Chapter 36

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A black Mustang pulls up as I walk outside with my set of clothing from last night and shut the front door. I turn around and walk towards the car but I see Mason sitting in the front "Mason" I mumble as he comes out of the car "hey violet!" he yells as he hugs me and I hug back "what are you doing here?" I question him as he helps me in the car "I came to visit Dante and I heard Abigail asking one of the guys to come to fetch you so instead I came" I nod as he starts the car and we drive off "thanks for coming" I say as he turns the radio on and puts it slowly, the song drink about played as I hummed to it "what where you doing in the beach house?" Mason asks curious as my mind goes back to the memories last night, my body shivers as I look down "if you uncomfortable then you don't have to answer" Mason says as he puts a hand on my leg.

I nod as I'm very thankful that he understood I was uncomfortable. We reach the house soon as I see Dantes car parked outside, I roll my eyes as I get out of the car and Mason follows as well. I go straight to my room not before thanking Mason once again.

I close the door behind me as I take off my heels and put them away and set the clothes on the bed, I lay down as my mind wonders to last night, Dante was being so nice, he was caring and not rough. He was sweet and a real gentleman, how can he change so quickly.

Tears fall, as I let them out while grabbing onto my pillow and fisting into it as I let out a whimper "why!" I yell as I cry, my body trembles as I kick hard on the bed. Soon after my tantrum, my eyes shut and I fall asleep.

"Violet" someone shakes my body as I rub my eyes and sit up "Lily" I say as I sit up and look at the time on my phone, it was 6 in the afternoon "Dante wants to see you in his office" I nod as I stand up as I tell her that I will be there after I shower.

I shower and put on a pink jogger and a blue crop top. I put my hair in a pony and walk out of my room.

I head to Dantes office as I feel myself getting nervous, I breathe in and out as I knock on Dantes office door "come in" I hear his voice as I push the door open, his head snaps towards my direction as I shut the door behind me

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I head to Dantes office as I feel myself getting nervous, I breathe in and out as I knock on Dantes office door "come in" I hear his voice as I push the door open, his head snaps towards my direction as I shut the door behind me.

He stands up as I stand by the door "what do you want Dante?" I question him as I fold my hands and look at him, he sits on the desk as I take in what he is wearing, he wore black joggers with a Grey V neck T-shirt. His dressing up differently nowadays "watch your tone when you speak to me Violet" he hisses out as I roll my eyes and tap my foot impatiently on the tiled floor "Why did you call me to your office Sir?" I bow down dramatically as he growls at me "whatever happened last night will never be spoken again. I don't want anyone to know and surely I did not sleep with you because I was attracted to you or falling for you darling but I slept with you only because I was horny. Veronica should not come to know about this and no one else should. Do you understand?" he says sternly as I glare at him.

My body heats up as my hands hit the closet object next to me as bottles of wine fall on the floor, breaking and staining the white crystal floor "you know what Dante, I'm tired of you and your bullshit. I'm just sick of your behavior and the way you treat me but don't worry I won't be telling anyone about the night that I regret the most so don't stress and one more thing, Veronica is not your wife but I am so I have no clue why she does not need to know about how you slept with me. YOUR WIFE!" I stood right in front of him as I fist my hands, his eyes turn black as I know, I really pushed it.

I turn away to walk out but he grabs my hand and pulls me near him "you made the biggest mistake of your life by talking to me like that Violet" he hisses out as I stare at his dark black eyes, I fear he might do something he will regret "Let me go, Dante,!" I say as he grips my hand too tight "why should I? After all, I'm your HUSBAND" he mocks me as he pushes me back "get out!" he screams as I hurry out of the room.

I slump down near his office door as I lean my head back and put my hand on my beating heart. How could I have fallen for such a monster?

I stand up and go to my room. I shut the door and see I have 18 miss calls from my friends, I laugh as I send a message to all of them that Dante and I left early yesterday so they don't need to worry.

I put my phone on charge and go downstairs because it's almost dinner, I walk into the kitchen and see everyone helping to prepare things "hey Violet" Katy calls out to me as I walk up to her "hey Katy. What's up?" I ask her as I see her preparing dessert "I'm making chocolate cake and pancetta" I nod as I dip my finger in the chocolate that's melted and eat it "hey!" Katy hits my hand and glares at me, I laugh as I take more "it's so yummy" I tell her as she takes the cake out from the moulding and places it on a tray "how was yesterday? Abigail told me that Boss and you went out" I nod as I block the memories out "it was nice, my friends really like him and he likes them" she nods as I see Abigail talking to a man "who's that?" I ask Katy as she turns to see and sighs "that's Dean, Abigail's husband" I nod as I see him push her harshly back and she slips but before she could fall, she grabs the kitchen island and walks away "he abuses her isn't?" I ask Katy as my eyes shut and my hands form into a fist "he does but not really bad. I told her she should leave him like a year ago but he refuses to give her a divorce. Once he slapped her and he wanted to hit her again but I stopped him. He got angry and stormed off" I sigh as Katy looks down as I can see tears in her eyes.

I walk out of the kitchen and out of the house, I go to the back and sit on the garden bench.

I can't stand abuse. I can't. I need to help Abigail and Lily. That reminds me that guy that hit Lily, I have not seen him since the incident.

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