finally meet you and I would like to thank you for looking after my sister and my two beautiful nieces" he smiles and kisses Anna's head "it's my duty as I love my family"

Daisy and Caroline run behind Anna as they hide and look behind me, I look behind confused as I see Dante standing there, I smile at him as he eyes me. He walks front and stands next to me "I'm Dante Romano. Violets husband" my sister's eyes widen and Adam stands in front of Anna and the kids "guys it's fine. Dante is my husband" Anna pulls my hand but I pull it away from her "Violet his dangerous. You don't know what he does" I get angry but I hold it in, I hold Dantes hand as I look at Anna "I know his dangerous and also know that his in a mafia but that does not mean he a bad guy"

I call Abigail to take the kids in as I stare at Anna and Adam "Anna you know about Isabella and I. Isabella told me about her telling you about our relationship but a lot has changed through the years and our fathers got Violet and I married to each other. I love Violet and I don't intend on hurting anyone she loves" I look at Dante in shock as I recall his words.

Does he really love me?

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