Chapter 38

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It's been 1 and a half months since the night that my virginity has been taken away from me, I stand in front of the mirror and look at my figure. I'm getting fat, the cream dress held against my bulging stomach as I try pulling it in.

I huff out as I put my heels on and apply some lipstick and I sigh as I prepare myself for the family dinner that we having both Dantes and my family are coming over for dinner and I'm cursing it at the moment.

I walk out of the room and I go into the dining room, I help Lily set up the table and I help put the drinks on the table

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I walk out of the room and I go into the dining room, I help Lily set up the table and I help put the drinks on the table. The doorbell rings as I walk towards the door, adjusting my dress and I open the door, my mother in laws face comes in view as she pushes past me and walks in, my father in law does the same as I see Mason "Hey Violet" he says as he hugs me, I hug back and he smiles "you look beautiful today" he walks in the dining room and I shut the door.

I suck in a deep breath to hold my tummy in but I fail and it bulges out again, I huff out in frustration as I see Veronica walk down the stairs, she wore a pink short dress with black heels and her makeup was posted on her face.

She greets Dantes parents as I walk into the kitchen and help them set things out "is everything set?" I turn around as my eyes land on Dante, him and I never spoken much after that night. We never even seen each other around most of the time because I was either out or in my room "yes sir. We will be serving just now" Dante nods as he looks at me and walks away. I sigh as the doorbell rings again and Katy goes to open the door.

I help to bring the food to the table as I greet my mother and father but my father was the only one to greet back, I take the seat next to Dante as I sit down to eat, my appetite vanishes away and I feel nauseous, I drink water but the feeling does not go away.

I cough and Dante looks at me, I stand up as I cover my mouth and run to the bathroom that's downstairs, I throw up in the toilet as I wipe my mouth once I'm done, I stand up and wash my mouth and brush my teeth with the spare toothbrush that laid there.

I walk out of the bathroom as I go into the dining room, everybody head snaps towards me, I clear my throat as I'm about to sit, my mother stands up "you young lady are very disrespectful. I spoke to you about your behaviour before but still, you don't seem to listen! You a disgrace to be part of this perfect family" tears fall as I clutch my hands into a fist.

"I totally agree with you" Dantes mum says as I wipe the tears away and walk to the kitchen as I see Veronica give me a smirk and she gets back to eating, I lean against the island and I put my head down as I cry. I wash my face and look out the window as I see slight movement in the backyard, I look closer and see a black figure run across the backyard.

I rub my eyes as I look again and see nothing, I open the back door and I walk out while trying to not make any noise. I walk to where I saw the figure and I see nothing, maybe it's just me.

I sigh as I turn around and walk back inside and in the dining room. I sit and start eating while my mother glares at me "Who is this?" my father questions as he looks at Veronica. Dantes mother Giulia smiles as she stands up and walks to Veronica "this here... Is Dantes girlf... Oops I mean Dantes close friend" Veronica smirks and nods at my father "yes I'm Veronica Wards" my mother and father shake her hand as everyone engages in a conversation.

I cough as my throat starts irritating me "are you okay?" My dad asks as I nod and rub my chest "you sure?" my dad ask with concern on his face "yes dad I'm fine" Dantes phone rings as he excuses himself and stands by the dining room door. His face frowns as I look at him with confusion.

I observe Dante as he listens closely to what the person says, his face shows fear and I stand up about to walk to him but his head snaps to me "VIOLET!!!" he runs to me as everything happens so fast. Glass shatters everywhere, gunshots hit as Dante jumps at me and pushes me to the floor, he covers me as I clutch onto his white button-up shirt.

My mother and Giulia run out of the room as I lie under Dante, he takes his gun out of his pants and starts shooting. I duck my head into his chest as he held me "Let's go!" he screams as he takes my hand and we run out of the dining room. I see Dantes men shooting as Dante drags me to the end of the hall towards a room "stay in here and lock yourself in okay" he holds my face as I nod.

As I'm about to go inside the room I hear a voice that reminds me of that one awful day "Not so fast darling" I look up and Dante pushes me behind him. I look at Andrei as he smirks at us "Dante..." Dante looks at me as he grabs onto me and presses me close to his back, I hold onto him as I see Andrei's men appear behind him "I told you before Dante. Didn't I? That I will come back and take the one you love" he laughs as he circles us but Dante pulls me in front of him and holds me "this war is against us Andrei not her! So leave her out of this!" he growls out as I see his eyes go black "tsk. Tsk. Tsk. But Dante you killed someone I love so why don't we make it even" He lifts his gun and a shot goes out.

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